Back to square one...

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Chuuya doesn't trust easily. However, the bad part about him is that if you use the right words, he is actually naive and gullible. He is far too easy for a prey. Getting entangled in Fyodor's believable lies, Fyodor was slowly digging holes in Dazai's and Chuuya's relationship. His gullibility was his own loyalty. All Fyodor had to do was get Chuuya in his hands and he could easily trick the ginger in believing his lies. It was an entertainment to mess with people's feelings to Fyodor. He absolutely loved that. Chuuya's trust with Fyodor could not be rivalled with Dazai's but Fyodor did it slowly. Playing his cards well, he was so close in breaking the ginger. Spouting lies, like poison into Chuuya. Slowly convincing him that it was all true. Dazai was unaware of this. He went along with everything everyday. If he had knew earlier he would have definitely tried to stop it with all his power. However, sadly, he was slightly late. He was late by those few words Fyodor said to Chuuya. 

Chuuya, on the other hand, trusted Fyodor even more every day. He started hanging out with him even more. Dazai had a bad feeling but dismissed it as nothing. Little did he know that he was gravely mistakened. While Dazai was busy avoiding the bad feeling, Fyodor was working his game ever so slowly but it was effective. Those gentle words and impossible lies worked just like magic...

Dazai was one of the few that could see through all of Fyodor's lies. That obviously shocked Fyodor the first time they met.


"So Dazai, did you hear that this girl in the nex-" he was cut off with Dazai bluntly saying, "Stop with the lies. You're annoying..." Dazai glanced at Fyodor emotionlessly. Fyodor's eyes widened before he regained his composure, "How did you know I was lying?"

Dazai smirked slightly before turning to Fyodor with a formidable glare, "My intelligence is highly above average but I'm no god. Don't think your words can trick me easily..." 


By the time Dazai found out what Fyodor had done after eavesdropping on one of their conversations outside the dorm, he was utterly....late.

"Chuuya, I told you countless times! Don't believe what Fyodor says at all. He would drop you after he has his fun. Stop befriending him." Who knows how many times Dazai said that. His words of true advice were said a countless times. Chuuya would always turn a blind eye to it or either roll his eyes and reply with a "He's my friend. I trust him. You should too, Dazai." 

"You're being stubborn Chuuya. Believe me! You have known me more than him. And I am telling you to stop talking to him. You trust me more than him right?" Dazai's tone was sacred. He was scared of Chuuya's answer. It was just a he predicted..."Maybe I don't Dazai, you just don't understand." Those words hit Dazai like a tidal wave. Dazai was hopeless. He was not in time to dpsave Chuuya from the upcoming hurt and sadness that will meet him. He has once again lost his friend. All over again...Dazai still strived to warn the ginger but Chuuya wasn't heeding the advice. When Chuuya left to his room, he mumbled to himself, "Sorry Chuuya but you won't like the truth..." 

Being the person he was, Chuuya knew something was wrong. What made Dazai keep on telling him to stop. Mizuki is now clearly avoiding him. He needs better thought about it. 


"I'm not sure what I should do now... Fyodor is nicer, doesn't call me names and annoy me. He's honestly nothing like Dazai." Chuuya leaned back onto his chair while sighing. "You mean the smart, arrogant guy in the next class? I'm not that sure Chu...he shouldn't trust him." Mizuki added while glancing at Chuuya worriedly.  Chuuya clicked his tongue in frustration and retorted. "Mind you, Fyodor is my friend and it was Dazai's fault for suddenly avoiding me for no reason! Screw.him." Mizuki sighed while hearing Chuuya's angry tone. "I get it. But I really don't think you should befriend that Fyodor guy. He seems nasty." That's when Chuuya snapped.


Sighing, Dazai sat on the sofa while massaging his temples. Knock! There was someone outside. Much to Dazai's irritation, he got up and opened the door to see a familiar annoying person. "Just wanted to check on you Dazai." 

Dazai took a deep and calming breath before muttering, "What the hell do you think you're doing Fyodor." Fyodor smirked before continuing, "Don't worry, Ijust want my entertainment. Just sit back and wait patiently. You may have to start from square one again. I did warn you to make a fast one." Dazai's hair fell to his face as he clenched his fists and  raised it slightly. He punched Fyodor in one blow. Fyodor winced as he held the side of his face. He continued laughing as if nothing happened. "If murder wasn't illegal, I would have thrown you off a cliff!" Dazai spat a menacing reporter as Fyodor slowly got up and went away. Dazai pushed his hand through his brunette hair only to hear a sudden voice. An angry one as well. "Dazai! Why did you punch him? He's innocent!" Dazai immediately swerved around and gasped when he saw an angry ginger facing him while glaring. "Chuuya, I can explain..just calm down." Dazai reached his hand out to Chuuya only to get it slapped away. "Shut it! I have to meet Fyodor later anyway." With that, Chuuya left the dorm while slamming the door behind him. Dazai knelt down to the ground, hugging his knees. Chuuya probably hates him, he's back to square one.

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