A bad encounter...or maybe not?

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As Dazai trudged up the stairs to Elise's room, he ensured that he would take his own sweet time to pass this day a slight bit faster. Chuuya, following behind, knew that Dazai obviously didn't have a good relationship with any of his family members, so out of respect, he kept quiet. When they did reach Elise's room, to Dazai's frustration, both hesitated to knock on the door. A pink door with stickers decorating it. There was a small sign with said 'Elise's Room' with a few heart shapes surrounding it. Chuuya had no idea what it felt like to have any siblings not including his elder sister who is independent. Chuuya wanted to help Dazai who looked rather stress knock the door but was having problem. The fact that the door was full of ornaments and stickers. Chuuya was scared that if he knocks at the wrong place, the ornaments will fall off and resulting in the little girl hating him. 

Before both did anything, the door busted open from inside and a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes stared right into the Ginger's similar ocean blue eyes. As her hands reached to her hips, her red frilly dress swayed as she pointed one accusing finger at Chuuya and chided the shocked ginger, "You are such a slow grandpa! Even I can walk faster than you!" Chuuya was about to retort back but reminded himself that patience was the key and that Elise was only a child. However, a dark voice came from behind him, "Shut it Elise! He wasn't your babysitter anyway!" That voice shook Chuuya to the core. Probably because he has never heard Dazai in that tone before. The brunette behind him shoved himself past Elise and placed his bag on one of the available seats in the room. Chuuya mumbled a soft 'sorry for intruding' before inviting himself in as Elise was not going to do it for him. Elise threw a stuff toy rabbit at Dazai and barked, "You...Who said you could barge in? I'm going to tell Rintarou!" That name was unfamiliar to Chuuya but he guessed that it meant Mori. Dazai on the other hand, easily dodged the toy and glared back at Elise and proceeded to take out his book to read. Elise, who obviously hasn't had enough fun annoying her older brother, snatched the book roughly out of Dazai's hand and jumped onto her bed, raising the book high in the air while teasing, "Come get your stupid book then!" Dazai who was beyond frustrated of even being here, glanced at Elise, "Elise! You better return it or I won't hesitate to tear you into shreds!" Chuuya knew he had to intertwine in the sibling's fight and grabbed Dazai's arm to stop him from doing anything unnecessary. "Dazai, be calm. She's just a kid." Dazai sighed and rolled his eyes, "An annoying one!" Chuuya sighed as well before approaching Elise and lowering his voice, "Hey, I think we haven't met before but my name's Chuuya. I'm your brother roommate. Could you perhaps return his book? He had a rough morning... Also, I brought candy, you want some?" Chuuya's hand fished out some colourful candy in his pocket and showed it to Elise. Elise stared for a while before gently dropping the book in Chuuya's hand and taking the sweet in his other. Chuuya realised that Elise was a gentle girl if you treat her right. Outstretching his hand to Dazai, Chuuya returned the book to only see the brunette sigh and mumble a thanks. Chuuya proceeded to pat Elise on the head as she was enjoying her candy while playing with her dolls. Elise hummed happily before glancing at Chuuya. A evil smirk appeared on her face as she nudged Chuuya who bent down for her to whisper into his ear. Chuuya shot up after hearing what Elise said but hesitantly nodded. Dazai, who noticed that, wanted to speak up but saw Chuuya give him a reassuring smile which he replied with a roll of his eyes as he continued reading his book.

A few minutes later, Chuuya was trying his best not to move as he has become one of Elise's toy. A flower rubber band in one hand and a pin with a white pearl in the other, Elise giggled, thrilled that she finally he a person to test her new hairstyles on. Chuuya was enduring torture. Usually, he doesn't let anyone touch his hair but his heart gave in to the girl and he agreed. Dazai who was observing, chuckled slightly as he continued watching Chuuya get tormented. After a few more torturing minutes, Chuuya's hair was done into a braid, white bead sticking out in a pattern with a flower to finish it off. Elise thought that Chuuya's hair colour was perfect for this design and squealed ind delight before giving Chuuya a mirror while jumping up and down. "See? I made you beautiful!"  Chuuya took a good look at it and smiled, "You're right! It looks nice. You would be good hair stylist!" Elise, upon hearing that, grinned as well and asked Chuuya to stay still for another round which Chuuya sighed but agreed. 

Dazai found it strange how Chuuya could handle Elise so well. Even better, be patient with her. Maybe he really was the impatient type. Mori always treated Elise better than him. Always giving in to her requests and giving her more attention. That was one of the reasons why he left. His trail of thoughts were broken as Chuuya  arrived Elise in his arms and looked at him and laughed silently, "I'm going to the kitchen to make some food. Want to join?" Dazai nodded as he followed them out. Dazai was impressed. Elise never let anyone touch her except Mori and there was Chuuya carrying Elise with no fuss. He would be a good parent. "Elise, you know how to cut tomatoes?" Chuuya's gentle voice broke through the silent atmosphere in the kitchen. Dazai loved that side of Chuuya. Always calmed him down a bit. Elise looked up at Chuuya and smiled back, "Yup! I know how to fry eggs too!" Chuuya praised her and asked her to cut some vegetables while Dazai cook some stew with Chuuya. The sound of chopping was heard as Chuuya left Elise at the other side of the kitchen to assist Dazai with the stew. "You okay there? You look pale." Chuuya silently whispered to Dazai who was right beside him and nudged him with his shoulder. Dazai who was startled smiled gently, "I'm fine! Good to know that Elise at least likes someone else aside Mori." Chuuya nodded and asked why Dazai hated his own younger sister, she was nice in her own way. Dazai glanced away, wanting to avoid the question. However, Chuuya gentle eyes took over as he explained, "Mori favours her more. She's a spoilt brat because of him." Chuuya didn't have to listen anymore. He knew what was the outcome of that and acknowledge Dazai by adding some chopped carrots into the stew. Maybe that was one of the reasons why Dazai ran away from home like what Oda said. Chuuya recalled that whole conversation with Oda and his smile faded. Dazai who noticed that, wanted to check on him but was interrupted. "Chuuya! I'm done cutting the tomatoes!" Elise's voice came from the kitchen sink. Chuuya's smile returned as he diverted his attention to Elise and complimented her and asked to get some bread. Lunch was made quickly as three people were involved. A tomato, ham and cheese sandwich with some vegetables stew was just perfect. All finished their meals in a flash and Chuuya went up, the stairs telling the brunette and blond that he was going to get something. Elise went over to the sink to wash the dishes while Dazai waited in his seat, slouching. His rest was interrupted by a high pitched scream. He jolted out from his seat and dashed to the sink to see Elise clutching her right index finger and blood was dripping to the sink. She clutched her finger tightly as she winced. Looking down to the sink, Dazai found out that Elise was washing the knife and accidental dropped it. Holding her small hands in his large ones, Dazai brought her to the bathroom and placed her bleeding finger underneath running water while he searched for the first aid kit. Chuuya who was still finding what he needed to find, heard the scream and dropped his bag on the bed and rushed down the stairs. He followed the blood stains on the floor which lead to the bathroom and looked inside anxiously to see Dazai gently and slowly wrapping Elise's finger in bandages he just found. Elise winced sometimes but kept her cool. She looked over to Chuuya and looked to the ground disappointed. When Dazai was done wrapping her finger, he kept the first aid kit box and inspected Elise's hand one last time before walking away to the dining table. Elise uttered a silent inaudible thank you which Dazai heard and nodded. Chuuya looked at Elise and checked on her. When he saw that nothing was wrong. He patted Elise's head as a sort of comfort for the little girl. "Sorry...I was washing the dishes and then I dropped the knife. Osamu helped me to bandage up my hand."


"Aren't you scared that Rintarou will scold you?" Elise asked silently as Dazai badaged up her finger. There was a few seconds of silence before he said something, "No...I'm used to it. Just be more careful next time. These kind of cuts have scars. Each scar will give you that bad memory. Don't be careless like that again. Got it?" Elise nodded and Chuuya rushed in.


"Is that so?" Chuuya asked as he carried Elise up the stairs. "I guess he's not that bad..." Elise admitted. "That's good to know. Go ahead and set up your toys. I'll come up later!" Chuuya walked down the stairs to see Dazai sitting silently in his chair. Chuuya did the dishes, cleaned off the blood stains. It was total silence and it started to get deafening. When Chuuya stood opposite Dazai, Dazai looked at Chuuya to expect a frown of not taking care of his sister but his eyes widened when he saw a gentle and warm smile on the Ginger's face. "I knew it..." Chuuya's voice full of nostalgia. Dazai tilted his head in confusion. "Sorry, what? You knew what?" Chuuya's smile became bigger, "I knew you were the same kind kid I met when I was 8 years old...by the maple tree."

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