Phone call...

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Chuuya has  been in Bungo Stray high school for 5 months already. He was getting used to his routine and obviously enjoying his dorm. His grades were constantly improving and now, he is one of the smartest students in the cohord. He took pride in that. Gangsters went after him for the first few weeks, teasing that he was small and weak. Chuuya ignored them at first but the taunting continued and it was getting on Chuuya's nerves. The teasing stopped once Chuuya gave a harsh kick to one of them in the gut that he started vomitting. The others were slightly terrified but didn't back down they cornered Chuuya and ran towards him together. Chuuya took them down one by one. It was honeatly easy as a piece of cake for him. The gangsters were utterky stunned. Just one second and they are on the ground. They deeply respected Chuuy after that. Chuuya wanted to laugh when he heard that they 'respected' him but went along with it.

Everything went well so far for Chuuya until he got a phone call from the principal...

It started with formal greetings but the next sentence that came out of the principal's mouth could only make Chuuya exclaim a big "huh?! "

"Chuuya kun, I am happy to inform you that you will be having a roommate! He is the same gender and age as you so don't worry! Well,  that's all! He will be coming tomorrow at 3pm! " 

Chuuya internally screamed. What was he going to do? He face palmed himself.

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