Chapter 31: Hocus Pocus

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He was in the control room looking at the surveillance cameras, making sure everything was good at the base. They have gotten word of people letting hell loose on the streets after their broadcast. Some even went as far as to try and locate them to join. Walker and Tripp have been out locating such individuals to recruit them, but they would also bring in the strays looking for a shelter from HYDRA forces.

Ward looked at one feed specificaly with a lot of interest. It was showing Skye with her unit, reunited again. They were very loyal to her, he knew that already, but seeing her motivate them and care for them...he could see they also cared for her. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had his suspiscions of some of them. They were just standing too close to her for his liking.

"Watching her again?" he heard. No comments. "You know she is all yours, I already told you that"

"I know that Simmons" he said quite ruffly. "I just like making sure she is okay"

"She is in good hands. Or rather they are" he just shrugged at her comment. "Anyways, Mace has called us in. He wanted to go over a few details in private, before an officaial briefing"

"New mission?"

"I think so." she said and they both left the controls room heading down toward Mace's office.

When they came to the office they could see Coulson, Ward, May, Tripp, Beckett and Walker already there.

"Good. Now that we are all here" Maid suggesting for all of them to sit somewhere, although there wasn't enough for all of them in the impromptu office, so Ward, May and Tripp kept on standing. "Ward, how is Skye?" 

"Good Sir. She is taking care of her people, updateing them on the situation"

"That is good to hear. We're going to need them for our next op" The rest looked at the Commander, waiting for him to explain. "We are going to attack the HYDRA base our new guests have told us is the place where they keep Inhumans"

"Sir, excuse me, but I don't remember Skye mentioning any facilities for her unit. They were always either on the missions or with the specialists on level 3."

"I think you'll have to ask her that, but she backed their stories up. That is why you are all here and she isn't. I need your opinion on who to take on the raid. She will be essential, there is no question in that. However, we might need to keep our play as having you in custody as HYDRA agents"

"They won't want to leave if she isn't the one leading them" Tripp said. "I have seen what that girl means to them"

"But, Skye will have to stay undercover. She can't just go marching in" Simmons added.

"True, but we will also need her to access the intel on the Doctor. We might not encounter him at the facility, and we deffinately want to free Fitz from the brainwashing effects" Coulson said looking a bit sadly at Simmons. He knew she would be the first to march down there if there was any chance she could get Fitz back.

"I think Tremors could be more use to us from here, leading her team over comms and getting us remote access to their serveres" Walker added from his place in the armchair, sipping on Mace's whiskey.

"Walker is right" was all Ward said.

"Then it is decided. Skye stay here. However I want you two on that raid. I don't have enough specialists, and those I have, besides Tripp and Walker, none is remotly as good as you two" Mace said to Ward and May.

"If I might suggest, May will be our best ticket in. AIDA already knows of May being SHIELD since she brainwashed her and May could use her status to get us in. They will learn she has been rebooted, so to say, but Ward and Skye need to stay hidden" Coulson spoke.

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