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From the first hits of sunlight dripping in, the first rays of  a rising sun, Chuuya knew today was going to be on of those horrible days. A day, wet and cold. Much to Chuuya's dislike, he had to get himself out of bed so that he could prepare breakfast...

Also slipping out of bed, Dazai huffed, "What are we having for breakfast , Chibi?" Chuuya felt his anger boil inside of him as his grip on the frying pan handle tightened. "Stop calling me that! I'm not short! You're just a giraffe!" Chuuya spat out a retort. Dazai fanned a hand over his chest as he pretended to be hurt. However, a smile crept up his face as he started, "Thanks for making an extra meal though..." he looked down to avoid Chuuya's gaze. Chuuya just hummed in response before continuing to make breakfast. Dazai then continued, "You also suck at insults~" Dazai smirked as he pat Chuuya on the head gently before walking away. Chuuya clicked his tongue as he slammed the 3 plates of French toast with beans on the table. "I swear to god I'm going to strangle him..."Chuuya muttered angrily under his breath.

Chuuya, being the restless person he is, went to continue organising the drawers in the living room. He was making sure to keep everything neat and tidy for the guest. Dazai was a messiest person Chuuya ever met but he did realise Dazai making a point to try to keep everything at the right places since Chuuya labeled every drawer.

It was nearly 8a.m. Until they heard a knock on the door. Chuuya was about to get it but he was surprised when he saw Dazai, who was previously lazing on the sofa jump up to get it. Chuuya saw a tall red-haired male who stepped into the dorm after Dazai welcomed him. Almost immediately, the male's eyes glanced to Chuuya. Chuuya who was a rather short ginger-haired male, his hair longer on one side which was resting neatly on his shoulder, with a feminine-like frame obviously stood out in the room. Oda walked up to Chuuya with a gentle smile. "I guess you're Chuuya? Dazai told me about you. I'm Dazai's cousin, Oda Sakunosuke." Chuuya went to shake the taller male's hand as he bowed politely in front of the older male. "Hope Dazai isn't giving you too much trouble. Please bear with him." Oda chuckled as he pointed at Dazai. Dazai acted hurt as he whined, "So mean Odasaku! How could you say that?" Chuuya lighted slightly before gesturing for Oda to eat the breakfast on the table. Oda looked rather surprised at the welcoming breakfast waiting for him. Coincidentally, Oda also didn't have the time to eat breakfast so he was more than happy to eat it. He thanked Chuuya before sitting down to eat with Dazai and Chuuya.

"So Chuuya? Do you have any siblings?" Oda started a conversation. Dazai looked at Chuuya also curious. That question brought a smile to Chuuya's face. "I have an elder sibling who is studying to be a doctor. Her name is Kouyou, she is a sweet lady. I think if I remember properly, she is married to another lady called Yasano?" Oda nodded in acknowledgement before taking another bite from his toast bread. However, Dazai was frowning. That didn't go unnoticed by Chuuya and Dazai, realising that, stated "Nothing...just that the name Yasano sounds familiar..." Oda also nodded in agreement. "I think she was the one who did a check up on you 3 years ago remember?" Dazai's eyes widened as he face palmed himself for forgetting. Chuuya commented, "Ah! She is studying with Kouyou to be a doctor as well!"

"Well, I'm working in an orphanage, to take care of children and sometimes teach them!" Oda explained as he slowly brought his empty plate to the sink to wash up. Chuuya smiled, "That's good that you have a heart for children." Dazai smirked as he teased, "Chibi~maybe you should ask Oda to take care of you sometimes..." Chuuya huffed as he kicked Dazai at the shin. That didn't stop Dazai's laughter anyway... "Like I said! I'm not that short!" Oda, looking at the two argue, laughed silently. Looking at Dazai smile more frequently made him happy. Well, the reason to that was because His younger cousin always dreamt of suicide. He was always emotionless. Like there was a mask covering his face every time . That's why Oda strived to make Dazai laugh and smile more. He thought that he achieved that because Dazai always was more comfortable around him.


Dazai was laying on the couch with his usual emotionless face. Oda who was making soup, commented, "Don't do that again Dazai...okay?" He received a hum in response. Oda had just made it in time before Dazai bled to death as he was cutting up his wrists. Another suicide attempt. It started after Dazai ran away from Mori. Oda knocked into him when he was going back home. He was planning to call Mori but decided not to when he heard Dazai's tone. "Please don't call him...Anything but that!" So Oda let him live with him for a few weeks. The suicide attempts began. Form trying to hang, to cutting up his wrists. Dazai did almost everything he could escape the world he was living in. His relationship started to grow as Oda stopped him from all his attempts and just pull him into a hug. It was comforting to him. It was like a coping mechanism for Dazai. They made a deal after 5 months...

"Hey Dazai, what are you going to do afterward? Get a job?" Oda asked while he sat down beside Dazai. "Mmm...Nope! Maybe I will get a low grade job or something..." Dazai replied rather bluntly. Oda sighed before flicking Dazai's forehead with his middle finger. Dazai doubled over, holding his forehead in pain before pouting. "Let's make a deal, Dazai...Get into Bungo Stray High School and make new friends. In exchange I will pay for everything you need! That good with you?" Dazai thought for a while before his face became downcast. "But...Mori san is the principal of Bungo Stray high school..." Oda patted Dazai on the back gently before saying, his tone full of sympathy, " I'll deal with that, deal?" Dazai hesitated before slowly nodding, "Deal!"

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