Left4Dead2: Funny moments

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  • Dedicated to Natalie Uriarte

*** Okay! So these were some funny times I had playing Left4Dead 2 either by myself, or with my sis :D these are the best I can remember so hope you enjoy! Ugh, imagine if someone would record the crazy things we do in the game ^_^ ***



Me and Nat were playing in the mall, the finale part, we were at 5/8 tanks of gas complete. Natalie (yes, my older sister) was playing as Rochelle, and I was Ellis. So Nat poured in the tank of gas, and Rochelle says,

"Cmon! Hurry uuuuuup fill up the tank!"

And at that moment, me and Nat shouted in unison,


And I'm not joking, a Tank was coming right at after we said that! We died from laughing! XD


Shot 2: WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?

So me and Nat were playing the Perish, the first chapter. There was a horde after us and I just went off way ahead into the map, I was bored. And you know how you hear the bombs go off and stuff in the Perish? Well, APPARENTLY, they can hit you! Cause I was in a house and a bomb went off, and I was incapacitated. AND I went off far ahead, so I had to wait for Nat to pick me up! So to make up time, I was screaming:

"WHAT THE HECK?!?!? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!" and I was shooting with my pistol everywhere XD and when Nat came in to revive me, I just shot at her saying:

"No! Go away! I'm too derped-up to be revived! (something like that, can't really remember)"


Shot 3: WITCH, Y U NO DIE?!?!?

So me and Nat were playing at the carnival, we reached the building place where when you get out, you're at Kiddy Land. Well, the door there was blocked by a Witch, and I've know for a long time how to on-shot-kill her. You gotta shoot her at the shoulders, if it's nighttime, cause she sits down at night; and at day time, if you're in front of her, shoot her in the shoulders, cause at day time she walks around, but it's easier at day time cause you can go behind her and shoot her in the lower back. Either way, if you do it right, she dies with one shot. From a shotgun only (from what I know), any shotgun.

Soooooo I went up to her and I was like:

"Aww do you need a hug?"

Then she growled and started to stand up. I said:

"Oh okay, please die now." BANG I shot her, BUT SHE DIDN'T DIE.

So I got incapacitated. And the BEST part, was right after I got hit, I shot her ONCE with my pistol, THEN SHE DIED. I went on a rage like no other! xP


Shot 4: MINE!

So me and Nat were at the carnival, and we won the gnome Chompski from winning the shooting game. Well, when that happens, I always get to carry him. So I took out my baseball bat and swung in the air while spinning in circles. But I heard Nat say:

"MINE!" and she was taking with her through the map. I went crazy, chasing her with my baseball bat half talking half laughing:


"NO! GO AWAY I GOT IT!" said Nat, laughing.

I chased her throughout the map until I gave up and started fighting. :D



So it's the same map were me and Nat got Chompski, and we were right about to go to the marry-go-round. We were at the building before you drop down to it, the one with the ammo, guns, and pain pills. Soooo Nat was by the stairs, killing a few zombies, Chompski next to her. I went ahead out of the room, and as soon as I turn the corner, a Tank was right there. It filled up my whole screen.

"OMG!!!!!!" I shouted crazy loud. And guess what Nat did to help? She got Chompski, ran away down the stairs, and threw him far away, saying:

"SAVE CHOMPSKI!!!!" and we both literally choked from laughing.

Really, why aren't we comedians?


Shot 5: Ellis was rocket launched 1,000 feet off the ground by Tank

As you know, when ever I play with my sis, I play as Ellis, but I normally play as Rochelle by myself. Anyways, we were at the carnival, the part with the river. Well, there's a hill to walk up on, it goes really high, and on top of that hill past a parking lot, the safe room is there. So I went ahead and walked up the top of the hill, and guess what was waiting for me up there? A Tank (nooo, it was a sparkly rainbow unicorn -.-). Since I was at the very edge of the hill, the Tank hit me and I flew all the way across the map, like 1,000 feet of the ground XD and died on impact from the ground, and screamed:

"OH MY- SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" then I died, paused the game, and laughed hysterically.


Shot 6: Take the pills! Why not?

So me and Nat were almost at the first safe room in Dark Carnival. I was near the safe room, but I was shooting at a few zombies in the parking lot, and accidentally shot the car alarm. I tried to go in, but a million zombies were surrounding me, and I had a AK-47 and it's a rapid fire gun. There was a crazy frame rate lag from the gun and all the zombies, so I switched to my melee, a katana. But SOMEHOW, the game thought I switched to my pain pills, so with hundreds of zombies filling my screen, I see Ellis eat the pills. I was like:

"Sure! Take the pills! Why not! That's what I wanted you to do! I have 80 health out of 100, I need them SOOOOOO desperately! How did I manage to take my stupid pills?!?!?" so basically I was complaining and laughing at the same time, when I got in the safe room, we had to pause the game cause me and Nat were choking with laughter, my stomach started to hurt.

And that's some stuff that happens on a NORMAL day of playing Left4Dead2 with my sister! XD


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