Amnesia: The Dark Descent- Some things mustn't be forgotten

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*** I do not own anything from the game Amnesia. All credit goes to the creators. This is from the very beggining of the game, remember when . . . uhh, when . . . D- Dan - something is trying to remember . . . ya know what, nevermind XD ***


      I walk down the long corridor, confused. My vison is hazy and I don't know where I am . . . No! No! Stay on task! I have to . . . I have to . . .

      Don' t forget . . .

       . . . some things mustn't be forgotten.

      The shadow hunting me . . .

      . . . I must hurry.

      My name is Daniel, I live in London at . . .

      . . . at . . . Mayfair . . .

      I find myself stumbling down stone steps, the weight of my own body becoming too heavy for me to carry. My vision is black, and hazy, going in and out of focus. Everytime the blackness enslaves my sight and then disappears for another few minutes, I find myself in a different room. Where am I? I can't remember . . .

      What have I done? This is crazy.

      Don't forget, don't forget.

      I must stop him. Focus!

      My vision blacks out again. When it reappears, I'm in a room with several large windows. No . . . not a room . . . a hallway. There is a large wooden door to the left. I'm pratically crawling when I enter. I force myself to stand up, but as soon as I do, my head starts to pound like it never has before. I suddenly begin to get extremley dizzy, and my eyes slowly close as I sink to the floor. the floor of the castle . . . 

      My name is . . .

      . . . is . . . 

      . . . I am . . .

      . . . Daniel . . . 


      Laaaaa! That was sooo fun to write. I don't even know why XD Most of these I'll write on my iPad, but if I can, and if I have time, I'll write these on my brother's computer! Hope you liked it! I was wondering if I should make this a full story. idk. Anyways,







      Chair                  XD  ***

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