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This always happened. People change, Friends leave and at the end,...he'll be left all alone. Why did it have to always be like this? Dazai felt as if he had lost all hope. Chuuya was his first friend. Fyodor destroyed their relationship without hesitation. Just for his entertainment. It was good when it lasted. Now, everything is destroyed. That ray of hope, all gone! Now, he's back at square one. Chuuya doesn't even know what he is in for. When Fyodor is done playing his game, when he loses interest in Chuuya, Dazai couldn't believe what Chuuya will feel like. He didn't want to imagine what Chuuya would do afterwards. Dazai predicted that tonight will be that certain day. Especially after that dreadful incident. 

Trudging up the stairs to the room, Dazai proceeded to slam the door close as he fell onto the bed, fcae-flat. He was angry at himself for not being able to stop this from happening. To stop Chuuya from feeling hurt afterwards. He was upset that Chuuya trusted Fyodor more than him. Chuuya was a forgiving friend. If he knows you didn't mean it and that you sincerely apologised to him, but there is one person that he can hardly forgive when something wrong happens. That was himself. He hardly forgives himself after he didn't listen to advice. Dazai hated that part of Chuuya.

As Chuuya stood at the bus stop, he clutched his sweater tighter as wind blew. It was going to rain. Fyodor was supposed to pick up Chuuya at the bus stop 15 minutes ago and he still hasn't came. Chuuya sighed in frustration as he whipped out his phone from his pocket. Three rings before Fyodor picked up. "Make it quick Chuuya!"There were cheers and fireworks at Fyodor's end. Chuuya replied in a worried way, "Hey Fyodor, when are you going to pick me up?" A big laugh was heard, "Chuuya! I can't believe you! You didn't trust Dazai's golden words and now this happens." Fyodor hung up after that. Chuuya's eyes widened, "That can't be...." He placed his phone into his pocket swiftly before running towards the dorm. He muttered under his breath as he mentally cursed himself, "Please forgive me..." 

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