e l e v e n ☄️

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That evening, as Tyler sat and watched the sun go down from his window, Ari came into his tent to see him.

Tyler was no longer afraid of anyone that entered his tent, unless it was Rani or Shiloh. He was used to getting visitors every day.

Ari approached him. He had a warm smile across his face. Tyler could see a wedding band on his finger, which told him that he was engaged to Olene, the woman who was with Jenna.

"Josh has sent me for you." Ari said. "You've been called to a meeting."

The child stood up.

"I know."

Ari nodded.

"Follow me."

Tyler walked beside him as he escorted him to the meeting. As they walked, he began to ponder on what he was to tell Josh.

He began to see that there were two sides of the man that he was in love with.

One was the loving and protective man that he met and loved, and the other was the charismatic, demanding, and stern leader of the Banditos of Trench.

He constantly reminded himself that he belonged to the people who fought to rescue him, and that he must learn his place.

But, it was still hard to adjust to it.

When they arrived at the meeting tent, Tyler walked in to see Josh seated on a chair, which resembled a throne. In front of him was a fire of brimstone and rock.

Standing beside Josh was Kai, and on the other was Jenna.

Tyler was surprised to see his boyfriend in this beautiful haunting figure, and wondered if he enjoyed the position he was in.

But, there was no time to process it further.

Josh eyed the innocent flower in front of him.

"Kneel before your leader, Tyler."

The boy did as instructed.

"From what I've been told, you wish to be more useful as a newly flowered Bandito." Josh said.

"Y-Yes, Josh."

Josh turned to Jenna.

"Jenna, explain to me what he wants to do."

The blonde girl nodded and stood next to the child.

"My lord, the child has expressed that he has certain skills that he wants to use to serve this clan."

"Is that so?"

The man leaned in close.

"What kind of skills do you have that could be useful for Trench?"

Tyler took a brief second to think about the talents he had, then he spoke.

"Well, I'm really good with scouting out forests and gardens, just like when I grew up among the flowers around me. I possess the ability to communicate with the flowers with my voice, and... I..."

He wanted to keep going. He wanted so badly to impress the man he loves, but he became afraid.

Jenna knew how scared he was, so she rubbed his shoulder.

Josh loved his sweet flower when everything he had, but he couldn't let his affair with him get in the way of his duties as the leader.

Jenna's comfort and assurance allowed Tyler to proceed.

"I can sing."

Kai leaned into Josh's ear.

"He would have to do more than that, my lord."

Josh raised his hand to him, and he stepped back to his spot.

"Well, my love, given the circumstances of your rescue, and your recent indoctrination, I'll make some arrangements to give you some tasks."


The child quickly stopped himself, then uncontrollably nodded in polite.

"Y-Yes, my lord."

"Very well."

Josh called Ari over, and Jenna took her place back next to her master.

"Escort Tyler back to his tent."

"Yes, sir."

Tyler tried to smile to his boyfriend, but Josh just nodded to him. It made the poor child sad inside.


After the meeting, Josh, Jenna, and Kai, walked out of the tent together; discussing what to do.

"So, what's the verdict here?" Josh asked.

"I think we should give him a go." Jenna said. "Tyler wants to start being useful to the clan, and his skills seem to be liable."

"I can see Tyler having some potential, but he's still too traumatized." Kai said.

"I know." Jenna replied. "But, we can help him."

"And, how do you suppose we do that?"

"We can have him join us on one of our scouting trips. He did mention that he's good with nature."

"Still, he needs more time!"

Jenna looked to her master and faithful friend.

"Josh, what are your thoughts?"

The man stopped at his tracks and began to think. He loved Tyler and wanted to continue to protect him, but he knew that needed to start being independent and make his own decisions.

So, he agreed.

"I will assign Tyler starting tomorrow."

Jenna nodded, then walked away; leaving Josh and Kai together with their thoughts.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, sir?" Kai asked.

"I worry for Tyler, and I understand that he is still young, but Jenna has every reason to want him to start being on his own."

"What do you plan to do?"

"That will be decided tomorrow."

Before Josh could head off to his tent, Kai ushered another thought.

"And, what of Ender and Wren?"

The man froze in his place.

"You said there will be a trial?"

Josh turned to him.

"I will give that some thought as well."

"Should we confront them again?" Kai asked.

"That will not be necessary." Josh replied. "I am already convinced that Ender and Wren are guilty, but I will hold a trial council at a later time."

Kai nodded.

"Very well."


Josh smiled to his friend.

"Now, go to Linh. She needs you."

Hearing his girlfriend's name made him smile from ear to ear. Kai turned away and started walking towards his tent.

Josh smiled back. He was happy that his most trusted friend and advisor was caring for a woman that he himself admired.

Linh Tomanova was a strong Bandito lady that had suffered so much, but became strong because his leadership and trust.

He had hoped to eventually see her and Kai enter into the covenant of marriage one day.

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