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Life is crazy, sometimes hellish even.

It will gift you the best memories you'll reminisce about until you're ready to depart from Earth. It will surprise you with the wildest opportunities that'll turn your world upside down – yet it will also test your limits and knock you down when you're most vulnerable.

Stuff will change you, and sometimes you won't even recognize yourself. You will lose your dearest peers; you will question your decisions, your career paths, and the overall meaning of your existence – things will happen, and half of the time, they won't be sweet.

On the other hand, life would be so boring if it wasn't this hectic, but perhaps only with stories like these do you begin to ponder the unexpectedness that might knock on your door next.

Dazai and Chuuya were definately in love from the start. Those feelings in them finally seeping out after all those years. Dszai's and Mori's relationship has been improving tremandously. That meant more quality time spent with Elise. When Chuuya and Dazai finally had the courage to tell their famuly members they were in a lovely realtionship, Mori congradulated them and even held a party. That man sometimes was overdramatic. Mori even gave a wink at Chuuya and thanked him for helping him regain the bond between him and his son. The father and son now talk more without shouts or slamming of doors thatnks to Chuuya. Elise being happy was an understatemnt, she finally could spent more time with Chuuya. Kouyou and Yasano didn't approve at first because they knew how Mori was like . However,  after spending sometime with Dazai,  they found out he was a sweet man and that Mori wasn't that bad and waa stilk changing for the best. Everyone supported their relationship which made Dazai and Chuuya delighted.

Overall,  this relationship wasn't complicates but wasn't love at first sight either. They made the relationship work out well. Everyone was happy for them and that was all tjat mattered now right?

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