Chapter 9: You call this fine?!

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Quake started storming out of the mission control room. As she walked down the hall towards the elevator, building was shaking slightly.

"Maybe don't use the elevator? For your and our sake, hm?" Sorenson called after her. She turned around, glared at him, and went down the staircase. Or rather she jumped down, using her powers to land safely 6 floors down.

As she walked, people moved out of her way. Quake was not the one to mess with when she was in her killer state. She went to the bunker to wait on the quinjet carring the 3 survirvors from the failed mission they were sent on.

As the jet landed, tired Hidgins and Falk walked out first, sending the medics team waiting for them in to get Ward.

"What happened?" she asked, concern in her voice to one of her team leaders.

"I don't know, Liutenant. We went in. It was empty. Things we saw were horrifying. How they had Inhumans in those weird containers. Why were we not alowed to engage?" Falk asked her superior.

"It was out of my hands. The order came from over my head. More specifically the Doctor."

"That man doesn't care about our kind. We are just weapons to him and Madam HYDRA"

"I know Lynn. But you know I don't like his methods, yet they give results. The man is in the position for a reason. To me it mattered more that you could have been outnumbered which happened to be the case, so I am happy you didn't try and do something stupid. I promise you Lynn, we will free them"

"I trust you boss, you know I do" Falk said to Skye.

"Now, why don't you two go to the infermary to get checked out for the injuries. I have given an official request to Pinsky's team to give you all protein booster shots to give you energy. It should help with your recovery"

"He will be alright" Falk told her whith a soft smile as she took Hodgins with her towards the infermary. Skye just looked confused after her. Who? Ward? Does everyone around here know about her possible feelings towards the man?

She headed towards the infermary herself, to the critical department, where she knew they would bring Ward to. He has sustained some pretty bad injuries. He might even be on the desk right now under the knife.

She was right. The doctors there told her he was being prepared for a surgery. The bullet was too deep in his body, and for too long he has been bleeding due to being shot. She watched as the man she knew as a strong stoick lay now on the surgery table completely helpless. An image she never thought would be imbeded in her mind or bother her that much.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He came to conciousness as the ray of sunlight started hitting his face through windows. He observed his surroundings. He was in the medical ward at level 2. He must have been heavely sedated because his head was still spinning,  yet he could barely feel any pain he knew should've been there.

He was alone there until a doctor walked in.

"Good morning agent Ward. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Like I've been dead then suddenly woke up"

"You could say so. She thought you were going to die on our table."

"She?"Ward looked at the doctor with confusion obvious on his face. Doctor just motioned his head towards the window of his hospital room through which he could see a brown curly mess of hair curled up on the armchair in the hallway.

"She stayed here all night. You made her pretty worried. I tell you, if I had someone like that I would never let her go" doctor added.

He looked at her sleeping in that uncomfortable position. He couldn't belive she stayed there with him. She was deffinately something special. He never planned on getting shot, but some bullet from Mace's group went astray and hit him in the cross fire, just before Mace called the fire off. And now she was there, worried sick for him. He might also say, he never expected to get shot through the heart with her arrows, but is started to look like that. Ava's words came to mind. Maybe she was right.

"I see you care deeply for one another. don't loose that" doctor spoke to him again.

"How long was I out?" Ward asked suddenly.

The doctor looked at his watch.

"You arived yesterday around 3 PM. You were taken to surgery straight away and we finished operating on you around 4. Since then until now you were out. We gave you some strong pain killers, so I wouldn't suggest standing up. Better rest. Now is 5 AM, so you have time to sleep of until the sedatives start wearing off."

"You are saying I was out for 13 hours?" The doctor just nodded. "I think that was the longest I have slept for in years"

"That is also one of the reasons you were out for so long. You need to take better care of your health. Although your phisique is amazing if I might add, your brain activity is very low. You boy are still young and full of life so if you want to have a chance in securing that girl for life" he motioned towards Skye"then I suggest more sleep"

"Fine. I'll sleep" Ward said reluctantly. "But you better wake me up before lunch, doc" he ordered to the older man taking care of him and went off to deep slumber.


He woke up to soft skin hovering over his hands. He slowely opened his eyes to see her totaly fazed having his hand in hers, and gently caressing his skin. As soon as she felt his pulse beating faster, she released his hand and stood up.

"Hi" he smiled at her. She looked at him, a sign of relief crossing her face.

"How are you?" she asked carefuly.

"Fine just fine" and that is when relief turned to anger.

"Fine! Hah, that's just amazing. Fine?! You call this fine?!" she yelled at him. "We lost two people on that mission, you came out barely alive out of the jet and that is fine to you?"

"I see you're upset" he simply noted.

"That is an understatement of the year. Upset doesn't even start to cover what I feel"

"Maybe it would help if you gave me a little hint?" he asked softly, looking deep into her brown eyes that shimered due to the tears threatening to start spilling.

"How is this for a hint?" she said punching him lightly in the arm.

"Hey, that hurts. You are hitting someone way weaker than you. That is called cheating"

She said nothing to that. Instead she just leaned closer to him and embraced him carefuly not to hurt his still recovering injuries. He was taken by surprise, but he couldn't help him self. He had to take in a big whiff of her hair. She smelled like honey. He had to smile. In her embrace he felt like he was ment to stay there.

When she removed herself from him, he felt a pang of disappointment. He wasn't ready to let go of her embrace. He looked back up at her. She had a hint of redness start spreading across her cheeks. She felt embarassed.

"So, honey? I always pegged you for a strawbery shampoo consumer" he said trying to cheer her up.

"Idiot" she muttered as she left his hospital room.

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