23. Movie Night

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Taehyung woke up when he felt someone shaking his shoulder and calling his name in an oh-so-sweet tone. He opened his eyes and adjusted to the lights. There stands Jungkook with a cup of tea, smiling at him.

"Good morning, Tae", Jungkook said.

"Morning feather", Taehyung said in his morning voice sending a chill to Jungkook.

" Tea", Jungkook said raising the cup.

"Yeah, but come here", Taehyung said grabbing the cup and placing it on the table, and making Jungkook sit next to him on the floor.

Taehyung softly caresses the ravenette's head with a tendering smile.

"How are you feeling now", taehyung asked.

"N-not bad", jungkook said smiling a little.

The elder hummed in response and started to caress the ravenette's cheeks.

"Um, T-Tae, a-about yesterday, I-", the brunette didn't let the younger talk further by placing his finger against the younger's lips.

"Shhh, what I said is said, and let's drop the topic hmm", taehyung said. Jungkook sighed in defeat.

Taehyung placed his fingers under jungkook's chin and lift his face to meet his own. They both stared at each other until Taehyung broke the contact and smiled.

"I know you are feeling guilty, please don't hurt yourself, I can't see you in pain", the brunette whispered.

"What about you. What about you Tae, a-are'nt you hurting too, aren't y-you in pain", Jungkook whispered with guilt-filled eyes.

Tears started to run down his cheeks. But Taehyung's hand filed off those and he cupped the younger's fragile cheeks. His big hands covered almost the whole face and Jungkook look too cute for his heart.

"Please don't cry baby, I don't care about me, I want you to be happy, if my feather is happy then I'm happy too", Taehyung said with at most love that melted the other's soul.

Jungkook broke into tears and leaned onto Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung let his fingers run through the younger's hair. They stayed like that until the ravenette calm down.

"You ok now, feather", Taehyung asked when the younger calmed down and only the sniffing could be heard. The younger nodded in response as he have no energy to even open his mouth and snuggled more into the elder's warm embrace. Taehyung chuckled and his heart sinks into the happiness that the younger feel so comfortable around him.

They stayed like that for some more minutes and Jungkook get to freshen up. Taehyung called Namjoon and asked for a day off, Namjoon accepted without asking any other questions after a 'is everything ok' and Taehyung assured the elder saying that he'll explain when he hits the office. He hung up the call and made a note which says that he'll be back after getting a quick shower and stuck it on Jungkook's bathroom door and left for his apartment.

They both spend their day together.


After hearing an excited "may I come in", namjoon let that happy bear inside.

"Good morning hyung!!", Taehyung said as his face resembled the sun and that made Namjoon close his eyes with his hands.

"Morning, morning, is there any good news Tae, you seem to be soooo happy", namjoon asked after he took his seat.

"yes! Hyungie, Jungkook accepted my proposal", he said with dreamy eyes.

"what!!!", namjoon choked on his air.

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