Dark side

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The next day was just full of laughters and chatter. Well, Chuuya did most of the talking. Their hair stylist routine and than to the kitchen for lunch. The whole day passed by quickly at Mori's house. By the time Mori came home, Elise was taking a nap in her room. Mori thanked both males profusely and sent them back to their dorms. Thankfully, that day had no screaming, arguments or misunderstandings which made Dazai more than relief. Usually, Mori would pick on him every time they see each other. Even a stray strand of hair sticking out of his head. He would lecture him to no ends. 

"I have to say, your father is crazy rich!" Chuuya exclaimed as they walked through the streets. Both decided to have a stroll along the nearby neighbourhood. Mainly to get dinner but do some shopping if needed. 

"Well, being a doctor and a principal of the top school has it's benefits." Dazai replied while rolling his eyes. He didn't really liked the topic about his father. He only felt more comfortable with Chuuya since he knew the whole tragic story. Chuuya knew how to avoid Dazai's sensitive strings and vice versa for Dazai.

When one has a bad experience in life, it may develop trauma. For example, certain smells, objects or even sounds can trigger that trauma. Which overall is a bad thing. On the other hand, when one experiences the bad event, they may get interested. Let's take Dazai as an example. When he witnessed his mother suicide and the after effects of it, he gets interested in suicide later. It could be both bad and good. This would lead to difficult complications in the future so it is best to avoid anything that triggers it. 

The ginger and brunette came across a small cafe by the road. It was a relatively small cafe squeezed in between two houses. It's red and light brown colours stood out. Both decided to go there to eat dinner and head back to their dorms. The air conditioning in the cafe was a welcome pleasure after walking in the heat for nearly 30 minutes. Looking at the menu, both decided to buy desert instead of dinner. It was bad for their health but they couldn't care less. They haven't had cake for a while after all. Both realised their desert and was soon done and paid for their meal. "Chuuya, wait here. Let me go to the restroom for a while." Dazai dashed to back into the cafe with Chuuya nodding behind. Chuuya walked ahead, being the restless person he was, he went to a nearby bench surrounding a big tree. The leaves of the plant intertwined above Chuuya. The park was rather...deserted. Must be because it was out of the busy neighbourhood. Chuuya was sure Dazai would see him, especially with his observant personality. Where did he get those observing skills anyway?  Dozing off, Chuuya was caught of guard and jolted up when he heard a yell coming his way, following with loud heavy footsteps. "If it isn't the disgusting shortie!" Chuuya knew that voice too well. Turning his head slowly, his heart lurched when he saw a familiar silver haired, tall male wearing a coat with a fur lining at the top coming his way. A pink haired girl soon trailing behind. She noticed him and joined in the jeering. Chuuya put a confident front as he shifted on the bench further away from the duo. "Shirase and Yuan..what are you doing here?" His voice wasn't polite but it wasn't rude either. It was best to ignore or not irritate them. Shirase clicked his tongue in disgust while Yuan intertwined her hands with Shirace's and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you come with us? Your coward ass ran away last time!" Chuuya shifted even further away. Noticing that, Shirase loosened the grip with Yuan's hands and went forward to Chuuya. Pulling him up by the collar, Shirase fumed, "Where're you going asshole? Don't think you can run away from me! You piece of useless shit!" Chuuya stood motionless in Shirace's grip. He didn't want to do anything. He didn't dare fight back. Those memories haunting him at the back of his mind. He tried not to touch it but seeing this male in front of him always made him remember. 

Thud! Shirace held his bleeding nose in pain as he fell to the floor with a thud. He yelled, "You fucking bastard! You broke my nose!" It wasn't Chuuya who did the honours this time. A familiar brunette appeared in front of the stunned ginger still processing what happened.  The shadow over Dazai's eyes gave his eyes a red tint. "Scram along now b*itches, I'll give you 5 seconds before this whole place becomes a blood bath." His tone cold and calm yet terrifying. The duo in front of him and the ginger stumbled to their feet and ran away. They knew Dazai wasn't joking. Dazai immediately wiped his fist on his pants and turned to face Chuuya whole was at the verge of crying. "Hey, it's okay now Chuuya. You're safe now..." Dazai comforted the ginger to his best abilities. "Those bastards are just lucky..."he mumbled under his breath. He was confident he had the abilities to beat the two pawns up easily. His father has been a great role model for that. He just didn't want to get into trouble with Mori. Hugging Chuuya gently, he supported Chuuya to his feet and from there, they made their way back to the dorms.

The next morning came rather quickly and Dazai woke up to see a silent Chuuya in the kitchen with a bowl of cereals and milk for the both of them. Not cooking breakfast was weird enough. Taking a sip from his cup of coffee, Chuuya glanced at Dazai before getting up and putting his bowl and cup into the sink and immediately leaving the house. Dazai stood there stunned as he walked to the dining table to finish his cereal. Maybe that incident the previous day took a big hit on Chuuya. Dazai predicted something similar would happen but he wasn't expecting Chuuya to avoid him totally. Dazai got ready until he heard a knock on the door. Opening up, a small crumpled and torn paper was sitting on the floor lonely. Picking it up, Dazai read the letter, crushed it and threw it into he rubbish can. His aim was precise as he had done it so many times due to his laziness.


It has been weeks since Chuuya hasn't talked to Dazai. However, when Chuuya did decided to talk to Dazai after some personal time alone, he did miss the brunette's company. Dazai ignored him fully. Chuuya was dumbfounded. Dazai wasn't the type to ignore him for no reason. Was it because he hasn't talked to him for a few weeks? Or is he angry? Chuuya kept on taking the opportunities to talk to Dazai but it clearly wasn't working. Chuuya was getting rather annoyed about this fact and decided to get advice from Dazai's 'closest friend'. He did reach out to Mizuki who gladly gave him advice. However, in the heat of the moment, Chuuya lashed out at Mizuki which made her avoid him afterwards. Chuuya didn't do that purposely but he was just frustrated at that point of time. So at the end he decided to reach out to Dazai's friends who knew him well. Not that Dazai had that many either. 


Sitting opposite of the raven haired, Dazai rested his head on his palms before placing a pawn on the board. He sighed deeply as he glanced at the man sitting opposite of him. "Dazai, it seems that you have angered your roommate enough to have him consult me." that male, or also known as Fyodor commented as he also moved a pawn of his own, knocking down Dazai's in the process. "You mean Chuuya? What did he do this time?" Fyodor snickered at Dazai's ignorance, "He says that yourself avoiding him and he has no idea why. So he consulted me for advice." Dazai clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I'm not avoiding him, I'm just giving him some space." Despite his calm face, Dazai felt his hearts skip a beat. "It's quite obvious how painfully close you two have become. You need to play your cards well. Or else, that ginger would be easily swept away from you." Fyodor continued as a smirk formed on his face. Dazai rolled his eyes as he kept his calm composure, he didn't want fall into Fyodor's tricks. Fyodor loved tormenting him anyway. He was a man full of lies and acts. If that person is gullible, he or she would be easily mind controlled by Fyodor. So, he had to be careful. Dazai really didn't mean to avoid Chuuya. It was just that he didn't like how Chuuya ignored him  and kept silent for those few weeks and decided to lock him out for a while, out of his mind. Dazai knew best that Chuuya would be easily entangled in Fyodor's lies. He had to stop the ginger from experiencing even more pain. Dazai could see Chuuya's hurt expression when Fyodor is done with his work. Fyodor sat up straight again as he moved another piece which made him in the lead. "It's entertaining to see how you two get closer. But you don't want to take that important yet dangerous last advancing step. Do relationships scare you that much, Dazai?" Dazai sat back and leaned on his chair, "No, not really. I have to say that your stupid god complex mind of yours isn't really working that well today. Is it, Fyodor?" Dazai placed his piece down, the sound emitting from it echoed in the room they were in. "Checkmate..


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