Chapter 23 - Are you bored?

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Y/n kept signing papers for the past few minutes and Akito just stayed in his place.

"Aren't you getting bored Akito? You know you can go out yourself? It's way better than sitting around here." Y/n said.


"I'd rather be here than be alone." Akito said sounding a bit tired.

"Well do as you please. You can go when you want!" Y/n said.

"You know it's almost Christmas holidays Y/n? You should be doing better things than signing papers that aren't yours." Akito said.

"I know..why? Is it because you wanted to go on a date?" Y/n laughed.

"Isn't this already a date?" Akito questioned.

"A pretty long date. But I really don't know what you count as a date honestly.." Y/n said deep in thought.

"Anything that has your s/o and yourself involved then you could consider yourself in a date." Akito replied

"Wow!" Y/n commented.

Akito smiled.

The two were left in silence.

"If you're still here we can go somewhere after I'm done!" Y/n suggested.

"Okay then." Akito yawned.

"You're still tired? Did you even sleep well last night?" Y/n asked.

"Guess not. I stayed awake majority of the night because I was thinking about something." Akito said closing his eyes.

"Must be very important if it kept you up at night! You can sleep if you want to. I'm not going anywhere so you can sleep on the couch." Y/n said.

Akito nodded before standing up from his seat and laid on the couch behind him before eventually dozing off to sleep.


"Where the heck am I?" Akito said.

Akito couldn't move but he saw he was looking at a familiar girl who seemed to be wearing a uniform which was bloodied up.

He was confused about who she was but the closer he looked and the clearer it got, he found out.

It was Y/n.

"Y/n?! We're in a war?!" Akito said in shock.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?!" Akito said.

Y/n just kept talking to Akito but it was quiet. She didn't seem to be aware that he was talking.

Until Y/n had arrows fired through her. Akito immediately had widened eyes in terror.

Before Akito knew it he suddenly held Y/n close to him. That's when he noticed he was wearing knights uniform.

"What is happening ?! Am I seeing a future or what?!" Akito thought still completely shaken by the scene.

Until a phrase suddenly voice out in the silence.

"I love you."

Akito immediately felt as if something heavy was in his chest. He felt something running down his cheek.

"I'm crying?"

Akito felt as if he was dying slowly too.

"We're both dying.." Akito said.

Y/n smiled at him before everything went black.

"Y/n?!" Akito shouted.


Y/n finished the papers and fell asleep on the coffee table with her arms supporting her head. The papers were neatly on the side beside Y/n who seemed to have a peaceful slumber.

Akito shot awake with heavy breathing and looked around the room in a panic.

He stared at Y/n for a few minutes before immediately sitting next to her and made sure she wasn't the one in his nightmare.

Akito sighed in relief before tucking strands of Y/n's hair away from her face. He stared at her still thinking about the nightmare that just flashed through his mind.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows before she opened her eyes to see Akito staring at her.

"What now.." Y/n yawned before sitting up.

Akito said nothing but pulled her into a hug with his head on Y/n's.

"Did something happen?" Y/n tiredly asked still adjusting her self to be awake properly.

"You died. In my nightmare." Akito said.

Y/n felt surprised.

"Did I? Must've been traumatic. It's a shocker to see you so terrified I guess." Y/n said feeling more awake.

"It was. We were in a war." Akito explained.

"Ah..explains it." Y/n sighed before hugging Akito back to reassure him.

"Well I'm here now. Don't worry about that nightmare of yours. Whenever that was we shouldn't pay attention to it. All you should've worry about is the present and the choices you make that affect your future." Y/n said.

Akito stayed silent but still held Y/n close to him.

"How could I not worry? You died in my arms. I saw you get killed. We both died together in the end." Akito said.

"Well I'm not dying alone then am I?" Y/n chuckled.

Akito slightly smiled at Y/n's comment.


"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Akito."

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