Met again...

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Students love rainy days. It makes the weather cooler and can help them focus better as well!
However... Chuuya is above 90 degrees now... He was panicking.

Why was he suddenly getting roommate? He had to make sure the place was spik and span for the new student. Chuuya honestly didn't have a lroblem in keeping the whole dorm clean. He cleaned it everyday. The problem was that he was checking just in case whether he has any items of his laying anywhere.

A knock was heard as Chuuya rushed to get it. It was the principal with a taller figure behind him. Chuuya couldn't really see the new student but he was focusing on the prinicpal after all. Thankfully,  Chuuya was done doing a spot check in the dorm. He predicted that the prinicpal will be arriving half an hour earlier. Bow it was only 2.30pm. Even though he said himself that they will be coming at 3pm...Chuuya combed his hand back with his hand as he bowed politely.

"Ahh! Chuuya kun. Nice to see that you were back early! Sorey for coming so early." The prinicpal started the conversation.

"No worries... Just finiahed soem cleaning. "

"That's good to know. Well, this is the new student. His name is Dazai Osamu. He is the same age as you as well! "

The prinipal moving aside tonpresent a brunette which Chuuya found too familiar.

" that so..."Chuuya replied wide-eyed.

"Is something the matter Chuuya kun? "The prinicpal asked as he tapped Chuuya on the shoulder gently.

"He probably is too tired Mori san... "The new student spoke up as he walked towards Chuuya. Chuuya returned back to reality as he raised his hand up. "Hi! I'm Nakahara Chuuya, nice to meet you! " The brunette gladly shaked the ginger's hand, smiling. Mori smiled as he left the dorm waving goodbye to the duo. Chuuya bowed once more as he closed the door behind him.

Chuuya turned to face the new student. He looked familiar alright... The chuld he met a few years ago... Chuuya pushed that thought away as he asked nonchalantly " You want a tour round the dorm? " Dazai shook his head and explained that Mori told him already. Chuuya nodded and proceeded to his room whule saying "Call me if you need me. "

Dazai smiled. He replied while putting his shoes back on"I'm going out for a bit! " and off he went.

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