Rough start with new roommate

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Chuuya and Dazai's relationship was going just fine. Both were like the devil and angel. Chuuya liked being neat and clean but Dazai was just a mess leaving who knows what on the floor. Chuuya honestly hated that most. He had to be the one to clean up all of Dazai's mess. Because of Dazai's weird suicidal habits, Chuuya will always be there to either stop him or clean up the heaps of rope, pills, knives and other hazard objects. Chuuya always wonders how does Dazai sneak all of the sharp knives and illegal pills into the dorm. They always had bag check every few mornings when they go to class. All objects against the school law will be confiscated and the student will have 2 weeks detention or worse, depending on the object they brought in. 

Dazai obviously let Chuuya do all the cleaning and never complained about it. He had no knowledge on cleaning and just decided to leave it to Chuuya. Besides teasing the ginger, who knows what else he does. 


As the sun rose and shined through the windows of the dorm, Chuuya stretched and turned on his lamp. The darkness of the room evaporated, waking the ginger up fully. He walked out of his room to meet a glorious mess. Boxes were all scattered on the floor. Chuuya was ready to scream at his inconsiderate roommate but took a few deep breaths to calm himself. That was until he saw that none of the boxes have labels. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO ORGANISE IT? And of course, his roommate didn't have the consideration to ask where specific items where. Even though Chuuya labeled the drawers, he could see bandages leaking out of the scissors drawer. "You got to be fucking kidding me!" With a few more deep breaths, he stormed off to his roommate's room.  Just as he figures, Dazai wasn't in his room. Shocker, hid room was a total mess. Clicking his tongue in frustration, Chuuya started slowly removing all the used cups, plates and utensils to the sink in the kitchen. Next, he gathered all the boxes and shoved it into his roommate's room. When Chuuya was done with that, noon had passed. Chuuya sighed in irritation, he wasted a whole afternoon cleaning after his snobbish roommate. 

It was another hour before Dazai came back to the dorm, exhausted. He obviously looked rather shocked at the clean dorm facing him. Chuuya, who was sitting at the couch, gave a confident side glance before  leaning back, "Clean up your own shit! I don't want to wake up to a abomination of a cluster." Dazai's lips lifted into a smirk, "Oh! How kind of you Chuuya! Cleaning up for me!" Chuuya growled before picking up a nearby pencil he was using earlier at Dazai who dodged it easily. Dazai made his way to his room, whistling. However, looking at the mess of boxes in his room, he made his way to his bed and flopped down after doing acrobatic stunts, to get over the pile of boxes. He fished out his phone only to receive a call from his older cousin, Oda. 

Wearily, he picked up only to hear shouts of children in the background and Oda shouting "Get back here!" Dazai chuckled slightly before asking Oda what's up.  "Hi Dazai! How is high school?" 

"Same as always! I still want to suicide. I also have a roommate who cares too much about cleanliness..." Dazai replied with a deep sigh. Oda chuckled and continued, "I will be coming to your dorm tomorrow morning as you have no classes on that day!" It seemed form the background that Oda was running. Dazai thought that maybe he was just having a rough day with the orphanage kids. Oda worked at an orphanage, taking care of the kids and he cared deeply for Dazai. Upon hearing what Oda said, Dazai clicked his tongue and asked, "How do you know I have no classes?" 

"Oh! Your dad told me!" Oda replied while panting.

"Mori san did?! I swear to god, that son of a bitc-" Dazai stopped himself there, knowing that Oda didn't like swearing.

"Your language Dazai! I know your father is a dickhead but deal with him! Well, see you tomorrow!" With that, Oda hung up without even waiting for Dazai to reply. Stretching, Dazai shoved his phone into his pocket and once again flopped onto his bed, not bothering to turn off the lights.

Chuuya was busy cleaning up the dishes and making dinner. He found Dazai's routine weird. It wasn't consistent either. Sometimes, he is gone and sometimes, he is lazing in bed. Chuuya found Dazai leaving the dorm at the middle of the night weird, occasionally skipping classes and appearing after lunch. It was just weird. However, Chuuya was too busy to bother and focus on Dazai's shitty routine. He had his own matters to attend to. He just found it annoying on how Dazai never cleans up his room and when Chuuya needs him, he is gone doing who knows what? 

His train of thoughts broke when he saw Dazai peeking out from his room door. Chuuya gave a confused look and Dazai stated "My cousin is coming over can you cook an extra meal tomorrow for breakfast and lunch?" Chuuya was rather stunned at Dazai asking him so up front. Chuuya nodded and went back to cleaning the dishes. Dazai mumbled a thanks and left into his room. Chuuya had to plan to wake up earlier tomorrow, what a bother!

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