Chapter 14 - I'm happy you're here

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Y/n was helping clean up around Weekend Garage. Until her phone made a notification.

She checked her phone and saw that it was a message on nightcord.

"How random." Y/n said before opening the message.

Enanan: (username - u/n) When Akito and you leave can you come over to ours?

Enanan: I feel like I wanna hang out with you for a bit. I know it's Akito's birthday and all but he probably has something to do meanwhile..

Enanan: Plus I have a lot to ask! Not in a bad way ofc

U/n: Sure! I'll see you later!

Enanan: Great! Cya!

Y/n smiled before closing her phone and seeing Toya in front of her.

"Gah! Toya!? Do you need something?" Y/n said.

"This is the worst time but I think its better to tell you now. But is this your brother?" Toya asked showing a picture of him.

"Um yeah?...That looks new.." Y/n said.

Y/n stared at the picture before furrowing her eye brows.

"He seems different?..He doesn't have the key features but he looks like my brother. He looks older too." Y/n said.

"Are you sure you don't have another brother?" Toya asked.

"I have no idea.." Y/n said facing him.

"I'll ask my parents when they come back home. Which is......I actually don't know..Don't worry about it!" Y/n asked.

"Okay then." Toya nodded before walking off.

"An older brother.." Y/n muttered to herself.


"AHH!" Y/n screamed.

"Chill.. It's just me. Was it that scary?" Akito chuckled.

"Well it's literally my second time in a row being jump scared." Y/n sighed.

"Oh I see. Are you ready to go home yet?" Akito asked.

"Oh! About that Ena asked me to come to yours! So we'll be going to your house." Y/n smiled before tidying up.

"Why would Ena ask you to come to ours?" Akito questioned.

"She just wanna talk with me is all! We can go now!" Y/n said.

"Okay then.." Akito replied.


Y/n and Akito were walking to the Shinonome residence until Akito came to a stop. Since they were holding hands Y/n had to stop as well.

"Akito?" Y/n said.

Akito suddenly pulled Y/n into a hug.

"Y/n I'm happy that I was able to spend my birthday with you today. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Even if things go wrong." Akito said with a smile.

"Do you mean it?" Y/n looked up at him.

"I wouldn't be going through this if I didn't mean it would I?" Akito chuckled.

Y/n smiled widely at him before hugging him back.

"If you're indirectly saying I love you then I love you too." Y/n said.

Akito really did love Y/n. Y/n also felt the same way. Y/n felt happy and comfortable around him, all she ever wanted.


"Im home!" Akito shouted.

"Wow! Such a nice house!" Y/n said before taking off her shoes.

"Our future house can look better than this." Akito said with a smirk.

Y/n was left speechless for a moment.

"I hope so!" Y/n said.

"Y/n!" Ena called out.

"Ena hi!" Y/n ran up to her with a grin.

"How was the party?" Ena asked while dragging Y/n to her room.

"It was fun actually!" Y/n replied.

"Oi Ena where the heck you taking Y/n?!" Akito said.

"Oh stop being possessive and let me talk to her this once will you?" Ena replied with a huff.

"Whatever. Just don't do anything stupid." Akito sighed.

"As if! In fact I was the one who invited her!" Ena said before shutting the door behind her.

"Is Akito like that all the time?" Y/n asked.

"When it's you then yeah. He always talks about you." Ena replied.

Y/n was surprised.

"I thought he doesn't talk about me all the time? Is he actually doing that?" Y/n questioned.

"Yeah the whole family knows who you are like they're your friends now." Ena said sitting next to Y/n.

"Wow. But Akito should be talking about music right?" Y/n said.

"He kinda does too. But he doesn't really wanna be bothered when he's home since he's out a lot." Ena responded.

"Interesting.." Y/n whispered under her breath.

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