Chapter 30 - Dont believe it

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Akito stayed awake for the rest of the night because of his thoughts pretty much.

When it was time for school he felt very tired and felt like he couldn't do anything but walking to school helped him wake himself up a bit.

While walking through the gates Akito got pulled to the side in an alleyway between two buildings in the school.

"Akito don't panic! It's just me! An is literally waiting at the school entrance for uniform checks!" Y/n said turning Akito around and fixing his uniform.

"It's odd to see you look this messy..did you wake up late or something?" Y/n asked.

"No. It was because I woke up too early."

"Ah! So you are tired then...well good luck to you!" Y/n chuckled before fixing Akito's hair.

"There! You look way better now!" Y/n smiled.

Akito stared at Y/n before laying his head on her shoulder.

Y/n was surprised before wrapping arms around him.

"Are you planning to skip class Akito?" Y/n questioned.

"Dunno." Akito yawned.

Y/n patted Akito's head.

"Drink water or something. It might keep you awake at class. I'd rather have you sleep in class before the teacher goes in than stay out here to be honest!" Y/n said.

"I'd rather stay here."

" had a nightmare right?" Y/n sighed.

"Yeah.." Akito replied.

"Do you need to talk to someone? Dunno but these nightmares are kinda concerning." Y/n said.

The bell rang.

"Well that's the bell...I'll see you at break okay?" Y/n said pulling away.

Akito nodded


When it was break Y/n was walking to Akito's class until she saw him leaning against a wall talking to Toya.

"Hi Toya and Akito!" Y/n smiled.

"Hello Y/n." Toya said smiling back.

"I'm still tired Y/n. Water only lasted like two minutes." Akito sighed.

"Still?! You must've had a rough night." Y/n said.

"Yeah." Akito said.

"The school hates us honestly! You got Toya and An in the same class as you now! Not complaining but I got Nene and Mizuki in my class! At least! Though I wished we were in the same class at some point.." Y/n said.

Akito just nodded in reply.

"Y/n I need to do something. Try to wake Akito up?" Toya said.

"I got you! See you around!" Y/n waved.

"What are you planning?" Akito asked.

"Maybe some air and running around the school might benefit you!" Y/n said chuckling before grabbing Akito's arm and running off to the staircase.


"Oh this feels nice! The hallways felt really stuffy for some reason.." Y/n commented while they walked on the rooftop.

"I agree." Akito said.

"You awake yet?" Y/n questioned.

"For now, just a bit but we got a really boring lesson so I doubt I'll be awake." Akito said.

"So this was all for nothing?!" Y/n said.


When it was lunch and Y/n got her lunch she went to Akito's classroom to see him asleep.

"This is an occurrence that has never came to my mind but wow." Y/n said.

Y/n walked up to Akito's desk before pulling a nearby desk and chair and sat next to him. Y/n ruffled his hair before staring at him.

Y/n smiled before turning to her lunch and eating it.

The classroom was empty and silent. Probably why Akito was sleeping so well.


Akito woke up to hear talking and somebody close to him.

"Toya pleaseee!! Help me? I literally never asked for your help!" Y/n begged.

"You should've listened to your own lesson Y/n." Toya said.

"You really are doing that to me? PLEASE once?" Y/n said.

Y/n glanced at Akito before noticing he was awake.

"Shoot! I'm so sorry! Did I wake you up?! Go back to sleep don't worry I'll wake you up!" Y/n said hugging him.

Akito just sighed.

"Are you mad?" Y/n asked laying her head on his upper back.

"I just woke up normally." Akito said.

"That sounds very unbelievable for some reason but I'll take it!" Y/n smiled.

"Are you using this as an excuse to hug me?" Akito asked.

"Guess so! You were so cute when you were sleeping!" Y/n chuckled.


"Speechless huh? It's true though!" Y/n said.

Akito sighed before smiling softly.

"Y/n you know how to get Akito to smile. It's a very special feat." Toya chuckled.

"What can I say? I'm well aware it is!" Y/n replied.

"I'm leaving you two to it then. See you later." Toya said before standing up and leaving.

"I'll just ask him again later." Y/n said.

The two were in silence.

"Akito have you decided where to go after we finished high school yet?" Y/n asked.

"Not really. I just wanna stay here and try get into the nearest university." Akito replied.

"Oh..I kinda wanted to try go to a university with O/b/n or just wherever the best university is!" Y/n said.

"Where is he attending university?" Akito questioned.

"Somewhere overseas. He might've moved but he said something about a university at our home country (doesn't have to btw)." Y/n responded.

"So I won't be able to see you everyday anymore?" Akito questioned.

"Yeah sadly. But I'm not missing a single event! You know O/b/n is your biggest fan? He will be able to help!" Y/n grinned.

"Good to know." Akito chuckled.

GUYS I DONT KNOW HOW JAPAN EDUCATION STUFF WORK IF THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN COLLEGE THEN UMMMM.. let's say that first 2 years of University is kinda like college ?? IM SORRY 🤕

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