How I came to love: The "horror" category

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    I can't remember when, but a while ago (I mean before I started writing on Wattpad while ago) I finally got really into the "horror" category for a lot of things. Movies, books, games, etc.

    Well, before that happened, I used to get so scared of the simplest things. If I saw just 30 seconds of a random horror show or movie in the house (because once it got scary I would bolt from the room), I got nightmares the whole night xD IF I even went to sleep that night. O.o

    But - the best thing happened!

    I'm gonna guess it happened around the EARLY 8th grade year - or very late summer - but one of my favorite youtubera, allshamnowow, started to play "SAW". It was just a videogame for the movie Saw (no der) - which was a movie I would have nightmares about from just hearing the name! I never even SAW a commercial for it - only tiny bits of it (about less than 5 seconds before running away from the room and cowering in a corner). So when he played - I somehow managed to make myself watch it - thinking because it was a videogame, I could handle the videogame graphics and such.

    And his intro was basically about how he'll purposely fail at death traps and everything else just to get a good laugh. So when he started, I was a little skeptical about it. So when he failed at the first trap - the reverse bear trap (opens your jaw wide open like a bear trap that is already closed opening up again and kills you) - and he laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. The death animation wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It just showed David (ya, detective Tapp) scream and "collapse" before the trap even went off - you only see a milisecond of it when it opens, then it shows the walls splatter with blood.

    I was freaking out - but not as much as I thought I would. Then after the next few failed traps and puzzles, I was a lot less scared throughout the rest of the gameplay. After watching the whole thing - I realized how weird I was to be afraid of things like that since they're so fake.

    So when I re-watched the whole thing, I was dying from laughter - not fear like my old self would have - when the guy you help out in the beginning gets his whole head blasted off with the shotgun trap. It was the funniest thing ever!!!

    I wanted to actually watch the movie - but later I only managed to see Saw 2. It was good - but not scary. It was downright hilarious!! FREAKING XAVIER CUTS OFF THE SKIN ON THE BACK OF HIS NECK, LOOKS AT THE NUMBER, THEN PUTS IT IN HIS POCKET!! XD THAT WAS PRICELESS!! \

    That's when I begun to watch Slender. I eventually ran into Markiplier one night while trying to get my sister to watch scary games. We thought he was funny and decided to look at more of his videos. This was before his channel had 100,000 subs and he began to get really famous. Anyways - it went from Slender - to Amnesia - to Penumbra (not that scary but it's okay) and more!

    And Mark uploads a lot of different indie horror games or gmod horror maps and horror game betas. I began to love horror games and movies. Now all of the movies that used to scare me and keep me up at night (my dad would force me to watch them) are like the best comedies I've ever seen! :D

    Of course, with some movies but a lot of games, I still do get scared - but it's mostly the jump-scare element.

    They don't keep me up at night anymore and I don't have constant paranoia every hour of the day. But I still do get a few heart-attacks from certain games. Other games do scare me, but I get over it after a few seconds of collecting myself.

    Anyways - if you were wondering how I started to like lots of horror games and stuff like that - I guess that's your answer. If you just think I'm using Wattpad as an outlet to tell stories about my life that you obviously don't care about - then I guess you're right! XD

    Wow, you're actually reading this? Um - okay . . . didn't see that coming . . . Anyways - um - bye I guess?

    Okay if you're someone who really read this the whole way through then you deserve an award for mental endurance of something completely pointless xD

    Again - bye O.o . . .

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