Chapter 37 - Too close!!

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3 days before Christmas eve

When Y/n arrived to Japan it was snowing.

"I was not prepared for this!" Y/n said zipping up her jacket before she exited out the airport.

Ena sadly had work to do on Y/n's return day but she will be free the next day.

"Y/n!" An and Kohane said.

An ran up to Y/n and tackled her into a hug.

"An! An I can't breathe!" Y/n gasped.

"We missed you soo much!" An smiled before letting go.

"Yes we have! It was difficult to get Shinonome to stop using his phone while we were talking at Weekend Garage at first! But he went back to normal later on!" Kohane explained.

"No wonder why he was texting me so much...HE LIED TO ME?! He said he was free the whole week!?" Y/n said with a surprised face.

"Man...he really missed you then..He even lied to you." An sighed.

Kohane smiled.

"Ah nevermind! We got catching up to do at Weekend Garage don't we?!" An grinned.

"Yes we do!" Kohane nodded.

"Later can we get actual warm jackets for me? I was not prepared for snow!" Y/n shivered.

"Let's hurry then!" An said.


The three arrived at Weekend Garage.

"Y/n leave your luggage at the back we have customers later but it's not a lot dont worry. They are specially invited by my dad so they won't cause trouble!" An said.

Y/n nodded before putting her luggage at the back and returned back.

"It's so warm!" Y/n smiled.

"Obviously!" An said.

"Y/n you have Minori as your roommate right?" Kohane asked.

Y/n nodded.

"Lucky Y/n! You have someone you know already as your roommate!" An commented.


Hours later

The three kept talking until An noticed somebody approaching the store. She noticed it was Akito and Toya.


Kohane immediately looked behind her. Kohane ran up to the door and greeted Akito and Toya.

"Um! Hello Shinonome and Aoyagi! How are you?" Kohane asked.

"Uh...good? Can we go in? It's freezing out here." Akito said.

"Wait! Are you guys okay if there's visitors inside? Ken has customers over so!" Kohane asked peeking behind her.

An seemed like she was ready. Y/n was not in sight.

"Yeah obviously. What are you trying to hide Kohane." Akito said suspiciously.

"Nothing! You can come in!" Kohane said opening the door for the two.

Akito glanced at Kohane before sighing and entered the store.

"That's odd." Toya thought.

"What brings you two here suddenly?" An questioned as they entered.

"No reason. It's freezing out there." Akito said.

"We thought it was better to stay here for the mean time." Toya added.

"How long?" An asked.

"What do you mean how long? Have you got some important business or something? You two are very suspicious now." Akito said unamused.

"Calm down Akito! Just wondering!" An said.

"Akito's right. You two are suspicious. Is there something going on?" Toya asked.

"No! Just sit down for the minute yeah? I need to talk to Kohane quickly!" An said.

Akito watched as the two walked away.

"I'm going to ask one of Ken's customers." Akito said.

"Are you that curious Akito?" Toya asked.

"Yeah! They're suddenly acting weird!" Akito said walking over to one of the customers.

"Hello. Sorry to interrupt but have you guys seem anything going on with An and Kohane?" Akito questioned.

"I seen a girl with (hair colour) with them. I think I heard An shout something about telling them to....hi....hit? Hit? No that doesn't sound right..but yeah." One of the customers said.

Akito's eyes widened along with Toya's.

"It can't be Y/n." Akito thought.


An and Kohane were at the back with Y/n.

"Y/n you might have to exit by using the back door...those two might be here for a while so...wait do you have a hotel yet?" An asked.

"An...I have my house.." Y/n said before chuckling.

"Y/n has somebody looked after your house while you were gone?" Kohane asked.

".........I have no idea. I hope I don't get home to a cold and chilly house." Y/n sighed.

"Oh! Okay!" Kohane said.

"Okay then! Go quickly before Akito and Toya get suspicious!" An said.

Y/ nodded before taking her suitcase and headed off.


"Gee that was a close call.." Y/n sighed.

Y/n's phone rang.



Y/n answered.

"Hello!" Y/n said.

"Are you in Japan right now Y/n?" Akito asked.


"Not yet." Y/n lied. She felt bad but she didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"Are you sure?"



"Akito. I. Am. Sure. Why are you doubting me?" Y/n chuckled.

"Are you not the person at Weekend Garage the customers saw?" Akito questioned.

"Yeah! What-"


Y/n immediately muted herself.

Ena found Y/n before running up to hug her.

"Y/n!! I missed you! Akito is so annoying when you were gone you know? Every time I was home Akito kept going in my room asking if I had spoke to you!" Ena said.

"Y/n. Was that Ena?" Akito said on the phone.

"No way!? Akito was on the phone?! Y/n we need to execute the plan right now! I'm sorry! I accidentally exposed you!" Ena apologised.

"Don't worry!" Y/n smiled.

Y/n unmuted herself.

"Akito I need you go home at around...8-9pm and we can speak again yeah?! I got something coming up so speak later! Bye bye love you!" Y/n said.

Akito couldn't reply before Y/n ended the call.

"Y/n can't wait can she?" Akito groaned before entering Weekend Garage again.

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