There is always kindness in evil ...

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As thuds were heard, a figure swung a bat at a certain brunette's stomach. The brunette hit the wall as the air was knocked out of him. Blood dribbling down the bat and the poor victim's head from the sudden impact. Thankfully, it wasn't hard enough to do any damage. "That should teach you lesson to keep that big mouth of yours shut!" The figure lifted the bat behind his head, the tip of the bat landing on his shoulder. As a few more figures jumped down from disposed boxes behind, they all cheered in triumph. Another commented, "You have guts to talk about us like you know so much about us, the one and only Dazai Osamu..." The rest jeered as Dazai slowly got of the ground, coughing blood. Dazai was internally cursing himself. If he only think before talking, he wouldn't be in this situation!

"I honestly think that if you don't anger them, they won't pick on you for no reason. Just think about it, they don't just pick on students randomly, they only start acting when that certain person does something bad to them or other people. You can call them vigilantes."

God dammit! As Dazai supported himself with his hands, his bandages stained red already. "You're lucky that our leader isn't here or it would have been a total blood bath!" another snickered as all of them agreed in unison. "But he doesn't like hurting innocent people, he only kills when that certain person acts on us or other people. He is a total killjoy sometimes..." The others, hearing the insult, went silent as one of them elbowed the person who spoke gently and told him to shut up. "He's the strongest among us! Just take today as a...a party! I am kinda worried on what he would think if he finds out we acted without his permission..." Dazai, who was struggling to move listened to their shitty conversation. However, he was curious who was their leader. Evil but kind? Dazai was sure he broke a few bones and he will somehow have memory loss. He would rather kill himself than endure this pain. Just then, he faintly saw the gangsters who beat him up straighten their posture and they all looked visibly nervous and scared. That was until one spoke up, he was stammering, "B..boss...I thought you were staying at your dorm today..." Boss? The gangs leader? Now, Dazai was intrigues. However, he felt pain sear through his body. He may knock out at any time. Despite his blurry vision, he could still see the sort called 'leader of the gang' from the floor. He was wearing a black hoodie and black ripped pants. The hood of the hoodie covering the male's eyes. One of his hands in his pocket, the other holding onto a wooden bat, similar to all the other bats the rest were holding. The figure clicked his tongue in irritation and snapped, "What are you guys doing? I don't remember telling you guys to do anything..." As the members were standing  in front of Dazai, they were blocking his almost dead body in luck for their leader to dismiss it. "Uh...we were discussing whether or not we should beat up this certain kid in school....He stole one of our member's wallets..." One of the males answered, a layer of fear coating all his words. The leader hummed in response before walking slowly towards his members. Cold sweat trickled down their forehead as their boss's figure came closer and closer. Raising his bat and pointing to them, he asked with a demanding voice, "Then, who's behind you?" The members felt their hearts in their throats as they all looked down to the ground with fear. The leader was getting impatient as he slowly used his bat to push the males in front of him away. When he saw the scene, Dazai wasn't sure to feel happy or sad. Was he saved or in more trouble. He wasn't that sure..."What have I told you guys about picking on kids?!" The leader's voice boomed as the other males all flinched. "You know what? I'll deal with you guys later. Can he stand?" One of the males spoke up despite the fear filling in him, "We are not sure...We hit him quite a few times..." The leader sighed in frustration as he threw his bat at that male and told him to hold on to it. The male struggled to catch the bat with his numb finger from clenching his fists in fear for too long. However, he caught it, scared of dropping his boss's precious bat. The members all bowed at their leader as he saw their boss take out their phone and call someone. With that, he carried Dazai to Dazai's shock. He warned them before leaving, "Do this again and I'll slit your throats!" The members shivered at the harsh tone and nodded anxiously. To Dazai's surprise, the person carrying him knew which dorm he was from. Must be because of his gang members who told them. Kicking the door open, Dazai mentally thanked himself for his laziness that he didn't lock the door. The leader let go of him rather roughly as Dazai coughed at the sudden action. The  leader looked like he was apologetic but he quickly dismissed it as Dazai heard footsteps running towards the dorm. A red haired male rushed in, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Dazai!" It was Oda. Dazai sighed in relief despite the pain he was in. He was honestly surprised that he was still conscious. The leader closed the door with a sigh. He looked frustrated, really frustrated. He took out the first aid box from one of the cabinets and gave it to Oda. Dazai had a thought, a really confusing one. This 'leader' of the infamous gang Dark Disciples knew which dorm he was from, how to call Oda and knew where the first aid box was. Wasn't that just suspicious. A certain person's name came up in Dazai's head. The leader, noticing Dazai's intense glare, stepped back a few steps before pulling the hood down and glancing side ways. A familiar ginger appeared in front of Dazai, his ocean blue eyes proudly presented. His worst thought came true. It was Chuuya... Chuuya knelt down looking down at Dazai who was on the floor, his wounds being patched up by Oda." God...Your glare is scary..." Chuuya said, his words filled with regret. Oda looked at Chuuya confused. "You should bring him to a hospital, that bat isn't a normal wooden bat. It's made out of solid wood with a bit of metal pieces engraved in it. I'll pay for the expenses of the hospital so..let's go!" Chuuya stood up and once again opened the door, Oda following behind him, placing his jacket over Dazai. "It's okay..I'll pay!" Oda quickly replied as he managed a worried smile. Chuuya looked down as he felt that his heart was sinking into a sea of guilt. "No...It's my fault he got beaten up...I'll take care of it....Don't worry, I'll beat all my of them when I get back to school.." Right now, Oda was utterly confused. What 'them'? Why is Chuuya guilty? Chuuya noticing that Oda was giving him the questioning glare, explained, "It was my gang members who beat Dazai up and it's because I didn't monitor my gangs I'll take full responsibility of it..." Oda was stunned at the new information he received that he almost dropped Dazai. He was standing right in front of the leader of the gang Dark Disciples.

That's when Dazai spoke up, taking the last amount of energy left in him. " Can we not go to the hospital? Mori will know if we go..." Oda sighed as he nodded in agreement. "Wait, why would Prinicpal Mori be involved? Only guardians and relatives are....wait Mori is your relative?" Chuuya exclaimed the last part of the sentence. Oda nodded but before he could even say anything, Dazai weakly cut him off, "He's an ass so don't talk about it." Venom laced all his words. Chuuya nodded at the sudden change of mood as something clicked in his mind. "Why don't we go to my sister's house to see if she's there, she has a medical certificate!" All three of them then made their way to Chuuya's sister, Kouyou's house. It wasnt That far either. Just opposite the park near the school. Kouyou chose that school because she wanted to be near Chuuya when she found out that he was going to Bungo Stray high school.

Knock! Knock! Chuuya knocked on the door rather nervously, hoping that Kouyou was there. The door was opened by a dark purple head lady, her eyes matching her eye colour. A golden butterfly clip elegantly holding bits of hair back. She was wearing a white shirt with a black skirt which reached to her knees. She was rather confused seeing the the ginger in front of her until Chuuya exclaimed rushed, "Yasano! Remember me? I'm Chuuya, is Kouyou home? There's an emergency!" Kouyou looked down at the shorter male in confusion but when she heard the name Chuuya and the word Emergency, she screamed for her fiancé, Kouyou and welcomed them in. Kouyou was shocked to see Chuuya but her happy look turned into a serious one when she saw a injured Brunette on Oda's back. Laying him gently onto a blanket, Kouyou and Yasano started their check up. Chuuya explaining bits of information of what happened here and there. Kouyou was an understanding women. When she heard Mori's name, she stopped her actions and clicked her tongue, Yasano also rolled her eyes. " something the matter?" Chuuya noticing that, asked. "It's nothing Chuuya dear. It's just that Mori is an excellent doctor but his EQ, not so much!" Yasano replied, her tone disapproving. Kouyou agreed and commented while bandaging Dazai head. "He has a lot of knowledge and was once a famous doctor but he stopped to be a prinicpal...who knows what happened to him and his close ones." Chuuya looked away, knowing that Kouyou and Yasano was helping Mori's own son. He awkwardly walked away while Oda kept silent the whole way. Dazai had fell asleep because he was tired and in pain. 

After a few more hours, Kouyou grinned, "Thankfully, none of his injuries were too severe, just bruises, cuts, scraps and a deep cut on his forearm. Nothing wrong with his head and surprisingly, no broken bones." Yasano gave a thumbs up and packed the medical supplies away. Chuuya and Oda thanked the doctor duo profusely as Oda once again carried Dazai back to the dorm. "Remember to let him have a good rest and stay hydrated! Come back if there are any problems!" Kouyou called out to them as the trio left their house. Chuuya nodded and waved goodbye to Kouyou.

"Thank god your sister was a doctor...It would have been a total mess if Mori found out..."Oda sighed in relief. 

"Why does Dazai hate Mori so much anyway?" Chuuya asked, intrigued at how Oda and Dazai act and talk about Mori. His sister and sister's fiancé also acted coldly towards him. 

"You should ask Dazai about that....he should be the one who should tell you...."

Chuuya nodded in an understanding way. Everyone had a part of them which they wanted to keep a secret. Dazai had a bad past, same as Chuuya. They just had to learn to trust each other more and soon, when they are ready, maybe they will open up more.

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