House visit

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Slowly but steadily, the rumours eventually cleared up.  By the end of two weeks, there were no more rumours about the innocent ginger. Unfortunately, as promised, Dazai has to spend his precious weekend at Mori's. Even Oda wasn't giving him a ticket out of this. He really had to face it by himself.

Chuuya found out about the terrifying rumours after those two weeks as Mizuki finally had the courage to tell him. Well, they still had their weekly hang outs at Chuuya's dorm but Chuuya found it strange on why Mizuki was more cautious around him. He did speak up.


"Hey Mizuki, why are you acting all stiff around me this week? Is something wrong?" Chuuya asked, concern lacing all his words slightly. He placed his book down on his study table gently and looked at the girl opposite of his room. Mizuki shifted in her seat a little before replying nonchalantly, "Nothing wrong..." Chuuya found it suspicious but decided to trust his friend. When he turned his attention to the book on his table again to pick it up and indulge himself into the wonders of the book, he heard a soft utter behind him. "Actually, Chu, I have to tell you something." His attention diverted back to Mizuki as he sat up straight and turned his gaze to her, signalling that he was listening. "There has been rumours going around about you." Mizuki started as she looked down, ashamed that she even hesitated and believed those useless rumours about her best friends. Chuuya's heart skipped a beat as he heard 'rumours'. Memories from the past filled his mind as he kept his calm composure and gestured for her to continue. "It says that you participated in gang fights and raped girls...Of course I don't believe them. Just that, I don't know much about your past, so..." Mizuki clenched her fists as she looked up to see a stone faced Chuuya. She waved at his face to bring him back to reality as Chuuya nodded and slouched in his chair while ranting, "Probably from some trouble makers who has too much free time. Ignore!" A smile crept up Mizuki's face as she hummed in response and pushed her chair closer to Chuuya's. Once again, Chuuya's room was filled of laughter and animated chatter.


With that, Chuuya found out about what has been passing through the halls of his school and was relived to know that it was gone. He found it strange as he heard that rumours only die down after a year of when the victim leaves the school. He needed no mind to it though. 

Early morning as rays of sunshine seeped through the gaps of the closed curtains. Dazai attempted to continue sleeping but rose from his bed reluctantly, remembering his Mori's deal. He got up and got ready. Peeking into the kitchen, he grinned slightly to see a familiar ginger at the stove, cooking breakfast. The ginger even seemed to be more cheerful. Dazai has also been keeping his ears open and was enthusiastic to know that the rumours were gone. However, thinking about Elise, he groaned and slowly slowly closed his room door. The next time when he came out of his room. He was wearing a loose casual shirt with beige pants. He carried a small black box in his hands as he headed to the dining table to see breakfast served already. He silently thanked for his meal and started indulging into the salty taste of his toast bread. Chuuya came from behind and sat down beside Dazai, giving him a confused side glance before looking at his own plate. "Where are you going? You have nothing today." Dazai took a sip of his orange juice before rolling his eyes, "Ugh! I forgotten to tell you, I have to go babysit my annoying younger sister for Mori-san." Chuuya chuckled at Dazai reaction, "I'd didn't know you had a sister. Also I don't think you are the type of person to just give in easily into one of Mori's deals." Dazai posture straightened as he coughed rather awkwardly, "I just made a request that he fulfilled so I have to keep my end of the bargain." Chuuya looked at the brunette suspiciously before taking a bite of his own bread. "I can go with you if you want. I'm free today." Dazai's eyes lightened up in glee as he nodded thrilled. He had someone to talk to and not be alone with that little blond devil! "Wait...don't you have a meeting with that blue haired girl?"  Chuuya thought for a while before his eyes widened, "She cancelled, she had work to do." Dazai shrugged as both brought their plates to the sink. Dazai went tot he door and wore his shoes and waited patiently at the door for the ginger to get ready. Dazai sighed softly, knowing that the ginger always took a long time to get ready. True to his claim, Chuuya took a long time. "Chibi! Hurry up!" Dazai called out as he unlocked the door. He silently counted in his head. '3,2 and....1" when he reached one, Chuuya's came rushing down the stairs and wore his shoes. "Gosh! Can't you be patient?" Dazai rolled his eyes in response as they made their way to Mori's house. 

Dazai was now frantically trying to get a taxi but failing. It was either to taxi drivers were ignoring them or his luck was in the ditches. Thankfully, after a few minutes, a red car pulled up and Chuuya dragged Dazai into the car. The driver greeted, "Chuuya-san, where do you want to head to." Chuuya glanced at Dazai and gave him a gesture. Dazai informed the driver his location and there were on the road right away. "I didn't know you had a personal driver." Dazai commented along the way. Chuuya who was currently combing his hair, uttered " My sister's." Dazai gave a surprised look and acknowledged by nodding. It was a silent journey to Mori's house as somehow his house was in an isolated land. When they reached, Chuuya almost choked. He knew their principal was rich but Chuuya's definition of rich didn't mean he was expecting a big mansion on land with personal guards guarding the gates at front. Both honestly hated how far the drop off point was to the front gate. However, about a few metres away from the gates, Chuuya recognised a familiar figure waving at them. When they got closer, Chuuya knew it. It was Mori, his principal. Mori who was initially going to go straight up to Dazai and start lecture him stopped and glanced at the short ginger beside him. "Ah! Sorry, I didn't tell you he was coming." Mori massaged his temples and nodded and put up a small smile. "No worries! The more the merrier! Elise-Chan is in her room. I have to go so have fun together! Chuuya you go ahead!" Chuuya bowed politely and did as he was told and went past the gate and groaned as he saw a road ahead of him to the main door. Mori put his hand on Dazai's shoulder and warned, "Take care of your sister. Don't do anything funny either." Dazai slapped Mori's hand away and glared at him before brushing past him. Mori sighed before getting into his car.

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