Bungo Stray High School---

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Waking up from his peaceful slumber, Chuuya stretched as he got up and got ready to go to school, Bungo Stray high school. 

Bungo Stray high school was different from other high schools. It was for more mature students. The school had dorms unlike other schools and sometimes, one or two students will share the dorm. Those who got the whole dorm for themselves were of course lucky! However, those who shared were usually boy and girl. Rare occasions however,  both are the same gender. Weird right? But because of having dorms, love relationships came about. Who knows? Maybe the principal of Bungo Stray high school wanted that to happen. The downside of having two different genders living in the same dorm caused molest and rape accidents. Despite that, there were very little cases. Almost none! The principal was very strict about these cases as he did everything in his power to prevent it and it worked. 

Bungo Stray high school was also one of the top schools. Each and every student was interviewed by the teachers and principal himself. They asked questions like what is your favorite hobby, your past and they looked at their scores and manners. It was a very serious interview. All students had to pass an entry exam as well! Out of a 1000 students, probably only 600 passed the interview and only 100 students passed the exam! So if you are a student there, you should be proud. Not everyone can get into that school. 

Despite the strict rules and hard exams, the principal only cared about how the school looked from the outside. The inside you ask? He doesn't care! So, behind those thick and tall gates surrounding the schools, there were gangster fights, bullying and other violent occasions. The school even had a very serious incident which resulted in a 'kidnapping scene'. It consisted of a gang of 5 males who knocked out another male student and his girlfriend. Thankfully, the girlfriend escaped unharmed...But the male? He was beaten up really badly. He had to be hospitalised. Head concussion, broken limbs, dislocated jaw and turned half blind. When the principal found out, he was fuming mad. He gave the 5 boys detention for a month and 5 week suspension. Which honestly, isn't enough but the principal didn't want to expel them and tell the whole world what his school done. The boy who was severely injured was sent to the school's personal hospital. The school's personal hospital staff were quite skilled. The principal was once a doctor as well! That gang was afterwards feared by everyone. That obviously made the gang proud and they continued to bully other students. The bullying became worse and worse until the principal decided to erase their names from the school list and records and secretly expelled them. There was no evidence of those 5 boys in the school record which allowed the school to still have it's fame but have a dark side behind. Those 5 boys? Who knows what happened to them. Lying about being once in Bungo Stray high school was a serious offence. 

So, it's either you keep quiet, get pushed around and be silently strong for yourself, or become a bully in one of the gangs. Get killed or kill....

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