t w e n t y e i g h t ☄️

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At nightfall, the allies made it to the north tower. It was believed that Ender and Wren were hiding there, and it was only a matter of time before they make their move.

When they arrived, Josh looked up to the tower, and recognized that it was the same tower that Tyler identified. He could see that the moss that covered the bricks had darkened, and oozed with crimson blood.

Something had taken place, and it was evil.

However, the realization soon turned into joy, as the news of Kai and Linh's engagement had spread.

Josh was the first to learn about it, and he was delighted to know that his friend and most trusted ally had finally committed to the woman he had longed to marry.

As the group sat around the fire, right at the entrance of the tower, they talked of this happy news.

"I am so happy for you guys." Jenna said. "I had always known that someday, you would be meant for each other."

"Indeed." Kai said; his eyes gazing upon his newly formed fiancée. "I knew I had found whom my heart belongs."

"Oh, my darling." Linh said. "You make me want to love you more."

The two shared a having chuckle.

"Congrats, lord Kai and lady Linh." Gamma said. "I pray our maker blesses you both."

The couple smiled to the young girl.

"Thank you, Gamma." Kai said.

Josh reached over and patted Kai's shoulder.

"I knew it would happen at some point." He said. "I'm glad that it is now."

"I couldn't wait any longer." Kai said. "If we don't return, at least we'll be together."

Citrus, who had not commented on the engagement, came in between Josh and the couple, and spoke to Kai.

"Forgive me for mentioning this thought, but if you and Linh don't believe that you may come back, might as well get married now while you have the chance."

Kai and Linh looked at Citrus with a strange look. Gamma, Jenna, and Josh, also looked at him.

"You mean to have a wedding right now, right here in the forest?" Jenna asked.

"It's merely a thought." Citrus said. "We are under so much time, and we have a threat hanging over us. Kai and Linh have committed their love, and now they can marry."

Kai and Linh looked at each other for a moment, and they both seem to agree with Citrus's idea.

"I suppose." Kai said.

"Citrus has a point." Linh added. "Why wait now?"

She placed her hand upon her newly fiancé's cheek.

"We must profess our love."

Kai, seeing the happiness in Linh's eyes, kindly agreed.

"Yes, we must."

The two shared a kiss, then looked to the rest of the group.

"We will get married tonight."


As the moon shined upon the sky, from above the north tower where the enemy rests, a wedding was being prepared.

Josh, as the leader, was the one expected to officiate the ceremony, but since he had no experience, he decided to serve as best man and have Citrus serve as officiant.

Both Jenna and Gamma served as bridesmaids, although they remained in their normal Bandito attire.

Kai and Linh stood before each other; their hands connected.

When Citrus came in between them, the ceremony began.

"We gather here on this night to join Linh Tomanova and Makaiah Yurkovich in the covenant of marriage. True marriage is more than joining the bonds of marriage of two persons, it's the uniting of two souls already attuned to each other. When such a true bond already exists between man and woman, it is fitting that an outer acknowledgment be made. This acknowledgement is the prime object of this gathering and this ceremony here tonight."

Citrus looked to Linh and Kai, as they gazed upon each other with a smile.

"Kai and Linh, you are now taking into your care and keeping the happiness of the one person in all the world whom you love dearly. You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship and blessing of deep trust as well. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities, and to share love. At the end of this ceremony, you will be husband and wife, but you still must decide each and every day, that you want to be married. Make such a decision and keep on making it, for the most important thing in life is to love and be loved."

Citrus turned to Kai.

"Makaiah Yurkovich, do you take Linh Tomanova to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as you both shall live?"

Kai smiled upon his bride, and smiled.

"I do."

Citrus then turned to Linh.

"Linh Tomanova, do you take Makaiah Yurkovich to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as you both shall live?"

Linh looked to Kai, and smiled to him as well.

"I do."

When the vows were spoken, Citrus took out a yellow string, which represents the tying of the bonds between the newly wedded couple.

Citrus then instructed them to wrap their hands together, then he wrapped the string them. When he was done, he spoke the sacred poem, "sealing of the bonds".

To share your life, with the one you love
Is a true gift, from our maker above
When two souls, form a bond
To live their life, with hearts so fond

Kai and Linh, will share their life
Now that they're, husband and wife
May they grow together, with love in their heart
Being blessed by our maker, is a strong start

With the bonds complete, Citrus concluded the marriage ceremony.

"By the power vested in me, on this very special night, I now proclaim you husband and wife!"

Citrus stepped back, and looked to Kai, who had tears in his eyes.

"Kai, you may kiss your lovely bride!"

With their hands still attached, Kai and Linh shared a loving and passionate kiss.

Jenna and Gamma wrapped their arms around each other; smiling with tears in their eyes. Jenna was so happy to finally see her two friends married.

Citrus went over and stood next to Josh, who watched with a grin. He was happy for Kai and Linh, and their marriage gave him hope for him and Tyler.

Citrus looked over at Josh, and was curious on his thoughts.

"Master, what does this have you thinking?"

Josh continued to look at the newlyweds, with a brave and heavy heart.

"When Tyler wakes up..."

Josh nodded his head, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm going to ask him to marry me."

Citrus nodded in agreement.

"That would be wonderful."

"I'm going to name Tyler my heir." Josh added. "Ender and Wren will be defeated, and Dema will be destroyed, I swear it."

Josh's eyes then turned red, with anger and fury.

"I will get my revenge."

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