7. fishy

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Please ignore the mistakes.


Everything seems to be in the right place for Taehyung.

He got a nice job, and lovable friends, moreover, his soulmate is back.

Everyone cooperates with him at the office and Yoongi and Hobi are the best Hyungs they helped him in every possible way.

And about Jungkook, he was becoming closer to Taehyung, he cares for him and supports him. They spend a lot of time together.

It's been 5 days since he joined this company. And it's only one day to go for the treat at Jin's cafe.

To say Taehyung was looking for it was an understatement, he was so excited just like a 5-year-old baby when he came to know that he was going to visit an amusement park.

But Taehyung noted something in these 5 days, Hobi seems to be visiting his department frequently. I mean he visits Taehyung sometimes but Hobi always roams around his particular department rather than being on his own.

Something is fishy

It's lunchtime and Hobi got some work to do so he excused himself after quickly finishing his lunch because when he said that he don't have time to eat, Jimin gave him an 'I dare you to move' look.

After making sure that Hobi was nowhere near them Taehyung started

"Guy, have you noticed that Hobi Hyung seems to be more in my department than his".

After hearing Taehyung, Jimin quickly dropped the juice that he has been drinking and said with a 'Finally you too know that', tone

"You guessed it right, Taetae, you know the girl Lisa right".

"Yay, she's one of the best, chim, I truly like her performance".

"Yay, yay, ok, enough with your compliments, I think Hobi has a thing with her", Jimin said. Making Jungkook chock on his banana milk.

"How can you say that so sure, idiot, maybe he has some other work or something, don't talk rubbish Jimishii", Jungkook said.

"Oh, look who's talking the one who said I think Hobi Hyung loves someone in that department", Jimin scoffed.

"Well, I said someone, not Lisa".

"But she seems to be a little flustered whenever Hobi talks to her", Taehyung said.

"Told ya", Jimin said.

"Oh, being a good head you are, watching her every time uh", Jungkook said.

"It's not like that Kook, she's so close to me, I care about her, she was like my little sis, yay, my little sis", Taehyung said with a soft smile.

But Lisa was truly an affectionate and approachable person ever. She helped Taehyung in many ways on his first day. Taehyung has a very soft corner for her.

"Ok fine, I'll go with you. If you think Hobi has nothing with her then let's test him", Jimin said.

"Like?", Taehyung asked.

"Like during lunch, we call her to join in if Hobi reacted anything weird then I'm gonna ship them and that's final", Jimin said.

"I'm in", and finally the unbothered Yoongi replied.

Yes, he has been in the scene from the start. But being a lazy cat he didn't say a word but after knowing that something is going to make his adrenaline rush he finally spoke.

"We are in too", Jungkook said mentioning both him and Taehyung.

"As is it going to be Sunday tomorrow let's execute this plan on Monday, oh, and don't forget we are having a meetup tomorrow". Jimin said.

"Yay", the other three said in unison.

After chatting for a while everyone got to their respective places to work.

But Taehyung had another plan. He went straight to Lisa to have a conversation.

"Hei, Liz come to my cabin", he went from there without waiting for any reply.

"Excuse me, sir", Lisa asked.

"Come in".

"Take your seat", Taehyung said with a soft smile.

Lisa smiled and nodded in agreement.

"So let me get straight to the point, what's happening between you and Hobi", Taehyung asked all of a sudden.

Lisa choked on the air.

Ok, she never expected this AT ALL.

"Well, wh-wh-wh-what are you talking about".

"Come on I'm your head, Lisa I know everything now tell me". Taehyung said with a playful smirk.

At this point, Lisa was a complete human tomato.

"Well, sir you see, it's nothing, can I leave now please", she whined.

"Nope, never, not until you tell me, I was like your brother, don't you trust me", Taehyung said with his everyone will die for this look eyes.

Lisa sighed knowing that she never gonna escape.

"It started when I joined this company, at first I didn't get the hint when he approached me for not-so-important reasons but eventually I got to notice things and I'm not sure about anything".

"Maybe I'm exaggerating things, maybe he's being friends with me, maybe I'm expecting too much, I-I don't know and I'm not sure", Lisa's voice cracked at the end.

She is so in love with Hobi Hyung

"Hey listen, Liz, even I'm not sure about his feelings but after watching him for 5 days I can say that he has something for you more than a friendship".

"How can you be so sure".

"Come on have you ever seen his oh-so-bright smile whenever he looks at you and his whipped face it's written all over his face that he's having something for you". Taehyung said making Lisa blush furiously.

"Ok, let's test him, we have a plan and I want you to just cooperate with us".

"What do you mean by we, us"

"Well, it's me, Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi that's all"

"Oh shoot, no I'm embarrassed", Lisa said while hiding her face in her palms.

Taehyung laughed at her.

"Stop it, Liz it's nothing, you know what they ship you both".

"WHAT, I mean what"

"Stop getting flustered and yes, they are shipping you both", Taehyung said while laughing.

"Whatever I'm leaving, see you on Monday", Lisa said and left from there with the speed of light.

Taehyung laughed his head off at the younger's behavior.

I hope you both get together.


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