t h r e e ☄️

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Kai and Linh had taken Tyler to Josh's tent. When they arrived, he ran off from their grip and hid himself in a corner. the two watched him, and they could hear his faint whimpering.

They knew he was scared.

Wanting to comfort him, Kai tried to approach him.

"Tyler, it's okay-"

"N-No. G-Go a-away."

"You don't need to be afraid." Linh added. "We helped rescue you."

"P-Please. G-Go a-away."

Kai got closer. He reached out his hand.

"Tyler, nobody is gonna hurt you. We promised Josh we'd protect you-"

The boy screamed.


Kai immediately stepped back. Tyler sobbed and wailed loudly. It was so loud that it made the Bandito want to cry with him. He just couldn't imagine what he had went through.

He wanted to try again, but Linh came over and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Give him some time. He'll get used to us."

Kai was distraught.

"I just want to help him. I don't want him to be scared of us."

"I know, but he has been through a lot. He needs time to adjust."

As they continued the conversation, Josh walked in.

"How is he doing?"

"Not well." Linh replied.

The man looked over and saw his beloved flower crying his eyes out.

"We tried to help him, but he doesn't want us around."

Josh understood how Tyler feared everything that surrounded him. He walked in between both Kai and Linh.

"Leave us."

Kai and Linh obeyed and went out of the tent.


When silence fell into the room, Josh came over and kneeled down at his flowers side.

"Tyler, darling, it's me."

The boy slowly lifted his head I could finally see the man that he met and fell in love with, even though he was all in yellow and covered in blood. He fell into his arms and cried harder than he did when he was held captive.

Josh wrapped his arms around the child and pressed his lips upon his fluffy hair.

"It's okay, my sweet flower, I'm here."

"Don't leave me." He pleaded.

He lifted his head to him.

"I won't ever leave you again."

The two shared a gentle kiss.

Knowing that they were both reunited, Tyler's fear started withering away; although he was still afraid of where he was.

He was not at Josh's house snuggling with him in bed, or curled up next to him in the bathtub, like they did during those wonderful months of being together.

He was in a world far away from home, and he was afraid that he may never go back to the place where he was again.

When he was finally calm, Tyler stood up and started walking over to the cot that was afraid a little row of torches. He sat down upon it and looked outside; observing the Banditos for the first time.

"How did you get here?" He asked.

"Well, it's a very long story." Josh replied.

"Honey, our love story is longer than you and Jenna coming here."

Josh giggled, then sighed.

"I might as well."

The man sat down on the cot next to Tyler, and pressed his hands upon his.

"After you were taken, I had believed you were dead, but I remembered giving you the flower that was left behind, and that told me that you did not die. You were still alive, and Jenna and I had to come and rescue you. Along the way, Kai found us, and he took us to this place. He introduced us to the leader, and he agreed to take us in, but we had to swear an oath and become a Bandito."

"Is that why you look like that?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, baby."

"Then, what happened?"

"We swore the oath, and we were indoctrinated. However, Jenna was forced to stay with the leader, and he did some unspeakable things to her."

"W-What did he do?"

Josh sighed.

"I'd tell you, but after what you went through at Dema, I dare not say it."

Tyler nodded.

"What happened to the leader?"

The man took a deep breath and continued.

"Jenna was tricked into believing that killing Dema would help restore her freedom, but when she was fooled by the leader, he blinded her. I swore that I would kill him."

He turned away; not wanting his love to see him utter the words of the truth.

"And I did."

"In the process, Linh's wife; Lilac, was killed. Former followers were dissented, but because of it, a new leader was elected."

Josh turned back to him.

"And, it was me."

When Tyler heard this, he was astonished. It was mere impossible for him to believe.

"Y-You're the leader now?"

Josh squeezed his hand and sighed.

"Yes, dear."

The boy looked at him as if he always did, but it felt so strange to know that the people who saved are actually Josh's people.

He was the Banditos king.

"You guys came, and got me out."

"We did, and even though things aren't what they seem, it will get better."

"It won't get better while we're here, Josh."

Tyler let go of his hands.

"I want to go home."

When he heard his plea, Josh wished he could give him what he wants, but he knows that it can't happen right now.

"Tyler, I want to go home too, but us being here is safer than running away from the ones who tried to kill you."

"But, they didn't. I survived."

"Yes, but as long as Dema still exists, we're doomed for death. We cannot go home until we destroy them."

Tyler stood up.

"We can go into hiding."

"Tyler, dear, that won't help us."

"It will! We can go away and no one will ever find us. Not even Dema can-"

"Tyler! Dema will never stop trying to find us! We have to stop them before it's too late!"

Josh pressed his hands on Tyler's shoulders.

"We're staying here."

The boy frowned.

"I want to go home."

Josh frowned along with him; wishing he could grant him his wish.

"I know you do."

He kissed him on the forehead, then held him close. The only thing that mattered right now was that Tyler was with him, and they were finally back together.

Josh wanted to take Tyler home more than anything, but he knew he was making the right choice for the sake of his life.

But now, the flower must become a Bandito.

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