Bond with chains...

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Oda broke the hug with Dazai and asked him, his voice soft and his tone was calm. "Hey Dazai, you knew that Chuuya kid don't you?" Dazai hesitated but nodded. Oda sighed and chuckled slightly. "Why didn't you tell me he was that childhood friend?" Dazai just shrugged and slowly stood up. Oda once again hugged Dazai and encouraged, "You need to tell him you know? I bet he knows too. Thank god Mori doesn't know..."The last sentence was full of hate. Dazai shook his head solemnly and trembled, "Not now...Especially when Mori is here..." Oda sighed and nodded in understanding. Dazai really had an ugly past. With that, Oda sat them down on the couch and gave Dazai some juice. "So want to tell me why everyone thinks you're from a gang now?" Oda noticed how his cousin's back straightened which meant that he was surprised and scared of telling. "I just spoke what I thought and because of the words I said.....everyone is suspicious...." Dazai stuttered. Oda sighed. What should he do?

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