Chapter 16: Back to where it all started

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She was just pouring a light green liquid from one epruvete into a tube when her phone notified her she got a message. She knew immediately who it was from - Fitz. She hasn't heard from him in a couple of days while he went with May and Ward undercover at HYDRA. She smilled as she thought back to when he told her he will fight with every fibre of his body to give them a chance to live in a better world, together. He was so brave, all ready for the fight.

She looked at her cell phone. A simple text from him - We are over. Don't call me. Don't text me. What is this? Who deos he thinks he is? Break up with her over a text? Without even a warning? Not calling her for day and then dumping her out of the blue? That won't stand with her.

Simmons left all the work she was doing, hung her lab coat, took her purse and marched out of the facility towards her car. She drove until she  was in front of the large building with an octopus head on the top. She marched in, not even stopping at the reception desk to ask for him. She was furious and heartbroken.

She heard his voice. Oh, how she missed hearing his scottish accent, but he was different. His accent was almost pure british english, he was wearing a suit and his hair was slicked with a gel to the side. He was unrecognizable.

"Fitz!" she yelled. He ignored her. "Leopold! You don't ignore me after you break with me! And over a text! What am I to you?!" She screamed.

Fitz just said to the man he was talking to to excuse him for a second.

"First of, you come here and you dare to yell at me and then you call me as if we are something, but we are not. You have nothing to look for here so go back to whatever place you came from. People have more important things to do then listen to a raging psychopat yelling at me" he told her roughly, with mallice in his voice. Fitz did a gesture with his hands and 3 guards came to take her out.

"You can't do this to me Fitz! We love each other! You can't do this!" she yelled as she was carried out. Once she was out of the building, she crumbled down. Hot tears covered her face and she cried her soul out.


For Simmons the world has lost all the light, became colorless, meaningless. Fitz ignored her. He was completly unrecognizable. She lost him to HYDRA. She had to move on so she burried herself in work.

Months have passed and she hadn't heard from any of her former teammates, not Coulson, Ot May, not Ward, and certainly not Fitz. In those months HYDRA has taken over completely. They took over government organizations, police, court, hospitals. Even her lab came to their list of conquers.

HYDRA soldiers marched through her lab. It seemed like they were guarding or escorting someone in the centre of the circle they have formed around them. And that is when she caught a glimse of him. He was there. After months she has been crying herself to sleep after he broke up with her, she finally recovered and forgot about him, only to have him show up at her workplace.

She hears him start speaking with the lab's head scientist, her boss. For a second there she thought she heard the old Fitz, her Fitz, the man she fell in love with. He loved science, experiments and when he spoke about them he would have this excitement in his voice. But in a second he went back to this robotic man she saw months ago at HYDRA, telling her to back off. One of er colleagues has asked the head scientist for help, at which Fitz completely lost it, yelling at him for being incompetent of doing his work and daring to interrupt the conversation.

She heard someone calling him Doctor. So he was a Doctor now, although he didn't have any medical degrees? They mentioned something about Madam Hydra calling him back at which he responded by calling the so called Madam by her first name Ophelia.

That encounter has woken up hope that has been hidden inside of her. She felt something was off about Fitz and the whole situation of no one reaching out to her for moths. HYDRA has been wreaking havoc and someone needed to put a stop to it. She needed help to save Fitz and stop the undying evil agency.


Simmons hid from the Drones passing over her head. However, she could hear laughter and small talks coming from in front of her. Teenager were talking as if the drones were not even there. She was in front of the high school, that she knew Coulson taught history at.

She went in, looking for his classroom. She heard his voice coming from one of the classrooms. She looked through the window on the classroom door and saw him explaining something to one of his students. The boy just looked at the board at aht coulson was drawing and was taking it in.

"You understand now Brice? Hitler might have been blamed for the war, yet if we look deeper, something had to make him go to war. The Allies spread themselves over the new continents, getting more workforce and things like diamonds, helping their economies grow, and with that also more to conquer more. That seemed allowed, but when he wanted to make Germany bigger, it was frowned upon. I am not saying that Hitler was right, but he was not the only bad guy" Coulson explained. 

Simmons thought about his words, and there was some sort of truth in them. Coulson seemed like he enjoyed his work. Working with children was something she never thought she would see him doing, yet he was a natural. The kid, Brice, was amazed by what Coulson just told him. He thanked his professor and went out.

Simmons took that as her sign to get in.

"How can I help you miss?" Coulson asked her politely.

"Oh, you don't recognize me"

"No sorry, should I?"

Simmons watched him. He didn't recognize her.

"Uhm, do you know someone named Fury?"

"No. I only know of a Nick Fury, former director of SHIELD. The man has been killed for his crimes against our society when his organization fell" Coulson said as if he quoted a book.

"Funny you think SHIELD was bad, when you were an agent of SHIELD and friend with Fury"

"I am sorry miss, but you must have me confused with someone"

"No, I don't. you are Phil Coulson, agent of SHIELD, my boss and friend. You led a special team on the Bus around the world to intervene and save people. We were good."

"How did you get by Bus to Europe?" he asked.

"You don't remember?" Coulson just negated. "Bus was the plane Fury gave you."

"Why Bus? Why not something jet conected or something cooler like Lola?"

"Lola was your flying car, so I guess it makes sense"

"How do you know about Lola?"

"As I said, you ha d a flying car, an old timer, red, and you named her Lola. No one was alowed to touch it"

"I always dreamed of having such a car, but I never had it. They have flying cars? Damn!" he commented surprised.

Simmons kept on watching him. he was also slightly different, as part of him was erased and reprogrammed. Similar to Fitz. She looked around to notice a Hawaii hula dancer on his desk and a post card from TAHITI. 

"Do you remember TAHITI. It's a magical place" she saw his eyes light up, he remembered something.


"Yes, it's me. What have they done to you?"

"I don't know. I feel like I have been dreaming. Is this real? Am I a teacher?"

"Yes, unfortunately it is real. SHIELD fell. HYDRA took over. you lost hope and left"


"Oh God, they messed with your brain. Yet, you seem to remember some things, unlike Fitz. Probably due to your revival and TAHITI project, the brainwashing didn't take a full effect. Come on, let's get out of here" she took him by the hand and lead him out

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