Somewhere in a parallel universe...

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The bright colored presents hopped out of bed and ran downstairs to find the stitched up humans with white-out eyes sprawled around the christmas tree. They jumped with glee and began to rip the humans' flesh apart and take out their gifts from the humans' insides. The smallest present went over to the fire place and took out the smaller gifts out of the severed human feet nailed on right above the warm, comforting fire. It was a lovley sight to see.


The onion was sobbing, as always, as he diced the limp, bloody human body into even pieces to prepare it for the family's dinner.


The marshmellow grabbed the next human out of the bag and stabbed it through its chest with the stick. The blood began to seep through the live human's wound and mouth as it screamed. The marshmellow then roasted it over the fire while the human continued to go through misery until it went limp and was eaten.


Some of you might say I'm disturbed... I say I'm bored XD

Random things that pop into my head! :DWhere stories live. Discover now