A sacrifice

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It was easy to see the two get closer. That familiar wall between them slowly demolished. Their common arguments becoming more light hearted, there wasn't that hatred in their tone. It was a 'happy' fight. The two became closer everyday. It came to the point where Chuuya started cooking breakfast for the both of them every morning. Both also told each other their routines or changes of routines. It was actually easier that way. The two who avoided each other and complained everyday about being roommates are now seen walking  next to each other, chatting quite animatedly.

Sadly, with relationships come rumours. Sometimes spread by  people who hate or are jealous of the opposite party. Dazai, being the person he was, caught up with the rumours quickly and tried to disperse them but it wasn't going to well. Chuuya was oblivious to all the rumours and found it normal to hear his name being called out from every corner of the hallway. Some of his friends warned him but he didn't heed any of their advice, thinking it was going to disappear after a while and didn't mind his name passing from one person's mouth to another. Dazai on the other hand was getting impatient. He damn right knew who spread the rumours. There were two options, it was either Shirase gang or Fyodor. Dazai was now contemplating what to do as the rumours were getting out of hand. He mentally cursed as he fished out his phone and dialed a number he dreaded. He had to repeatedly call this person more than 3 times for the opposite to pick up with a frustrated tone. 

"Sorry Dazai kun, I'm busy so make it quick"

"Can you stop the rumours about my roommate in school?"

"Why would you want me to do that? You usually loved to see people suffer..."

"That's not my point! Can you just stop the rumours? You should be able to do that."

A sigh was heard from the other line but a voice soon broke the silent tension, "Fine! But you have to babysit Elise-chan during the weekends after two weeks."

Dazai really had the sudden urge to start shouting at the top of his lungs. He didn't like his annoying little sister who was the apple of Mori's eye. Even her face was enough to make Dazai want to leave the room, which is why he never liked going back home. He liked the dorm a tons better. As Dazai glanced atChuuya who was now currently frying a egg, he sighed and agreed. 

"For the breakfast...just for that..."

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