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As the sun rose over a new day in Trench, the Banditos were preparing the vigil for Tyler Joseph, who had lost his life at the hands of Ender and Wren.

On the outskirts of Trench was known as the crypts, where they bury their dead. Josh had selected an area where he requested a tomb to be built, which is where Tyler was to be laid to rest.

Bright and early, Kai, Linh, and Ari, built the tomb, which was made of stone and glass. They covered the inside with dozens of flowers of all color, then designed the lid of the tomb, which was all crystal glass.

Back in the council tent, Rani, Shiloh, Fauna, and Ilse, spent the morning decorating Tyler's body. They dressed him in a floral sunflower kimono, and placed a flower crown upon his brunette curls.

When they were done, the women looked over the child's body. To them, Tyler did not appear to be dead. He looked so peaceful in his endless sleep, that it brought tears to their eyes.

Fauna, who had loved the little flower ever since she met him, approached his side, leaned down, and kissed him on the forehead.

Ilse came over and wrapped her arm around her friend, and quietly wept.

Rani and Shiloh stood together, and they also expressed their grief. They looked back on everything that had happened between them and the child, and they wished they'd been more affectionate to him.

After a few moments, Ari and Olene came into the tent. Ari was too emotional to speak, so his fiancée did it on his behalf.

"It's time."

Fauna and Ilse looked to each other and nodded, then they nodded back to Olene. Rani and Shiloh shared a quick kiss, then the four women centered themselves around Tyler's body.

Grabbing the stretcher, the four women lifted the child over their shoulders and carried him out of the council tent.


As the women were carrying Tyler's body to be laid in the crypts. All of the Banditos stood in a line across from one another. The men had their torches raised, while the women held sunflowers in their honor.

Kai and Linh stood at the tomb together. Josh was too overcome with grief, he wasn't present for the ceremony. In his stead, Jenna was there.

Despite her heavy grief, she knew she needed to be strong for Josh and for her people.

When the women reached the crypts, they carefully handed the stretcher to Kai and Linh. Gently, as if not to wake the sleeping flower, they laid him in the tomb.

Kai and Linh positioned Tyler's body to look like a bloomed flower; sleeping in the garden, like the one he grew up in. They covered him with flowers, wrapped his hands around his chest, and adjusted his flower crown.

When they were finished, Linh took out a little sunflower bouquet that she had made, then handed it to Kai, who placed them in Tyler's cold hands.

Kai, filled with tears, took Tyler's hand into his grasp and kissed it.

Although he barely knew the child, Kai knew how much Josh loved him, which made him love him as a Bandito, and friend.

After placing Tyler's hand back into its resting place, Kai and Linh placed the crystal lid upon the tomb; completing the burial of the flowered child.

Then, all the Banditos removed their hoods and bowed their heads. Kai removed his hood, took Linh's hand, and began to sing Tyler's song, which was the same song that he wrote for Josh.

there isn't
a sight more beautiful
than you,
when you smile

when you smile,
your lips dance and sing,
and the sun comes out
just to see you

when you smile,
your eyes smile too,
and the stars hidden
in them turn your eyes
into a starry night

when you smile,
gray turns into color,
sunflowers gravitate towards you,
and you become the sun

When Kai finished the song, he heard the sounds of wailing and crying. He turned to see Jenna, who was holding on to Olene; sobbing.

Little Lilya and Maks were hugging on to Dasha, who was weeping into Petruso's shoulders. Fauna and Ilse were locked in embrace, while Rani and Shiloh had their hands together; their faces lowered and quietly shedding tears.

Linh still held on to Kai's hand. She began to weep herself, her other hand pressed against the crystal lid of the tomb.

Outside of the crypts, Josh watched his people from the distance. His face was covered in a hood; filled with bitterness, sadness, and grief.

All he reeked now was vengeance.


As the day went on, rain fell upon Trench. Not much was happening, as the people were in mourning. Josh sat outside of his tent and was drenched in the pouring rain, as that was how he found his beloved Tyler.

Josh was no longer the strong leader that his people looked up to. He was broken and crumbled. He had nothing left.

While Kai and Linh were responsible for watching over Tyler's grave, Jenna tried to take on Josh's responsibilities. She had Ari and Olene assisting her, which made her job a little easier.

After finishing up a meeting, Jenna dismissed Ari and Olene, and went to see Josh, who was still sitting in the rain.

She came over and sat next to him; pressing her hand upon his shoulder, and leaning against his arm.

"How are you doing, dear?"

Josh looked down and sighed.

"Not well."

"I know. I haven't been the best either."

The man looked to her.

"You're doing my people a good favor. I trust Kai and Linh to keep my love safe."

"Kai is your most loyal Bandito, and your best friend." Jenna told him. "He would do anything for you."

Josh stood up and looked towards the mountain, which was the same one where Tyler met his demise.

"I promise you, Jenna. Ender and Wren will pay for what they did to Tyler."

Jenna came over and stood next to him.

"You will get your revenge, my lord."

She whispered into his ear; like a wrathful and venomous Bandito woman.

"I will give Ender Mastel and Wren Bondarenko the most brutal death you can ever imagine."

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