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"Mom, I'm going out to play!" 8 year old Nakahara Chuuya exclaimed enthusiastically to his mother. Shutting the door while hearing his mother's muffled goodbyes and come back early, Chuuya made his way to his favourite spot. It wasn't a playground or park, it was a big maple tree that grew healthily on a hill. Chuuya usually relished running up the hill and relaxing by the tree to read a book or just enjoy the scene. However, when Chuuya ran up to sit in his favourite spot, like usual, his smile immediately faded as he saw another individual already occupying that spot. The boy glanced at Chuuya and stared until Chuuya got irritated and pointed an accusing finger at the boy opposite of him. "Hey! You are sitting at my spot!" Upon hearing that, the other boy giggled and replied mischievously "I didn't see any sign here saying that it was yours though..." Chuuya threw his book at the boy which was easily dodged as the book hit the tree and landed on the ground with a thud. Chuuya angrily stomped over towards the book, picking it up and brushing the dust off his book. As he was closer to the boy, he notice that he had brown hair with matching chestnut eyes. Chuuya could see bandages creeping up the other's necks and arms even though the sleeves of his shirt was covering them. The brunette wore smug grin and started a conversation "So...What's your name? Mine is Dazai Osamu!" The ginger turned to look at the brunette and retorted "Why must I tell you my name?"

"So that I  an write your name on cardboard and out it at your spot to show that it is reserved for you of course!"

"What?! Why do you need to do that, just scoot over!"

"Sure! After you tell me your name!"

"Ugh fine! It's Nakahara Chuuya...." Chuuya replied while looking away and extending his hand. Dazai smiled and shook Chuuya's hand happily. Chuuya was kinda happy to make a new friend however, his happiness disappeared almost immediately as Dazai stuck his tongue out and teased "I still won't give you my spot!" Chuuya felt a vein snap in him as he started yelling continuously at Dazai about how he lied and tricked him. Dazai just laughed and continued teasing the ginger.

The next day——

Chuuya was going to his usual spot again, he was pondering whether he was going to see Dazai or not. His question was answered with a brunette sitting by the tree once again. Dazai turned to look at Chuuya who was waving at him and silently waved back. A good friendship was going to bloom.🍀

Chuuya and Dazai started hanging out and became the best of friends. Their friendship bloomed as both of them met near the maple tree every day, whether it was day or night, one of them will be there. The closer they got, the more they wanted to see each other. However, one day, 11 year old Chuuya once again ran up the hill to see an empty field with just a lonely maple tree sitting patiently there as if waiting for him. He was a bit confused as Dazai was always earlier than him. Maybe he was late, was what Chuuya thought as he sat down and waited. Hours passed and there was no sign of Dazai coming any time soon, so Chuuya left, leaving his book by the maple tree as a sign that he was waiting for Dazai. He came back the next day, seeing the book sitting at it's original spot, untouched. He went over and picked it up, inspecting it to see if it was even touched. He waited and waited but the same outcome it was. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and months turned to years. Chuuya hasn't seen Dazai for 3 years already. At the end of those three years, Chuuya was going to attend Bungo Stray high school. He gave up waiting. Maybe, Dazai really actually left him! He knew that that wasn't possible but there was so much lingers to show that Dazai actually did not go to that same spot for a few years. He just lost hope and stopped waiting. 

Who knows what happened to Dazai....

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