The past~

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Fridays. The best day of the whole week as everyone thinks that the tiring school week was finally over. However, Chuuya didn't like Fridays though. He was restless. He needed work to do. Obviously Friday took that away. The worst part was that Dazai was out doing his suspicious business and his cousin was coming to their dorm and Chuuya will be alone. 

It wasn't that Chuuya hated Oda, he even thought that he was a nice guy. It was the age difference between them and.... 'height'. However, Chuuya still strived to become good friends with Oda. He seemed close to Dazai after all so it should be fine. " you know where the juice is?" Chuuya felt a tap on his shoulder which snapped him back to reality. After placing the juice on the table, Oda striked a question right at Chuuya who was obviously slowly drifting to 'wonder' land. You could see it from his face. "How's Dazai?" Chuuya realised that Oda was always with Dazai's well being which made Chuuya smile. Oda was like Dazai's dad. "He just like normal. A waste of bandages which is a suicidal freak. Now, because of what he said, everyone think he is part of a gang, that ass..." Chuuya noticed that Oda flinched slightly when he said the word 'suicidal' but brushed it off his mind. However, it made him curious so he asked, "Is something wrong? You seem distant from earth..."Chuuya joked to lighten the mood which obviously worked. 

"Nothing wrong just that Dazai is a problematic child sometimes...First breakdown was when he was only a kid..."

"A kid?" Chuuya's interest was peeked.

"Yah. He always went out to play with a kid up a hill or something and his dad suddenly stopped him and he had a breakdown..." Oda replied, his tone saddened.

Chuuya's heart skipped a beat at the that sentence and abruptly stood up. Oda who was confused checked if he was okay but the look on Chuuya's face was emotionless. It was like his soul left his body which made Oda concerned as he pulled Chuuya down to the couch they were seating on. "Did I say something wrong? Please tell me if I did..." Oda's face was concern and he needed too know what happened for a person to suddenly act like that especially when Chuuya isn't that kind of person. "No...nothing. Just, what did Dazai tell you about that kid?" Chuuya stammered. Oda found it weird why Chuuya wanted to know so much but answered as to comfort him. "Um...if I remembered correctly, Dazai said that kid was loud and annoying but was a nice friend. He didn't share much, he wanted to keep it a secret I think? When his father found out...he grounded Dazai for who knows what reason. That man is a real b*tch, even I don't like him. At the end, I ended up taking care of Dazai. Now, you tell me why you are so shocked." Chuuya was silent throughout the whole thing. He ignored Oda's question and solemnly went to his room. Oda wanted to stop him but hesitated , "Just tell me when you're ready!" With a silent slam of the door, Oda sighed and mumbled to himself, "Just like Dazai..." with that, he started drinking his juice and waited for Dazai to come back. 

The whole dorm was silent, the ticking of the clock on the whole started irritating Oda as he stood up to stretch. His eyes widened in happiness when he heard the unlocking of the door. Dazai came in, looking exhausted as one side of his sweater was hanging at his shoulder already. His bandages on his arm were undone. When he saw the empty living room with only Oda, he lifted a brow. Oda started explaining what he said and at that moment, Dazai dropped his bag on the floor with a thud. "Why did you tell him that?" Dazai shouted while a frown appeared on his face. Oda was clearly shocked at the sudden shout from Dazai and went forward to hug him gently. Dazai calmed down as he dropped to the ground. Chuuya was leaning on his door, his eyes were hazy. That was a sensitive topic. It wasn't counted as a bad past but it was just hard to bring up. Childhood friends met each other in high school. Chuuya didn't even know much about Dazai. Vice versa for Dazai. Chuuya took a deep breath, packed a small bag and slowly opened the door to see a saddening scene. Dazai was crouched on the ground with Oda hugging him. That was obviously a breakdown based on what Oda explained. He walked past the two, wore his shoes and left the dorm. Oda looked at Chuuya's figure and frowned, he needed to know why both were acted so wildly about Dazai's childhood. That's when something clicked!


"Dazai, want to tell me about the kid?" Oda softly said to his younger cousin who was laying on his bed, the blanket covering him. He hasn't eaten for a few days because of what Mori said.

"No..." Dazai replied while he pulled the blanket to cover his head. Oda sighed and after some pestering, he got Dazai to eat some warm porridge and tell him what happened. "He's annoying and loud..." Oda gestured for him to continue. "And he really short!" At that sentence, Dazai giggled a little. "He has a unique hair colour and his eyes are like the ocean. He's funny too!" Dazai's whole mood lightened...

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