My Reactions To My Old Writing

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Italics = What I have written

Bold = My reaction to it.


"Hello, Skeleton, I hope you're ready to get owned by a pro!" (I normally kill it after my greeting)

*If it shoots me during my greeting*

"HEY!" *millions of random slashes* I'M TALKING HERE!!! DIE DIE!!! 

*If it's a suprise attack (by me)*

"DUN DUN, DUN DUN DUN, BIYAAAAA!!!! DIEE . . . cuz I want bonemeal xD"

*If it's a suprise attack (by the Skeleton) D:<*

"OW! HEY! Ugh, *slash party :D* why must you sneak attack me, Mr. Skeley? I just want to murder you! There's no need for you to kill me!! DIE!"


"Ohhhh, looky! Mr. Creepy. Don't mind my presence, I only wish to-BIYAAA *sword slashing party*!!! Hahahahahaha!!!" (Again, I can normally kill it afterwords)

*If it gets too close during my greeting*

"-Don't mind my-GAAAAAH!!! NO! No, stay back!! It's against the rules for you to kill me first! GO AWAAAAY!!!"

*If it's a suprise attack (by me)*

"Ohhhhhh, what have we HERE?!?! *Animal Planet narrator voice* The hunter stalks her pray, as it wanders stupidly around, hoping she'll get gunpowder for TNT to build that cannon she never works on xD. In three, two- YAAAAAAAAA!!! *slash the sword like you're on steroids*"

*If it's a suprise attack (by the Creeper) -.-*

"Laa laa la- O MY GOD NOOO- *die* . . . . . .  FUUUUUU-okay, NOW YOU'LL PAY!! D:<"

    ..............What. The. Fuck?

    I don't remember writing that......okay I guess I did but.....what the hell was wrong with me!? My god, seriously...what!? Nobody remembers that...right? *Shudder*


. . . And I finished watching episode 25 of my new show,(one of many) Death Note, and let's just say, I'll be mourning the next few days, or weeks, or months D: I swear, Light, I NEVER LIKED YOU. EVER!!!! so don't get worried if I'm depressed in my notes. :)

Haha lala blah blah. I'll be screaming into my pillow if you need me. XD

    Shut. Up. What the hell is wrong with you!? They don't care about-- forget it. How many notes did I actually put in this book? Did I seriously think people were reading them and taking them seriously? No, the better question is: Did I seriously write like that?!

    ...I am not joking around, I cried like a b**** at the end of Angel Beats! ;_;

I love Mirai Nikki and School Days...........I wouldn't be a bad girlfriend would I?? :)

AHAHAHAHA as if I can get a boyfriend :3

Well just to let ya guys know I'm doing great and yes I plan on continuing my stories - speaking of which - OMG SO MANY READS AND VOTES DEATH NOTE FF HAS 90 WHAT THE HECK?!!?!?!???!!??

I'm really sorry for making you guys wait, I just never thought my works were any good but obviously I'm mistaken!

    Wow you watched MN and're sooooo special! Surly other people havent also watched those; nope! You're the one and only real life yandere who's too scared to get on freakin Ghost Rider and other roller coasters (I still am). My god. Shut. Up. Did I really express my excitement over my stories like that?

    No. Your writing is suckish. You were not mistaken.

    Okay, I'm being honest: If there is someone out there who stuck with me for that long and actually put up with all of that, you are a true fan. And I salute you, because now I almost want to delete all of that...

    No, I'm dead serious: Did I really write that!?




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