Chapter 6: The Rise

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6 P.M. The sun was starting to set meaning the twilight was soon. He was already walking the narrow alleys of the furhtest suburbs of the city. As he walked closer to the finish line, it was harder to see. Soon it was complete dark and he knew the Drones were starting their curfew rounds. He stayed hidden in the shadows until he came to the last building. He looked around only to notice the containers. He looked around no doors. Nothing. 

Soon he felt something cold pressed into his back. A gun.

"Slowely champ. You don't want to get your brain blown." a voice behind him stated.

"I come in peace"

"Sure. And I am waving this gun just for show. HYDRA is not welcome here."

"I was told to come here and knock 3 times"

"Listen, boy, there is nowhere here for you to knock, unless you want to disturb these poor people that have enough problems without you disturbing their sleep."

Ward was confused. Has he missundertood the guidelines? Maybe, but he was willing to try with Avery's story. Might help.

"Edward Cullen is my favourite character. He would go hunting on the outskirts of the town, but he had to beware the curious eyes watching so he would hide behind the containers. It happened 3 times"

"Close enough. I see Avery started recruiting. We'll see. Now follow me champ. The commander would love to meet you" the man walked over to the house but he didn't go in. Instead he went behind to where the back door was. He went in and motioned for Ward to follow. Soon he went down to the basement and he went again behind discarded stuffed toys only to get to the door that led to a staircase. They went down 3 floors only to come to what seemed like a security point.

"Howdy boys! All sheep accounted for?"

"Agent Walker, nice to see you. All are accounted for, except for your sheep."

"Oh yes, our friend Avery sends us this new pieece of meet for the Commander"

"Seems more like a wolf than a sheep"

"Well, our Avery is a sheep in wolf's skin. I think he found one"

"What was the story this time"

"That romantic crap, the Twilight zone or something"

"Twilight saga" Ward cut in indifferently. Walker just looked at him with a surprise on his face. Soon he recovered an continued.

"Sure. Saga. Whatever. Now boys, I wish you a good day"

"It's almost night" Ward remarked.

"Whatever you say C3PO" Walker said.

"Wh... You know, never mind" Ward added and kept taking in his surroundings.

Walker was walking him down dimly lit hallways deep underground. Some soldiers marched down them pattrolling an greeted Walker as they passed. Walker seemed to be a big shot around here. They passed what looked like a lab, but it was as small as the one Fitz and Simmons shared on the Bus. Still, it was a lot already for an underground agency or whatever this was. Walker finally pulled to a stop as they stood in front of big wodden French doors. Walker knocked and affirmative call cme from the other side.

"Sir, our masked sheep sent us a new one to add to the Ranch" Walker said to the shaddow behind the desk in the right corner of the room.

"What is with this cowboy talk" Ward asked, but no one answered him. Instead the shadow grew until the silhouette of a man was recognizable.

"Agent Ward, I heard a lot about you from Phill. He vouches for you, as seems does our Shepard." the shadow said. "I hope you won't disappoint us."

"It's hard to say since I don't understand half of this cowboy talk. Sure it is code, but why cowboys? And who are you?"

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