Amnesia: The Descendent of the Shadow (preview)

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***This is a preview of my upcoming story: Amnesia: The Descendent of the Shadow. This won't be an actual part of the story though. Maybe, I have nooo idea yet so, yeah. Just let me know if it sounds good n stuff (if there are really people reading this). And be warned, this might spoil a bit of the original Amnesia story, so read at your own risk, and stuff like that >.< Enjoy! ***



The room was lit by a deep red light from the torches. There was this red skin-like substance emerging from the walls, and I knew exactly what it is. Its part of the Shadow. Who ever the Shadow hunts, it kills, but it's not killing me for some reason. No, just the opposite, it want me to kill. There is a man on the sacrificial table, restrained, a bag over his face. My hand shakes as I slowly pick up the dagger. No . . . I can't do this.

"No! Stop! Go away! You can't make me!" I yell.

"Yes you can, you're a killer, you're the Descendent of the Shadow, you are the Shadow." said a menacing voice, the voice I hear every night in my dreams.

"I. Won't. Do. It!" I say back at the hissing voice, trying to resist myself from walking up to the table, where the innocent man was trying to escape.

"Yes, yes you can. And you will. It's a part of you. It can happen to anyone. Just look at what Alexander did to Daniel . . . - Daniel, a shame he got away. Perhaps you can hunt him down for me." said the voice evilly.

"What? Who's Daniel? Who's Alexander? What did you do to them? Stop it!" I work up my strength and throw the knife down at my feet, dropping on my knees and burying my face in my arms, whispering at myself not to kill this person.

"All of those questions will be answered, later. First you must kill. C'mon, it's natural. And, admit it, you've tried to kill before." Even though I know there is no physical human being talking to me in the room, I hear the grin in the Shadow's voice.

"H-how did you know that?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"You're the Descendent, I know all about you." This can't be true.

"I know you almost killed the person, but changed your mind at the end, but I also know you enjoyed the thought of killing them, remember?" I did have a weird feeling of wanting to murder that person . . . but they claimed that they know about the nightmares, they were talking crazy about the "Shadow" and all of this, which I thought was fake, until a while ago, that is. They were claiming they could help me, and wouldn't leave me alone. It literally got to the point to where I thought I had no other choice, but something stopped me, I don't know what though. But the thought, just the thought of killing, made me . . . happy, excited, bloodthirsty.

"I have a point, don't I? Imagine if you did kill him. Its so exciting isn't it?"

I slowly stand up, picking up the knife, by hands shaking like crazy.

"What if I told you, that I'd let you torture people? You'd get to watch their blood spill little by little, hear their screams of pain and agony while you get to inflict it. There is still some good in you, we don't want that, now do we?"

My mind wasn't my own, I wasn't thinking. I stood up now, the knife almost touching the person's skin. He was fighting his restraints crazily now, he probably hears the conversation. No . . . don't do this.

"No . . . we - don't." I say, through gritted teeth, raising my hand up.

"Good girl. now, kill him."

For a second I'm frozen, until I stab the man once, only an inch. I watched the blood flow from the wound I gave him, hearing his screaming, I . . . liked it. I stabbed him again, somewhere else, only an inch or two, to make the death slow. I stab him again and again, becoming wild and bloodthirsty. Shouting at the man, I was screaming for him to die, for him to feel the pain, for him to fear me. Whats happening?

"Excellent," said the voice, "now finish it off."

I stabbed him roughly in the heart, turning the blade around a few times, listening to the scream rippling out of the man's throat, until he dies. My hands are still shaking, and I realized what I had done . . . I got so lost in the killing, that I didn't realize what I was really doing DURING it.

I had stabbed a few one inch holes everywhere, then I drew swirly patterns, connecting the dots, then cut a few arteries in the leg and wrists, just to watch the blood slowly flow out. I liked it . . . I . . . I have to kill more . . . more! The Shadow gave an evil snicker.

"That's very similar to the routine Alexander had told Daniel to do, he kept yelling at himself to, 'Paint the lines, cut the lines, cut the flesh,' blah blah. He was a good killer, brainwashed at the time, but an excellent killer. Too bad he escaped me . . ."

I didn't know a thing he was talking about. I just continued to look at my hands, covered in another's blood. Until my sanity returns . . . I can feel any color on my face drain out, and the voice rings in my ears again.

"Oh, do you realize what you just did?" he said evilly. Everything hit me like a thousand pounds of bricks.

"Oh my God!!!" I shrieked. "What did you do to me!?"

"You refused at first, so you have to be punished. I will bring your real mind back to you after every killing, just to torture you aswell; I'm not nice to anyone. I need to also let the madness sink in naturally before you kill, and after, so there's no more good left inside you. You will become my weapon, after the incident with Daniel, after more, 'sacrifices', you will hunt him down, and kill him. But you need to prove yourself loyal to me first."

"Why? I ask, even though I don't want to know.

"Its a very long story, but let's put it this way, his death brings back my full power. You remember what it was like that day, when you found that small shard from the Orb. All I'm asking is for you to finish some work that I couldn't."

"Why did you choose me?"

"You have a . . . dark, bloodline, one that connects to the people who created the Orb, but unfortunately, somehow you've traveled down the path of good, I just want to bring you back."

I sit down, my bloody hands covering my face. No, I can't kill another. . . . But, I want to . . . No! I don't!

"Never." I hiss.

"Yup, we need to work on that, I thought so. But this was a practice, I'll send you home now."

My vision goes hazy, and soon I black out. Only these thoughts cross my mind. No . . . I can't let this happen. I will not fall let myself fall apart . . .


***Okaaaaaaay. Cool huh? BUT this is NOT the main character of the story, she's the antagonist. Our protagonist is . . . yet to be named XD anyways, just a little preview of my new story coming soon! I have a feeling this ones gonna be great! And yes, this story will feature Daniel, from the original. I don't know if there will be actual dialogue with his character, or if he's only mentioned, like in this. But I have a lot of plans for it! Yes, it will take awhile, but I know it's gonna be great :D Bye-bye!







Chair ***

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