Not that bad-

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Dazai was on the route to recovery as his wounds seem to be healing well. Kouyou and Yasano were good doctors. However, Chuuya's secret was out. Thankfully only Dazai and Oda knew that he was from a gang. Both promised Chuuya to not tell anyone. It could risk his future ahead of him if he gets expelled. I mean, Dazai found that Chuuya was not a ruthless gangster, he was really a vigilante. Only hurts people when other people bully and hurt others. But Dazai had to admit, Chuuya hid that secret well. Usually, Dazai would be able to sniff out any suspicious behaviour, even the tiniest change of behaviour when a topic is said. He didn't sense anything from Chuuya though.

Dazai in fact appeared to be in the dorm less and less. Those times when Dazai is at the dorm, there will always be petty fights and arguments along with useless snickers. However, Chuuya  priced a minor change in Dazai's remarks. Dazai never teased him anymore for his height and build. Chuuya was actually thankful for that, he actually felt less stress and more relaxed. He always wanted to ask Dazai why he always leaves the dorm more often but he couldn't get the courage to do so. 

With headphones in, Chuuya was listening to his favourite playlist while lazing on his bed. It was one of those days, warm but calm. Chuuya usually reflects during these days. However, every time he did, bad memories always come back.  Chuuya sighed as he reminded himself that he hasn't seen Shirase  for a few weeks. Not that Chuuya wanted to anyways. Shirase was Chuuya's ex boyfriend. However, things happened and they broke apart. There was that big part of Chuuya that was scared of Shirase. Even though he could fight back for himself, there always was that part of him that was terrified to do that. Shirase and his now girlfirend always picked on Chuuya. Chuuya usually ignored them but sometimes, when he round the corner, away from their eyes, he would break down. He was scared, alone and sick. Brushing those negative thoughts away, he decided to go out to the schools cafe for a cup of coffee and some cake. That should cheer him up. Wearing a white cropped shirt with a black jacket over it, some simple black matching pants and his shoes before he left the dorm. The school's cafe had many cakes and beverages. From cheesecake, chocolate and even bubble tea. The cafe had it all. By the time Chuuya reached the cafe, the cafe was absolutely crowded. So, Chuuya decided to just but his food and go outside to sit. Despite the hot sun, Chuuya managed as he squeezed himself through the crowd, cake and coffee in hand outside. Thankfully, there was wind as  Huay slowly put all his items on the table and started relishing his cake and working on his sketches. The sketch was due next week already. Chuuya felt accomplished that it was already two third done.

When he leaned back on the chair to take a short breather he couldn't help but swear under his breath as he noticed a oh so familiar pink haired girl. Part of her hair tied into a bun. "Please don't tell me that Shirase is scared and he asked his most annoying bitch to come and ruin my day." His tone very sarcastic. Yuan rolled her eyes at Chuuya's snobbish comment as she saw Chuuya snicker at her reaction. She retorted rather confidently, "At least I'm a pretty and popular Bitch. Unlike shortstack right in front of me. " Chuuya clicked his tongue in annoyance as he sat up straight and took his sketchbook with him to leave.  That was until Yuan stopped him. Chuuya made a gesture to move out of the way but Yuan obviously ignored it and continued, "Shirase wants to meet you now so you better gp or we'll beat you up! " Chuuya was about to laugh out loud in her face but he stopped when he saw a familiar faces behind Yuan. The past,  those utterly horrible memories came flowing back into Chuuya's mind as he stepped a few steps back. That didn't go unnoticed by Yuan as she jeered, "Scared now huh! " Chuuya clenched his fists as he turned and made a run for it. Yuan was stunnesbby Chuuya acting like a total coward and stood rooted to he ground for a while before she ordered her friends to cathch him. She too joined the play of catch. "Let's see how far can those short legs take you..." she mumbled under her breath. Chuuya was running like his life was on the line. He was quite a fast runnier but even him had his limits and to add to the list, there were about 10 plus people chasing him from behind. Even if he could outrun them, he can't run for long as they will hunt him down everyday. Chuuya mumbled curse words under his breath as he ran, his sketch book in hand. He was thinking of going back to the dorm but he was running at the opposite direction. He had to make a big U-turn if he wanted to get back to the dorm which unfortunately, is blocked by crazy people who are chasing him. What did Shirase want with him now?

Hearing the muffled screams of stop, Chuuya went slammed the door closed and locked it. Sliding down the door, he panted, he was breathless. Glancing around, he realised that he was at the stairs leading to the roof. As he heard the  bang of the door behind him, he shuddered. They were really going to bust down the door. As the banging continued, Chuuya slowly got up. He was afraid to look behind him as he slowly tuned his head. He could see Yuan giving the middle finger up at him with the others trying to bang the door open. Chuuya lost that last energy in him as he crashed down onto the floor. The past was just Tok heavy on his shoulders. He sometimes felt like punching Shirase and his stupid gang but knew that they will start coming at him afterwards. Even with Chuuya's fighting skills, Shirase's gang were too much for him to handle now. It was haunting him. He was just leaning against the walls opposite of the door. The yelling and banging still heard, the door's lock hit the floor with a 'ping' as Chuuya's heart dropped. The door was busted open. Before anyone charged at him, Yuan stopped them before she snapped, "This is the best scene I have ever seen for this whole year. You have guts to ru-" everything happened so fast. Yuan was sprawled on the floor as she screamed in pain and before Chuuya knew it, he was being pulled away from the scene. The rest of the males behind Yuan were shocked. It took Chuuya a few seconds to process anything. It wasn't him who punched her but a familiar brunette. Dazai had punched Yuan square in the nose and dragged Chuuya away to their dorm.

Closing the door to the dorm, the duo were panting deeply. Letting go of Chuuya's arm, Dazai  touched, both hands on his knees, supporting him. He flung his bag to the side and breathed deeply to see Chuuya seating silently on the floor. "Want to tell me what that was about?" Dazai started while looking at Chuuya. Chuuya just stood up  and questioned back, "About what?" 

"Well, I don't think it's normal that a hoard of students are running after you with this bitchy girl screaming, 'oh! I'm so beautiful!' In front of you..."Dazai joked as he sat down on the couch to catch his breath. Chuuya was silent the whole way. No retort, no rolling of eyes and no movement. Dazai sighed as he walked to his room. Chuuya followed suit as he closed his door. He hasn't cried in a few years and he wasn't going to any soon. Just brush it off! However, before Chuuya could stand up again to thank Dazai for what he did, not including the remark, he dropped to the ground with a thud. 

Upon hearing that thud, Dazai's eyes widened slightly as he went out of his room to see Chuuya's door closed. Brushing that weird feeling off him, he went back to his room but to only come out after a few seconds later as he in bed towards his roommate's room warily. He knocked once, calling out for his roommates," Chuuya! You okay there?" With no reply, he opened the door to be shocked by a ginger falling to his feet as he was leaning on his door. Dazai dropped to the ground in a split second to shake the ginger to wake up it to No avail. He was freaking out. Why is his roommate on the floor? Did he faint? What happened? Did those shithead injure him or something? He fished his phone out and scrolled through his contacts. Should he call Oda...but he would be busy and he isn't exactly a doctor either. That was when a familiar name came to his view. He hesitated but looking at the ginger on the floor, his shaking hands tapped onto the calling button on the contact as he brought the phone to his ears. 

After three rings, the opposite caller picked up... 

"Dazai's quite rare for for you to call something wrong?"

Dazai breathed in deeply, "Mori san...can you come to my dorm? My roommate is on the floor and I don't know what to do..."

There was a gasp at the other side before he heard that same dreaded voice again, "...I'm coming..."

With that, Dazai hung up automatically.

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