Chapter 40

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Her heart was pounding as she ran while the sky slowly darkened. She had stopped only once to get a good look at the vehicle that had rammed Ratchet off the road. And it was not what she expected, but it still terrified her. It was a rusted, old, Chevrolet Silverado with an oversized bull bar on the front with poorly welded spikes. The engine was loud, and the tires it was fitted with were a little large for the vehicle too, but it rolled over the rugged landscape very easily, and very quickly. Saphira didn't think this was a decepticon, no, it belonged to the person who had strung up the poor soul by the road for all to see.

And as she ran, she kept running towards large rocks, a steep incline with sharp rocks and so on to keep the vehicle from chasing her very easily. However, whoever is driving followed her without any car to the vehicle, and it felt like they were deliberately taking their time, and the suspense of it was frightening.

Saphira knew she had to try and hide, or have the driver lose sight of her somehow so she could turn around and go back to Ratchet. But, she didn't know if she could because it soon was almost too dark to see. Her only source of light was the light of the moon. In a sense, it wasn't too bad since the sand light up under the light very easily. It also made it easier for the driver to follow her.

She covered her ears when the driver revs the engine, she glanced back to see the truck on a slight angle as it drove over a pair of sharp rocks. She glanced around for a moment before she spotted a gap on a cliff face several feet from her. She ran towards it, hoping it might be narrow enough, or that there was somewhere for her to hide.

It wasn't as smooth as she hoped as she ran, her right foot lowered down and she screamed as she fell forward into a shallow trench. However, she rolled down a rough, rugged wall where the edges of the rock cut into her back, deepened the wound on her right shoulder, scratched her stomach and legs. She groaned and scrambled to her feet, she didn't look to see the vehicle following as she heard the tires rolling down safely on the same wall she had rolled down.

Saphira was lucky nothing was broken yet, or she simply was not feeling it yet because of the adrenaline pumping through her veins, and the panic filling her mind. She ran through the trench and made a left around a sharp corner. She was relieved to briefly not have those headlights on her back, but it won't last for long.

Or at least, that is what she thought. She skidded to a stop when she saw a gap between the wall that was too small for the truck to get through, and it led into a wider plain area. She didn't hesitate and ran through the gap, pausing briefly to turn back and saw the truck rolling past it slowly before revving and speeding away. Saphira had to lose him. She didn't run straight ahead as she knew the driver would follow her. Instead, she ran back into the trench and waited.

She listened to the sound of the truck speeding out of the trench and driving towards her direction in an attempt to find her. Of course, he would not, and she saw the truck through the gap of the trench and it sped away angrily to find her. Saphira let out a sigh of relief, panting heavily and wiping sweat from her forehead. Now she could signal the autobots.

She stepped out of the trench again and walked the opposite direction of the truck, she glanced at the watch on her wrist and she realized she had forgotten about it, which made her feel stupid. However, she was about to press the blue button when she heard the sound of sniffing and growling. She froze and turned, and she could barely see them, but there were eyes looking back at her.

"Fragging coyotes!" Saphira cursed as she saw a pack of them approaching her slowly.

She knew they would have smelt her blood and followed the trail. She tried counting the pack, but she didn't have the chance as one of the coyotes lunged at her. She screamed and bolted away from them, normally she would stand her ground with a dog, but coyotes weren't exactly like dogs. She ran as fast as she could, hearing the calls of the coyotes as they chase her.

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