-Growing relationship-

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Relationships always progress at steady rates. Sometimes, it progresses in a positive or negative way. Despite that, life still moves on. Between two high school students, things unexpectantly has been heading into a more nicer approach. Both had to admit that they were eager to know more about each other. So, it was not surprising to see both together more often....

A certain brunette and ginger always tried hiding from the others, trying to fool the other that they hate each other. However, both didn't want to admit that they were paying more attention  to each other. They each noticed new habits, routines and even hobbies. When both catch each other staring each other, both will send equal glares. It was funny how they acted even though they both knew it wasn't true.

For those few months, Dazai found out that Chuuya had an intense dislike to Shirase and anybody close. Chuuya found out that Dazai didn't really like tea of any sorts but liked coffee. Both took note of that and did their part to avoid those. Despite their observations, they never opened up. They kept on telling themselves that it's not time. Therefore, resulting in the two becoming distant. Don't get me wrong....they still talk but one has to leave all the time. Chuuya was forced to be at the dorm more often now. He didn't really like the new weather. It was cold and empty...There were those days were a certain annoying silver hair boy and pink hair girl would pester Chuuya. Sometimes knocking on the dorm door or even barging in. Thankfully, Dazai would make them scramble away and now, he takes an effort to remember to lock the door. The utterly annoying duo, were not as tough as they seemed. All just talk. It was a wonder why Chuuya was scared of them and allowed them to torment him. 

One faightful day, Chuuya actually had the courage to invite one of his friends, Mizuki, to the dorm to hang out. Dazai was hanging out with one of his friends anyway. They started out with gossips about other people, their Teachers to be more precise.  Both knew it was wrong but they couldn't help it. Rumours in Bungo Stray high school were sometimes horrendous. However, Mizuki brought up a question. 

"What about your roommate? Don't you think he's hot?"

Chuuya tilted his head and rolled his eyes, "What do you think?" Mizuki fanned a hand over her chest, "He's definitely attractive and he's honestly on your level of hotness. That's why so many girls went after him when he started studying here. He's a walking portrait of perfection just that,  on the other side,  he is a walking trash can." Mizuki could not help but also roll her eyes. Chuuya chuckled, "But now that I pay closer attention, I don't think he's that bad. Just that first impression is important and he failed that." Mizuki sighed as she looked at Chuuya with a disgusted look, her hand sliding down her face.

"Fine! Even though he looks good and is somehow 'not so bad', isn't the weighing scale of his sins going to tilt downwards while his other side of good things is going to be flying in the sky?"

Chuuya laughed at her description but nodded. 

The audible screeching of the chair echoed in the small garden as Dazai sat down while giving a glare to the person sitting opposite him. "Dazai... Nice to see you here..." his Russian accent showing. Dazai clicked his tongue in annoyance and retorted, "How bad to see a rat in the middle of the garden....Fyodor..." Fyodor just gave a fake laugh and crossed his legs. "How have you been, especially with that ginger you are sharing the dorm with." Dazai looked up, "I was feeling better until I saw you. Even my clean freak roommate is better than you!" Fyodor frowned but it soon urned into a fake smile and he replied, "You like the ginger don't you? If I remembered correctly, his name was Nakahara Chuuya?" Dazai gave Fyodor a glance before looking away. "So I'm correct Osamu..." With that, Dazai stood up abruptly,he couldn't stand his name leaving that Russian's mouth. It irked him. Fyodor smirked before continuing, seeing Dazai's walking figure, "Why don't you try? You will never know the outcome. Better be fast and act first though." 

With that, small things started to pass around the halls. A few words and sometimes a sentence. With a simple 'Hi' or 'see you later' , Dazai and Chuuya did their part to improve their relationship. Looks like it will take a good turn.

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