ErenKoru: Us, a couple?

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   Warning: Contains fluffy fluffiness! ♡

    Exhaustion. Pain. Shortness of breath. Face burning, skin ice cold with her clothes clinging to her, Cole pushed herself to keep up with the group of Cadets running through the pouring rain with the ridiculously heavy backpacks beating weight on their spines. Her eyes were just barley half-open since they would get rain in them if they were wider. The group was getting farther away, and Cole's body couldn't keep up. She wanted to stop and rest more than anything else right at that moment, and it was very tempting. To just relax everything and get a quick the pain in her legs and chest would lift away... The roaring of their superior, Keith Shardis, wasn't helping at all. They were all about how they would be dead in the battlefield by now, dying a stupid death. Their heads would be bitten right off and limbs plucked right from their torsos, their faces pathetic and tear-stained with a look of cowardice while still in the Titan's stomach.

    That can happen for all I care... Cole thought as the group got farther away. I'd much...rather.........I... Everything was light for a second as the earth rolled and she watched it happen like a movie, and when the groud met her face and pain overcame her, she knew that she had just collapsed. She closed her eyes as legs ceased to burn, as ger breathing was finally steady. Cole began to relax and accept the icy puddle she was lying in. But all of that was just for a few seconds.

    "Cole!" She thought she heard her name, and she didn't know the voice. Maybe I'm starting to dream. "Cole!" It's fuzzy yet vivid at the same time, it was hard to understand. That' She began to slowly lose her grip on everything...just like in those moments right before you sleep... "Cole!" It was clear. Hands were on her shoulders and she was shocked back to reality. Her eyes shot open to find Mikasa's face inches from hers, worry clear in her eyes. She was sitting on her feet looking right at Cole's delirious eyes, her hand on Cole's right shoulder.

    "Is she okay?!" Another voice, much farther away, rang out.

    "Cole." Mikasa turned Cole so that she was lying on her back, looking right up into the rainy sky. The only sensation Cole was focusing on was the feeling of raindrops dotting and sliding down her face. She began to slip away again. "No!" Mikasa yelled. "Stay with me! C'mon!"

    "What's happening?!" That other voice belonged to Eren. He then appeared next to Mikasa and stared down in horror at the sight in front of him. Cole was still out of it; her body was completely fine, it just needed a quick rest in truth, but Cole was telling herself that she couldn't go on any longer. The two cadets raised her up into a sitting position. Eren took her face in his hands and turned her so the only thing she could look at was him. "Cole, c'mon, get up!" He yelled.

    Cole blinked and suddenly she was aware, staring into a beautiful lake of turquoise. "Eren..." She turned to the left slightly. "Mi...kasa..."

    "Cole, we don't have time!" Mikasa yelled. "Hurry, c'mon!" Everything was still blurry. Cole knew, yet also didn't quite know what exactly was happening.

    Rain... Cole brought her her hand to her left cheek and found a hand, Eren's hand. "Why are you...?" Everything that happend next was so quick, it seemed like an instant. Suddenly Cole was on her back again, burning pain searing into her cheek where Eren's hand was just resting on it. Cole's breathing was labored, but whatever caused this pain woke her up.

    "Mikasa!" She heard Eren growl as she sat up, hand on her face. "What the fuck!?" He was in a slightly different spot than before, a mask of awe on his face.

    "Cole, are you awake now?" Mikasa asked.

    "Yeah!" Cole finally understood. I was running, I fell. Mikasa and Eren are here to help me up. I wasn't responding; Mikasa pushed Eren away from me and punched me just now... She quickly stood up along with Mikasa. "Thanks for that!" She said honestly. "I would have been like that forever if--"

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