Young Matsuoka Rin x Young Reader (Dedicated to CrumpetsRGood4U)

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    Young Matsuoka Rin × Young Reader: Which Name Is it?

    Before this begins, just letting you know that the setting is when Rin first arrives at Australia.


    "Miss _________!" You hear your coach call.

    You turn away from your conversation with a small group of friends and look to your coach. "Yes?" you asked.

    "I've been told you speak Japanese really well, right?"

    "She's perfect!" one of your friends shout.

    "My dad speaks it and has taught me it since I was a baby." you proudly answer. You've always been praised by teammates at how fluid you are in such a language - you've even impressed your mentors.

    "Well, we have a new member from Japan going here, and he doesn't know a lot of English."


    "Can you help him out and show him around?" You then notice a small figure nervously hiding behind your coach. The first thing that catches your eye was his hair color - a reddish, burgundy color.

    "Yeah, sure!" You kindly answer. You step away from the group and towards the teacher, who has just stepped aside to show who the new member of the team was.

    His eyes matched the color of his hair, some strands handing between his eyes and down to his nose. It's not hard to see that he's nervous out of his mind, and he scratches the back of his head. "H-Hello..." he stutters. "I'm Rin..." He doesn't speak English? You think. But his accent is perfect!

    "Hi." you say in his language. "Is this your first time in Australia?" you kindly ask.

    His face completely changes, overcome with joy. "You speak Japanese?"

    "Yep!" You get that familiar sense of pride in you again. "Just talk to me like you would your friends. I'm _______ _________."

    "It's nice to meet you." he replies, sounding a lot more calm. "My name is Matsuoka Rin."

    "'Rin'?" You repeat. He nods.

    "How's it going?" Your coach asks from the side - you had completely forgotten that he was there. "Is he being shy like earlier?"

    "Don't be mean! I would be quiet if I had no idea what anyone was saying!" you defend.

    Your coach puts his hand up in joking defense. "Oh, okay. I'll leave you to it to answer any questions he may have - and teach him some English if you think you can."

    "I'll try." you say and he walks away. "So, Rin, what brings you here from Japan?" you ask.

    You see his cheeks become pink before he answers. "Well, I uh...I want to try and get into the Olympics. So I'll train hard here in Australia."

    "Wow! That's cool~!" you compliment. "You sound so determined too, Rin."


    "Is something wrong?" You ask after he bashfully turns away.

    "Not really... uh, ______-san, was it?"

    "Huh?" You're confused now. That was my last name with '-san'...or something? "What was that?"

    "Wh-what was what?" Did I make him nervous again? Or did I scare him? Ah, what did I do!?

    "Why did you use my last name? My name's ______."

    "Oh...Oh!" It's like he finally understood something. "Do you call people here by their first name right away?"

    "What does that mean?" you ask. But right after saying that, you remember something your father had told you not too long ago about what adressing people is like in Japan.

    "It's a lot to explain-"

    "-Wait, I think I remember now." You quickly say, wanting to answer it yourself instead of putting the burden on your new friend. "Adressing people is different over there, huh? You mostly call close friends by their first names, right?"

    "Yes! That's it." he answers. Ohhh...That's why I made him nervous. I just called him by his first name like an idiot!

    "I get it. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable...uh, um..." his last name slipped your mind. "Matsu...uh, M-Ma..." your face heats up. Just when I thought I was good at this kind of stuff.

    "Well, if I'll be living here then I should get used to the culture, no? You can just call me Rin, ________." That was your first name.

    "Yeah! Sure." you smile.

    "What's this?" A familair voice says. You both look over and you see a mentor of yours - the one who first showed you around here on your first day. She's three grade levels above you. "_______, did you find yourself a boyfriend?"

    "N-No!" you protest, face lighting up again. "He's new and doesn't speak English. I'm just showing him around."

    "He's really cute, you should keep him."

    "Shut up!" she laughs and walks off, probably planning to tell a friend. "Ah, she gets on my nerves."

    "Who was that?" Rin asks. "What were they saying?"

    "Oh! N-Nothing, just teasing me..." is all you answer.


    "Oh, sorry! I said that in english didn't I?" you laugh.

    "Well, what did you say? Why did you get mad at her?"

    "Uh, well...she uh......made fun of how I messed up swimming butterfly earlier." you cleverly lie, since that really is your weaker stroke.

    "Butterfly? I love that stroke! Do you need help with anything?"

    "Yeah, I don't see why not." He completely smiles, and it takes everything you have in you not to comment about his pointy teeth. Not that you were gonna insult them, no, you were about to say how cool they were. But other people might here and make fun of him.

    I like this new kid!


    Ah, this is so much more fun than finishing an essay that's due in less than 24 hours! :D


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