Assassin's Creed: The Legend who epically failed xD

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*** This is from the very beginning of Assassin's Creed. So don't worry about it being spoiled if you don't know the story yet. I do not own anything from Assassin's Creed or Ubisoft, this is just for fun. :D This one won't be THAT short though, I can tell cause I ALWAYS get carried away when I write, so I have no idea how long it's gonna be, but it'll be long xP The reason why the Amnesia one was so short was because I had a ton of chores to do that day. >.< And please note that Assassin's Creed 1 did not have any captions, so the dialogue was done by ear, so don't get mad if it's not the exact dialogue in the game, and the very very beginning of this writing is not in the game, and if you've played it, you should know what Im talking about! Okay, very long note, just read xD ***


      The Assassin's Creed and it's three tenants:

      While other men blindly follow the truth, remember . . .

      . . . Nothing is true.

      While other men are limited, by morality or law, remember . . .

      . . . Everything is permitted.

      We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

      Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

      1.) Never kill an innocent.

      2.) Remain discreet, in any shape or form.

      3.) Do not compromise the Brotherhood.


      Solomon's Temple was beneath the very city Jerusalem, in the Holy Land, where English has become it's official language. It was dark, and cold, very few torches here and there, but there were plenty of shadowed places. This grants a wonderful advantage to the three men who have been sent there, to take something - to retrieve it. They wore strange garbs, with many pouches, and slings to hold numerous weapons, and a red sash around the middle. There was also a unique quality to them aswell, they had hoods, ones which had a V-tip at the very end, shadowing any part of their complexion right above the nose. Two of them, had more dangerous looking swords and daggers, and were about the same height, with bleach-white robes. The third one, a bit shorter than the other two, had a light gray robe, similar to the other two, and had less weapons. They are Assassins.

      They treaded lightly and carefully through the Temple, avoiding any contact with guards. It had been a very long time since they entered, and the young Novice, with the light gray robes, was getting eager and impatient.

      "Will we be arriving soon?" he whispered faintly.

      "Not yet, but almost. Stay close, Kadar." replied one of them.

      They came across two paths, the one going right, was their intended path, but the other, about 5 feet away, had an old man sitting there, but he couldn't hear the ghost-like footsteps of the three Assassins walking nearby. The Assassin who was leading the group noticed the man, and backed up the other two several feet away, out of earshot. Even so, they all still whispered.

      "What is it now, Altaïr?" asked one of them, not the Novice.

      "There is someone there, a priest maybe, right in our path. I think we need to kill him." replied Altaïr, in a low whisper. His voice had a sense of readiness in it. (Note: I had no idea what that guy was, he looked like a priest to me XD continue on)

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