Chapter 24 - CHRISTMAS ❗️

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Y/n was spending Christmas with Vivid Bad Squad in her house since it was pretty much empty.

They were helping to decorate her house a bit and they were actually surprising each other with gifts.

"So who's gonna put the star on the tree?" An asked.

"ME! I VOLUNTEER!" Y/n said excitedly.

"You're getting over excited for's only 1 day chill out." Akito sighed.

"And you're under excited! ANYWAY! I WANNA DO IT!" Y/n continued.

"Alright!" Kohane smiled before giving Y/n the star.

"That's a very shiny star." Toya commented.

"Stars are shiny! Tsukasa probably thinks he's the brightest star over this one! Even the ones in space!" Y/n chuckled before climbing on a stool and tried to put the star on the tree.

"As can't reach it." Akito smirked.

"I can! I can stretch!" Y/n replied still trying.

Akito chuckled before lifting Y/n up to put the star on the top of the tree.

"Better?" Akito said still holding that smirk.

"Guess so!" Y/n huffed before putting the star of the tree.

"There! In all its- AHH!"

Y/n felt like Akito let go before landing in his arms again in bridal style.

"Gosh Akito you scared me! I thought my soul would leave just like that!" Y/n sighed in relief.

"I did get the reaction I wanted." Akito said before laughing.

"Next time I should be emotionless. And be like  Toya, read people like books so you wouldn't be able to pull something on me! But that's such a cool thing to have!" Y/n commented.

Toya was surprised before he smiled.

"That wouldn't be fun would it Y/n?" Akito said before letting Y/n down.

"For you that is. Y/n probably would be having the time of her life." An laughed.

"You're right!" Y/n said.

Akito sighed.


Y/n and Kohane were in the kitchen making dinner until Kohane asked Y/n a question.

"Y/n is Shinonome different towards you?" Kohane asked.

"Different? Well I guess so! He's cute it may sound unusual to describe him like that but that's what I think!" Y/n smiled.

Kohane smiled at Y/n.

"You love Shinonome a lot Y/n." Kohane chuckled.

"Course I do! He's the best boyfriend ever! But when he has that polite version of him it throws me off a bit but you know!" Y/n replied.

"I understand that!" Kohane nodded.


Akito was putting decorations up near the kitchen and accidentally heard everything they said. He smiled to himself with a slightly flustered face before walking over to Toya and An.

"Akito you finished with the decorations?" An questioned.

"Yeah." Akito nodded.

Toya seemed to be staring at Akito until he chuckled.

"You overheard something, didn't you Akito?" Toya said.

Akito was actually surprised. He thought he calmed down a bit.

"Yeah I did.." Akito said breaking into a smile.

"Ooh? Y/n said something huh? How cute." An said with a smug smile.

"Shut up An." Akito groaned.


"We did it! Good job Kohane!" Y/n cheered after finishing the last dish.

"Thanks Y/n! You did an amazing job too! I'm so excited to try it!" Kohane smiled widely.


After Kohane placed the final plate Y/n's eyes shined.

"I love the way we formatted it! Especially the way you formatted the plates and cutlery!" Y/n commented excitedly.

"Ehe thanks Y/n!" Kohane replied smiling at the girl's excitement.

"No way! You two made this?!" An gasped.

"Yeah we did!" Kohane replied.

"It smells so good!" An said smelling the scent of the food.

"I know! Where's Toya and Akito?" Y/n asked.

"They're in the living room!" An replied.

"I'll get them." Y/n laughed before walking off.


"Food is ready!" Y/n said walking into the room.

"Okay." Toya said standing up from the sofa and walked past Y/n.

"Akito are you not going to eat?" Y/n questioned seeing he didn't move.

Y/n walked up to him.

"Akito? Akito are you daydreaming right now?" Y/n said waving a hand in front of his face.

Y/n sighed.

"Just saying if you wanna eat you can but I'm not promising the best taste if you eat later.." Y/n warned before turning around to leave.

Suddenly Y/n felt a hand hold her wrist and pull her down.


Y/n was sat really close to Akito who hugged her against his chest.

"I really can't help it Y/n. I love you so much." Akito smiled.

"I love you a lot too! I never expected somebody like you to love me so much." Y/n said.

"Expect the unexpected Y/n." Akito chuckled.

"Did you get in some dream or something? Why are you acting as if I haven't talked to you in years?" Y/n laughed.

"Y/n I love you a lot is all. I want to be with you for as long as I live. I want you to watch me surpass Rad Weekend." Akito replied.

"Well I already intended to do just that! We have to eat now though. You can stay over later if that's what you really want to do!" Y/n said.

"Fine." Akito sighed before letting Y/n go.

"Now come on let's eat!" Y/n grinned before helping Akito up and lead him to the dining table.

I just realised the amount of words of affection I have implemented in the last 2 chapters and here.. WOOPS GOT CARRIED AWAY 😞

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