Chapter 9 - Are you okay?

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4 days later

Y/n's school day went by like normal but Akito and Vivid bad squad had practice after school so Y/n couldn't hangout with Akito that day.

Y/n was helping out with clubs around the school during the afternoon until a group of girls suddenly ran up to her.

"Please help us! We need your assistance!" One of the girls pleaded.

"Eh? Okay! Lead the way!" Y/n replied.

Y/n followed them to an empty classroom with one girl there. While Y/n was checking around the room they closed the door and locked it.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked.

"You're so gullible." The girl who was in front of Y/n said.

"But they said that they needed help...did they not?.." Y/n slowly turned around.

"Ha! No! We just wanted to get something out of you."

"What is it?.." Y/n anxiously asked.

"Are you dating Akito." The girl who was probably the leader said.

"Well umm.."

"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION ALREADY!" The leader shouted as she shoved Y/n to the ground.

"I didn't-"

"Just say. Yes or no. I'm loosing my patience!" She said.

"It's complicated.." Y/n said.

"This girl is helpless." One of the girls said.

The leader was already fuming since she was in a bad mood and decided to kick Y/n on her side before leaving the classroom.

"Do punish her will you? I can't deal with this any longer."

The girls did as the leader said.


"Great. Now I have bruises everywhere." Y/n scanned her arms.

Y/n wore her blazer and went to Weekend Garage.

The bell rang to Y/n's entrance.

"Hey guys! Oh? Where's Akito?" Y/n scanned the room.

"Y/n! Akito is not okay!" An said.

"Huh?! What do you mean?" Y/n said in a slight panic.

"He's overworking himself. He seems weak but no matter what we do he's not cooperating." Toya explained.

"What?! Why?!" Y/n said.

"We met..somebody last night and they said something to Akito." Toya said.

"Well then I'll show them who to not mess with! The heck did they say?!" Y/n questioned.

"Y/n we just need to find Akito and try to persuade him to stop overworking himself!" An said.


Akito never came to Weekend Garage.

So Y/n decided to go home.

When Y/n was walking past a park she heard a familiar voice, singing.

"Akito!" Y/n called out.

Akito stopped and looked at her. Y/n noticed he really did look exhausted.

Y/n ran up to him and held the side of his arms.

"Are you okay?! The others are worried about you! It's night time Akito you shouldn't be out here." Y/n said full of concern.

"Thanks for your concern but I need to improve. I'll be fine-"

"Shush! Okay?! It's clear your not!" Y/n said.

"Y/n this is for Vivid Bad Squad's benefit. And mine." Akito said.

"They are worried about you! Yeah you can practice as long as you can but rest is equally as important meanwhile! No rest can make you feel worse or not even improve much!" Y/n said slightly shaking him.

"You need to get that in your mind Shinonome! Seriously! You need to rest to put on a good performance." Y/n said.

Akito's eyes widened.

"Look I'll leave you alone as long as you go home and rest." Y/n sighed.

Akito's eyebrows furrowed.

"If I don't?" Akito said.

"Either you risk your performance, and not do well the next day or rest and actually perform the best of your abilities." Y/n said.

Akito held Y/n's wrists.

"Listen Y/n I'm doing this knowing the consequences." Akito said.

"Well then your just completely stupid for doing this, are you not even caring about yourself?!" Y/n said.

"I don't need any help!" Akito replied loudly, tightening the grip on Y/n's wrist.

Suddenly Akito's legs wobbled.

"Do you see what you're doing? I'm not leaving until you actually get some rest." Y/n said letting go of Akito which made him forcefully let go of Y/n's wrist.


Y/n started to drag him away.


Y/n set Akito down on the guest bed at her house.

"There's a set of pjs in the closet if you want to change. Eat whenever too cause there's food downstairs." Y/n said.


"Akito I get you want to be better but you're overworking yourself. Just rest up for as long as you need. Skip school if you really want to." Y/n said with a deep sigh.

Y/n started to leave the room then closed the door behind her.


Y/n went to her room and called Toya.


"Toya seriously, what did they say? Akito is so stubborn about this practice schedule he wouldn't even go home unless I dragged him."
Y/n explained.

"Somebody called Arata Tono is a really talented street musician and we met him last night. He said that Akito was less talented than the rest of vivid bad squad. There's more to it but I don't really want to go into further detail." Toya sighed.

"Well then I'll challenge him to a singing battle if he says something like that!" Y/n huffed.

Toya chuckled in the other line.

"Y/n he's got music experience and you don't. It's a rare chance you would win against him." Toya said.

"Well I can believe!" Y/n said.

"You can but the real question is if you can win confidently." Toya said.

"Uh yeah?! If you're my older brother I got a chance!" Y/n said.

" I'm your older brother?" Toya said.

"Well to me you are. It's a short period of time to call somebody your brother but you just give me signs of a brother which makes me feel happy. I hope you don't mind." Y/n chuckled.

"No I don't, may I ask why it makes you happy?" Toya asked.

Y/n stayed quiet, before sighing.

"I don't really like talking about it much since it still gives me a bit of unwanted memories but it's because the brother I talk about is actually dead." Y/n said.

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