Hmm, um . . . let's see . . . xD

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    Yeah, uh, something random.

    Maybe another extended about me I guess. Let's go with um, what I look like? Yeah sure xD Okay I'm really bored so I'm just winging it. I'll put other stuff here too :D

Age: 13, but I'll be 14 in about a week; May 7th to be exact.

Hair color: I guess it's brown, but it has natural golden highlights that aren't really visible in a dull light (normal light bulb light). But they shine like crazy in sunlight. So my friends (Samantha, I'm talking to you O.O) kinda debate with me if it's blonde or brown xD

Height: 5'3 or 5'4 - maybe 5'5 I haven't measured myself in a while, and I grow a LOT. I swear, I tried putting on jeans that I didn't wear during all of summer last year for one of the first weeks of school, and they were WAY too tight xD And they fit me perfectly last year, then I outgrow them in 3 months O.o

Eye color: Brown - Dark brown. Sometimes when I look at myself in a mirror from far away, I think my eyes look black xD But up-close, it's pretty similar to my hair color.

Hair length: Pretty long; I have it about an inch or two I really don't know past my elbows. I plan on getting a hair cut though on my B-day yay xD But not short-short, just like a bit above my elbows. Okay I really don't know how it works but it will be much shorter then it is now xD

Shoe size (seriously? xD): 8 or 9, adult size.

Umm, I guess I'm pretty skinny. I really don't care that much about that, but my sister says she hates me 'cause "Are you serious? You can be a model!"      Yeah -.-

My Xbox controller (woow, I'm desperate to write stuff xD): Light pink :D

My name: Why do you even care??? Ahaha I just kinda don't like the way my name is like "said" with public views. I mean, I LOVE my name - it just doesn't have a ring to it like celebrity names we hear all the time. Since I get psychopathic obsessions with numerous things, I might have you guys refer to me as one of the characters from whatever it is xD So yeah you guys can call me (because I love him so much) can call me L. XD   (Samantha - if you put my name in the comments I WILL hurt you. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE XD) (If you guys haven't figured it out by now, even though I didn't really give a lot of hints, Samantha is my bestie xD)

Why I'm doing this: I was SO bored :P

What am I listening to right now: An EPIC piano cover of "Skyfall" by Adele.

Favorite emote I use all the time: xD or XD (as you can see from above . . .)

People I admire (just one category for now): I guess blind people, because they can truly judge others by their personality and not by their looks.

My placement in siblings: I'm the middle child, with a younger brother and older sister. But I don't get why T.V. shows make it seem like the middle child never gets attention. It's just normal here.

The most annoying things in the world:

Stepping on legos barefoot.

When the invisible straps (I guess for hanging them) on dresses show and you don't have any scissors to cut them off.

Homework. School.

Work itself xD.

Doing the dishes.

Doing chores.

When your cookie can't fit through the glass of milk.

When those large plugs take up like half of the multi-outlet things.

When the power goes out.

When my little brother walks in my room without even knocking - I mean really, he's about to be 11, he should know I yell at him like he murdered someone when he just walks in. *door opens* Me: "OH MY GAWD WHAT DO YOU WANT NOWWW???" Him: "Okay . . . If you don't want any dinner you can just say that."

When you're trying to plug in your charger in the dark.

When you realize the charger just came out of the outlet and your iPad or whatever wasn't charging at all for the last two hours.

When those "10 percent battery left" warnings pop up during a YouTube vieo. Did I mention my electronic device is an iPad2? The only techy thing I have except I use my sister's laptop sometimes.

When you spell a word right but it still looks wrong.

When your parents have a stream of work for you but after each one they don't tell you that you're done so when you go back to your room they call you again right when you sit down and get your headphones plugged in.

When you're out somewhere and all you wanna do is go home and sleep and when your parents say "We're going right now," they're there socializing for five more hours.

When the Wi-Fi goes out. My sister says I act like it's the end of the world or it's the apocalypse when it goes down - she literally laughs and honestly loves my reaction.

When you die inside when the teacher picks the slowest reader out of the whole class.

When your family always says "Save some of that for ______,". So they expect me to save them some icecream or pizza? Okay - well I do that. And when I'm sleeping or just not hungry, they bring in something good and they NEVER save anything for me.

(Continuation from the above): When I miss a special treat like that or whatever, I ask "Why didn't you save any for me!?" And the response I get that makes me wanna murder them all with a chainsaw is "You snooze, you loose."

BIG PET PEEVE!!!: When I'm trying to get my brother to do something - since he never listens to me and I'm older than him - he just mocks me. O MY GOD I can't STAND it when he mocks me. Or when we're arguing (which is all the time) and he KNOWS I won (I always wanna win - I hate it when I loose xD I should be a lawyer . . .), he'll just mock everything I say. I swear it makes me wanna choke him or strangle him to death. Or just sink my nails into his flesh - YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I HATE THAT!!! CAPS-LOCK AND EXCLAMATION POINTS WILL REALLY HELP MY EMPHASIS ABOUT HOW MUCH I HATE THAT SINCE IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO GET THE MESSAGE OUT THROUGH TEXT. (I just don't like using it - I mean, when I see those online arguments and the people use caps-lock . . . I mean, it's not gonna make a difference but I guess it does. That's why you guys probably see a lot of these caps lock notes whenever I use it.)

Another pet peeve: Grammar mistakes. I don't know everything about English grammar, but I just hate how in written grammar, I see so many mistakes. But it's not like I'm perfect with grammar - everybody makes mistakes like that, so don't shout out at me that I made a mistake. But yeah - those just annoy me like crazy.

In continuation with the above: I hate it when people use "your" instead of "you're" and "then" instead of "than". Or "their" or "there" instead of "they're".

Another continuation: Also I hate it when there's spoken grammar mistakes. A really big peeve to me is double negatives. I swear I can't take those - they just annoy me to insanity. My sister calls me a grammar nazi xD

    Okay I have no idea what that was about but there you have it. So much homework with school and everything but let's look on the bright side - after the CSTs, there will hardly be any homework so that means multiple updates! Then when summer begins, it'll be awesome :D

    Bye bye, I guess. Um, yeah I really don't know why I'm still typing stuff but my brain is telling me to continue so lalalalalala hi how are you. Blah blah blah. Random words ftw.

    Absolutely nothing to do, so I'm singing these lines in my head as I type them. Lala Kit-kat. Pizza. Food. Food is good. Hungry. Icecream. Whipped cream. Sweets. Mouthwater. Stomach growl.

    Okay from usless typing I've figured out something to do - EAT ALL THE FOOOD! *I hope you guys meme-ed that in your head xD* Bye bye! :D

Random things that pop into my head! :DWhere stories live. Discover now