Grattitude to Love

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The surface of a pond might seem calm,  when,  in reality,  many number of secrets migjt be hidden beneath it.  The world similarly is like a pond that way.  When you perfrom even the tiniest of actions, like dropping a stone... It can ripple, until the entire world has been changed or you met someone special...

True to Mori's word, Chuuya didn't get expelled. Chuuya was brought to Mori's office to tell him what actually happened. Shirace was punished for sexually assualting a student and had a 3 week suspension and his parents were called in aasit was a serious offence. Even better, thanks to Dazai's eavesdropping and personal experience, Mori had no choice but to expel Shirace for 'bullying and tormenting', pysically, metally and sexually (like at the party) Chuuya for the past few months. Mori usually didn't trust Dazai but Mori had a  feeling thay Dazai wasn't lying and instead took his son's surprisingly wise words and advice and found out it was true. Mori was fuming and immediately expelled Shirace on the spot in front of his parents. Dazai was leaning on the door outside and smirking before walking away after he beard his own father'a voice say "You're expelled from my school!" Mori apologised for doubting Dazai initially and promised to trust him in the future. That obviously surprised Dazai. Little did he know that it was beacuse of a certain ginger.

"Is that so? I will be punishing Shirase. I had to check with you because I couldn't trust my own son's word. Sorry for taking up your time Chuuya-kun. " Mori announced. Hearing that Shirace would finally be punished made Chuuya mentally jump up in glee. As he thanked Mori and bowed, he stop at the entrance of the door and glanced back at Mroi who was looking back confused. "Sorry for commenting on what you just said and I would take any punishment for talking back but... You should learn to trust your son more. He isn't a bad person at heart. He's actually quite a kind guy. He helped me a lot. Despite his...bad past, I hope to help him confront it and regain that once good relationship between you and him." Mori looked stunned. How did he know about Dazai's past? Did Dazai trust him enough to tell him. That was unusual and shocking. "Why do you aay all that for my bratty son?" Mori didn't wven hold back the fact that he just called Dazai 'bratty'. Chuuya was the only one who knew Dazai was Mori's son anyway.  It was just the two of them in  the room now anyway. "Because.... He's my friend. Actually,  he was my friend since I was eight. We met every day by the maple tree at XXX town last time... "Chuuya didn't want to keep it a secret anymore. He wanted Mori to know that they met once again. Mori eyes widened as he walked to Chuuya slowly. "You're telling me you were the one who met my son when he was eight? " With a confident nod,  Chuuya smiled nostalgicly which Mori smuled back sincerely. Holding Chuuya's hand in his,  Mori started, "Thank you for being my son's only friend at that time . I just wasn't in the right mind at that point of time and yes,  I would like you to help my son regain that bond we both once had. I thank you in advance Nakahara Chuuya-kun. " Chuuya realised that Mori really wanted to turn over a new leaf but didn't know how to. Chuuya nodded and started explaning to Mori what to do with Mori listening attentively.


Dazai decides to speak up, "Did soemthing happen. You seem rather ...happy... " Mori chuckled and patted Dazai on the shoulder while smirking, "Just had a nice talk with that boy you liked so much when you were young.  I apolosige for what I did in the past. You don't have to forgive me but just know that you can rely on me and tell me your problems. " With that,  he left the room. Dazai didn't realise until something wet rolled down his cheek. He wiped that tear away as he leanes onto a nearby wall muttering,  "Thanks, Chuuya... "
Chuuya soon found out that Shirace was expelled and jumped for joy,  literqlly and figuratively.  Chuuya had no idea how Shirace got expelled,  he just told Nori what happened at thd party,  nothing else! That was when he saw Dazaj come ingo the house,  smirking and looking rather proud.  He got a hint already... He webt forward,  gave Dazai a 'i knew what you did look 'and said, "Thanks alot Osamu... " He teased Dazai for not telling him by using his last name which made Dazai felt a shiver down his spine. Dazai smirked at Chuuya and bent his upper body down to Chuuya height, "Thank you too Chibi!" Chuuya guessed that Dazai knew what he did too and gave the brunette a small grin. He blinked only to find Dazai's face awkwardly close to his. Giving Chuuya a small peck on the lips,  Dazai straigtened his posture and gave Chuuya a small genuine smile. "I love you Chuuya... Took me a while to admit it though... " Chuuya's face was tinted red as a bit of the sunset crawled it way through the gaps of the curtain shone at Chuuya's face,  making his face look even redder. Dazai chuckled as he bent down and gave another small, gentle kiss which Chuuya willingly kissed back. Dazai looked at Chuuya expactantly. Chuuya smiled back and replied hesitantly, "Love you too... "

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