WHAT IF scenarios.

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W H A T   I F . . .

    The soft moonlight seeped through the windows of Gasai's residence. Amano Yukiteru was sound asleep along with the lulling sound of crickets and a cool night's breeze. His girlfriend, Gasai Yuno, however, was not sleeping. She was in her kitchen, with her usual adorable smile on her face.

    "I'll...always protect...Yukkii..." She would mutter to herself every now and then. She had been feeling a strange vibe that whole night, so naturally she unconsciously went into her over-protective mode. Being as quiet as possible, she was sharpening her favorite killing knife. It was long enough to pierce one's heart completely, and had a strong grip to remove from a deep stab easily.

    Back in the room where Yukiteru was sleeping, one of the windows was slowly, inch by inch, opening, and when it was opened completely, a dark figure slid in silently. Back in the kitchen, Yuno paused her sharpening for just a second, a feeling of suspicion running through her mind, yet she continued. The darkened figure, with the look of bloodstains on their white hoodie, crept towards the sleeping Yukiteru and took out a knife from their pocket, which was coated with some dried blood.

    At the instant the figure brought up the knife, Yukiteru's eyes, as if they knew instantly, opened, and found someone with a ghostly white face, smoldered and blackened skin around their eyes, and a crimson red smile carved into their lips, staring back at him, with a wicked smile.

    "Go to sleep." He muttered. He brought the knife down to strike through Yukiteru's neck, but Yukiteru had dodged just in time and gave a slight yelp, yet it wasn't loud enough for Yuno to hear.

    Yukiteru, knowing the situation, automatically ran over to a drawer where Yuno had kept a few hand guns. He pulled one out and aimed it at the serial killer.

    "So this one has self-defence," the killer spoke. "Impressive. Seems more fun this way." He was whispering for some reason.

    "Who are you?" Yukiteru said shakily. He just began to wonder why Yuno wasn't sleeping beside him eariler.

    "Do you need to know?" He didn't give him any time to respond back. "I guess not."

    Yukiteru pulled the trigger of the gun without hesitation, and to his luck, there was no ammo. "Dammit!"

    "Out of luck, eh?" said the killer. "Well like I said, time to go to sleep." He lunged at him with the knife aiming for Yukiteru's heart, but he ducked just in time, another lucky dodge. After running and dodging for a while, Yukiteru finally came to his senses reached into his pocket for his Mirai Nikki*, something he should have done at first. Before he even had time to even flip it open, the killer had thrown his knife and the blade was struck right through the cellphone.

    Yukiteru's eyes widened and filled with horror. How did he react so quickly? Did he know to get the phone? Is this it? Is this how I lose the game? No.....



    Yuno was feeling more suspicious every minute. She finished sharpening her knife a while ago, but was stuck staring off into space.

    Suddenly, the screeching sound of the future changing emanated from her Mirai Nikki. She took it out and read what was on the screen aloud to herself.

    " '3:40am...Yukkii is tossing and turning in bed. Several minutes later, an intruder wakes him up.

    3:50am...Yukkii's...Mirai Nikki is destroyed!?' "

    She smirked.


    There was a desperate cry from Yukiteru's room. She picked up the knife and bolted to the room, a murderous intent filling her eyes.

    "Crying over a cellphone?" The killer grabbed the handle of the knife and yanked it and the phone from Yukiteru's hands, taking the broken phone and holding it with his other hand. "You're such a drama queen." He threw it to the floor and crippled it with his foot. Yukiteru was still shaking.

    How am I not dead yet...? He wondered.

    The door slid open in that instant, light flooding the room.



    Yuno saw the crushed phone under the intruder's foot.

    "Thank God..." she muttered. "So I was smart to switch your Nikki with a fake..."

    "F-fake...?" Stuttered Yukiteru.

    "Who might this be?" the killer asked, his knife suddenly resting on Yukiteru's neck.

    "You... you tried to kill Yukki?" Yuno asked threateningly.

    "Maybe. And what about him?" The killer asked, slightly cutting Yukiteru's neck, blood beginning seeping out.

    Yuno's eyes darkened. "Get. Away. From. Yukkii!!"

    She lunged at the killer, cutting his arm and Yukiteru managed to get away.

    What's with this girl? The killer thought. Her pink hair was messy and some of it was covering her darkening eyes.

    "You will pay...for trying...to kill...Yukkii." Her knife was gleaming in the moonlight as her eyes got even darker, her Yandere side coming out.

    Hmm, this could actually be a great battle...


**Saa minna! Place your bets!

Gasai Yuno vs Jeff the Killer!

Hope you enjoyed! :D

Notes: When I use two exclamation points, it means the shout or scream is pretty LOUD. When I use three points, it's like a lasting call.

Picture "Yuno!!!" kinda like a "Yunooooooo!"

This will also comply with all of my other works from here on out.

Now don't ask why no neighbors are hearing this :D


Mirai Nikki: Future Diary. Yuno's Nikki is all about Yukiteru,  and gives predictions at ten minute intervals. Yukiteru's diary is the Random Diary,  which, like the name,  gives random predictions of anything around him. This is for anybody unfamiliar to the Mirai Nikki anime :3

Saa minna!: Used in my note earlier :3 Means "Now everybody! (continuing the note) Place your bets!" in Japanese :3

I hope you enjoyed this scenario and I plan to have more in the mirai (future :3).

Until next time minna :D

Note that each scenario will not be given a name, save for maybe like "Scenario 2, 3" and so on.


Yeah I should leave before I get mega bored and go on a pointless rant O.o **

Random things that pop into my head! :DWhere stories live. Discover now