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Y/n: Akitoo
Y/n: Are you doing oajy cause I already miss you :(
Akito: Y/n wtf is oajy
Y/n: You really need a correction for that? (¬_¬)
Akito: Y/n those symbols give me unexplainable odd feelings
Akito: I can tolerate the simple ones
Y/n: Akito I was tryna ask you if youre okay how did we even get here ..
Akito: Fine
Akito: I'm doing fine though are you on the plane now?
Y/n: I'm boarding rn :)
Akito: Okay
Akito: I just got home so I decided to check if you said anything
Y/n: ah okay!
Y/n: I gotta go though
Y/n: Bye bye love you <3
Akito: I love you too

Y/n smiled at the message before turning off her phone.


When Y/n arrived at her destination she saw O/b/n and another girl. She looked confident and like those cool aunties who definitely is fun to be around. Y/n could feel her radiating the same energy.

"Y/n!" O/b/n called out before running up to Y/n and hugged her.

"Gah! O/b/n too tight!" Y/n gasped.

"Sorry!" O/b/n laughed.

"Is she your little sister?" The girl said.

"Yeah!" O/b/n said.

"You look so cute! I'm Reiko Kamji! Are you Y/n?" She asked with hands on her hips.

"Yeah! You look soo cool! O/b/n is she your girlfriend?!" Y/n said feeling excited.

"Yeah.." O/b/n replied.


"AW THANKS SO MUCH! Y/n when we get to the university I wanna give you a present 'kay?" Reiko winked while throwing an arm around Y/n.

"Really?! What is it?!" Y/n asked eagerly.

"Secret!" Reiko chuckled.

"Am I third wheeling now?" O/b/n said crossing his arms.

"Are you jealous now?" Y/n snickered.

"You definitely are O/b/n. Don't worry!" Reiko laughed before letting go of Y/n and took her suitcase.

"Oh Kamji you don't have to do that!" Y/n panicked.

"Reiko is fine Y/n! Besides I'm already calling you Y/n aren't I? Leave the luggage to me!" Reiko smiled.


When Y/n arrived at her dorm she saw it was empty.

"Ah Y/n! Your roommate isn't here yet! Don't worry it's a girl by the way!" Reiko said.

"You did arrive here early so not many first years have arrived." O/b/n said.

"Oh..Dude I should've stayed with Akito then!" Y/n sighed.

"If you did then you would be even more upset than now." O/b/n said.

"Ah! Shinonome is your boyfriend! I forgot. Isn't he a street performer?" Reiko asked.

"Yup!" Y/n said.

"Impressive!" Reiko said nudging Y/n.

"Reiko I can also be a street performer." O/b/n said.

"O/b/ serious right now?" Y/n said shocked.

"Haha! O/b/n you sure you can redeem yourself from that video?" Reiko laughed.

"Oh...that video.." Y/n muttered.

"Oh yeah! Your gift!" Reiko said running into a room and then running back out.

"Open it!" Reiko said with a smug smile.

Y/n took the envelope from her hands and opened it. Her jaw dropped to the ground.

" being serious right now?" Y/n said in denial.

"Why not!" Reiko said with a confident tone.

"Reiko..this is like...millions worth of you not realise how much this is?.." Y/n said.

"Millions?! Reiko you didn't just give Y/n that much money?! What happened to the thousands?!" O/b/n said rushing up to Y/n's side.

"Y/n is already my favourite so I doubled it....then I thought it was too low sooo I put down a few more!" Reiko said.

"Few more?! You better be lying to yourself!" O/b/n said taking some money out from the envelope.

"Reiko..are you rich?" Y/n said.

"My parents love me and my siblings a lot! They are billionaires! They taught us how to make money and start a business from scratch. So yes ! I am!" Reiko smiled.

"Reiko this is too much! Please take some back!!" Y/n said feeling overwhelmed.

"Eh?! Seriously?! Y/n are you not used to this?!" Reiko replied shocked.

"What?! No?!" Y/n gasped.

"Ah! Are you sure you want me to take some back?" Reiko questioned.

"Yes! Please! You gave me too much that my mind is blank right now!" Y/n said.

Reiko was silent before bursting into laughter.

"Oh Y/n and O/b/ guys are the same! Just come to me if you want your cash back!" Reiko said wiping a tear of laughter.

" are acting as if it's normal.." Y/n said concerned.

"Am I? I have a lot of people who I like so they deserve some sort of prize for making me feel like I belong here!" Reiko winked.

"Reiko you know a simple day out is enough?" O/b/n said crossing his arms.

"Mm guess so...but I'm driving! Can't have a fun day out without a fun driver!" Reiko smirked.

"Oh no." O/b/n muttered.

"Reiko can drive?!" Y/n gasped.

"Of course! The cars are so nice to drive in so I had to get a drivers license soon enough!" Reiko chuckled.

"Y/n never drive with Reiko!" O/b/n whispered to Y/n.

"Wha? Why?" Y/n questioned.

"Hey O/b/n stop scaring my new passenger! I want her to be my daily passenger too so don't scare her!" Reiko said pulling O/b/n by his hood.

"I just don't want Y/n to pass out in fear!" O/b/n said.

"Huh??! What are you saying?! I'm a driver who has places to go to! The earlier we get to the destination the longer we stay! Isn't it right Y/n?!" Reiko said.

"You know what..Yeah! I'd do that too!" Y/n replied.

"Y/nnn!" O/b/n sighed.

"Ha! See O/b/n! Your girlfriend is getting more girls than you!" Reiko evilly laughed.

"O/b/n no way?! HAHA!" Y/n laughed out loud.

"Reiko shut up! Y/n didn't say she favours you or something she just agreed with you! Plus she has a boyfriend!" O/b/n said trying to get out of Reiko's grip with a flustered face.

"You look up to the dude don't ya?! Go date him!" Reiko said.

"REIKO!" O/b/n groaned.

"Reiko I think you pushed him too near the edge!" Y/n said through her laughs.

"O/b/n if I am I'm sorry! Your expressions are so amusing!" Reiko apologised while chuckling.

"Wonder where I heard that from." Y/n thought.

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