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Raindrops pelted on the the windows of the building. Chuuya and Dazai strutted to the classroom. The weather didn't make their mood brighten up either. They weren't looking forward to class anyway. They had to do a 'special' project that the teacher hasn't told any of them yet. However, everyone knew it was another boring project about helping the elderly or cleaning up trash at the beach. Normal school projects. Dazai heard from Chuuya about the two projects he had done so far and eaves dropped on the other student's conversations. He wasn't excited at all. 

Both sighed in relief when they realised the teacher hasn't arrived yet. They took their seats, Dazai standing beside Chuuya's desk. Nobody was really fond of Dazai. He was usually quiet and kept to himself. An introvert was what everybody thought. He was on the famous side when he first arrived. He was also on the hot side for the girls as well. Many girls tried their luck and asked him out. However, lady-luck wasn't with them. When they first approached Dazai, Dazai's glare already told them straight in the face "No!". Some girls still tried to push but Dazai's abrupt sentences ended their conversations almost immediately. At the end, all the girls avoided him. Thankfuly, reumours didn't spread. Dazai wasn't sociable either. He knew he made a deal with Oda to make new friends and he is getting there, just needs some time. Just that the girls irk him. There was this one boy called Atsushi, he was in the same class as Dazai. As usual, Dazai avoided him whenever Atsushi tried to start a conversation. Atsushi still pestered Dazai and Dazai gave in and found out that Atsushi was a nice guy. Like the sunshine, always sharing his warmth with everyone around. Kind of reminded Dazai of Oda.  They became close friends after a few weeks. Because of cheerful Atsushi, he introduced Dazai to his other friends, therefore, resulting in Dazai getting friends easily. He was starting to get close to his new friends but he didn't want to open up. He still kept that fake smile up on his face. He didn't tell anyone that his father was Mori.  Less troubles that way. It was just a coincident that Chuuya was part of Atsushi's friend group. Everyone knew that they were dorm mates. So obviously, Dazai was closer to Chuuya than anyone else. Despite their frequent arguments and fights, they still talked 'normally' to each other most of the times. Dazai was just thrilled to tell Oda that he kept his part of the deal and made new deals. 

Dazai's train of thoughts was broken when Tachihara, one of Chuuya's friends, started asking him something. "Hey Chuuya! Did you hear that the Dark Disciples are picking on students again?" That was the latest rumour that has been spreading through the whole school. (Please refer to 'Unknown Gang' to check what Dark Disciples are!) Before Chuuya could say anything, Dazai cut through the awkward silence, "I honestly think that if you don't anger them, they won't pick on you for no reason. Just think about it, they don't just pick on students randomly, they only start acting when that certain person does something bad to them or other people. You can call them vigilantes." Tachihara and Chuuya looked at Dazai, wide-eyes. " How do you know that? Are you one of them?" Tachihara asked and started pointing at Dazai accusingly. Dazai straightened his posture, "It's just common sense!" With that, he left...


Suspicions were raised at what Dazai said. Was Dazai from Dark Disciples? Is he a secret information collector? A spy? These were the few questions that everyone asked themselves. Nevertheless, no one voice it out, either because they are scared they get beaten up or they are scared of making a misunderstanding. They kept their thoughts to themselves.

Chuuya was sitting on his bead, his headphones playing soft and calming music as he sketched out a drawing for Art homework. The teacher had delayed the announcement of the 'project' to everyone's relief. Dazai was out again, doing who knows what? Who knows? He could be beating someone up right now! Chuuya wasn't expecting Dazai to come back any earlier. Surprisingly, he heard the familiar click of the door which meant that someone came into the dorm. Chuuya slowly peeked out of his room only to see Dazai who looked rather tired. Strands of hair sticking out oh his head. Chuuya rolled his eyes,  "You're back early."  and continued his work. Dazai glanced over at Chuuya and Dazai's sudden cheerful mood sunk Chuuya's boat of concentration. "Chibi! Guess what? You will be spending some quality time with Odasaku until  I come back tomorrow!" Chuuya grumbles and nods in acknowledgement.

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