A new start

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Sorry for the few days absence. I was on vacation...


Chuuya's heart thunped hard in his chest.  Each step was filled with regret,  it was heavy steps. Every second wasted was a part of Dazai's heart breaking off. Chuuya sneezed a few times as it rain drops started pelting down. Raindrops trickled down his face as he zipped up his sweater fully. It was utterly cold. Quickening his footsteps,he muttered curse words underneath his breath.

Dazai on the other hand was questioning his life decisions. He could imagine Oda's comforting face,  full of sympathy. He really hated it when people pitied him but Oda was fine. Sighing deeply,  he walked to his window and opened it. With a click,  he saw heavy rain drops. Looking down from where he was. He was really contemplating whwther or not to jump. He knew he shouldn't but he really didn't have any more hope in him. Chuuya was like a shining star to Dazai. The only person who really cared about Dazai was Oda. He finally found another rare person who treated him like a normal human being, unlike his own father who treated him like a monster.  Dazai only dressed Mori as his own father in the public to show that little grattitude to Mori for not throwing him out of the house when he had the chance. His hatred towards Elise was still there but it was very little unlike at first. Dazai had to admit that that was because of Chuuya as well. Chuuya helped him in many things. However,  now he's gone... As Dazai climbes onto thw window ledge,  he could hear Chuuya saying "Idiot! You think that's high enough? " in his head. Dazai chuckled a little as he steadied himself. The height enough wouldn't kill but because the floor is wet, t there is a chance that he would slip and hit his head somewhere sharp. Even if it didn't kill him,  the injuries will be enough to get him out of his misery and knock him out. Breathing in deeply, he whispered his goodbyes and his fell backwards.

Chuuya at that time was breathing deeply as he rushed up the stairs. He knew Dazai was the one to do the dumbest of things sometimes when he's upset. He couldn't care less for Dazai's privacy as he barged into his roommate's room to see Dazai glance at him,  smiling. Chuuya rushed forward to the window as his hand reached out to grab just a fabric of Dazai's clothing but when he clenched his fists,  he grabbed nothing as he felt his heart skip a beat. Chuuya knew himself the best. He knew he would do the craziest things for juat a minor problem. The next second he knew, his upper part of his body was out of the window. His hair swayed in the wind. Raindrops pelting and drenching his hair and shirt. Dazai chose to jump and end his life but when Chuuya gripped his hand desperately, he couldn't help but grip it tighter. It was funny how Chuuya could easily make Dazai change his mind. They went through many occasions together. Both bad and good. Now, Dazai really is changing his mind. As Chuuya slowly pulled Dazai up, he felt breathless afterwards. He was so going to stove Dazai a lecture afterwards. True to his words, when Chuuya finally pulled Dazai up, instead of comforting him, he hit the back of Dazai's head hard. Dazai winced at the sudden action he wasn't expecting. However, he knew that Chuuya would be angry at him. After a rather long lecture hill drying themselves up in the process, Chuuya sat them down and there was a long silence. "Sorry...I didn't trust you..." he finally croaked out. Dazai sighed and hesitatingly hugged Chuuya. He knew this moment will come but he didn't know it will come so soon. Fyodor must have had enough fun and decided to drop Chuuya. Chuuya continued with tears threatening to fall, "I just thought that Fyodor was someone I could trust. I finally found someone that understood me. Who knew it was just Fyodor's smart ass with his words..." Dazai really wanted to say that he could understand Chuuya the best but kept it in. "I know you'll find someone like that, Chuuya." Chuuya smiled slightly but what came out of his mouth next made Dazai's heart leapt in happiness. "I think I already found that person." Chuuya placed his forehead on Dazai's, "and that's you. Sorry I took so long to realise." Dazai waa quite stunned at the sudden change of events but was happy that Chuuya trusted him once again. "Truce ?" Dazai asked, certain of Chuuya's answer. "Oviously you waste of bandages! "

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